May 2012

Physical Education Kit

Dear Parent/Guardian,

From September 2012, we are updating our Physical Education kit and introducing some new items for all pupils. These will be available to buy from our stockist, Early Years, from 28th May 2012. We are expecting all new pupils (Year 7 in 2012) to have all new items of kit by September 2012 and all existing pupils to have all new items of kit by September 2014. During this time, pupils may wish to purchase some new items of kit to wear with their existing kit and this is acceptable until September 2014. Please note that Early Years will not be selling any of the discontinued items from 28th May 2012.

Updated Kit List

Girls Kit

Bottle green and gold polo shirt with Tudor Grange Academy crest (NEW ITEM)

Bottle green skort or shorts

Bottle green and gold football socks

Trainers and studded boots

Shin pads (compulsory for hockey and football lessons)

Boys Kit

Bottle green and gold reversible rugby shirt with Tudor Grange Academy crest (NEW ITEM)

Bottle green shorts

Bottle green and gold football socks

Trainers and studded boots

Shin pads (compulsory for hockey and football lessons)

Optional Extras

Bottle green long sleeved thermal (highly recommended) (NEW ITEM)

Bottle green hooded sweatshirt with Tudor Grange Academy crest (NEW ITEM)

Bottle green tracksuit bottoms (NEW ITEM)

Gumshield (recommended for rugby and hockey)

BOYS – Bottle green and gold polo shirt with Tudor Grange Academy crest (NEW ITEM)

GIRLS – Bottle green and gold reversible rugby shirt with Tudor Grange Academy crest (NEW ITEM)

Please note that pupils will not be permitted to wear the hooded sweatshirt for indoor lessons and certain activities (e.g. rugby). All items of kit should remain in their original state (no naming should be added).

All items of kit should be clearly labelled with your son / daughter’s name. Any items of lost property are kept in Sycamore initially and then taken to lost property which is located in the bag store.

A full version of the Academy’s Physical Education Kit policy is on the website.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Smith

Director of Sport