Nicole Pinkerton, MD
575 Rivergate Lane, Suite 207
Durango, CO 81301
Physical Address (No PO Box Numbers):______
Mailing Address (if different): ______
Preferred contact phone number and type:______
Email address:______
Marital Status:______Employer:______Occupation:______
Race/Ethnicity:______Preferred Language:______
Current Pharmacy:______
Who should we contact in case of Emergency: ______Phone: ______
Primary Care Provider or Referring physician, if any:______
Do you currently experience any problems in the following areas, please circle all that apply
General: fevers, chills, sweats, anorexia, fatigue, sleep problems, weight gain or weight loss
Eyes: eye pain, vision loss, excessive tears, blurring, irritation, redness, discharge
Ears/Nose/Throat: ear pain, decreased hearing, nasal obstruction or discharge, sore throat
Heart: chest pain, palpitations, rapid heart rate, slow heart rate, leg pain, swelling in legs
Lungs: cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, excessive sputum, bloody sputum
GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, abdominal pain
GU: urinary problems, vaginal discharge or sores, pelvic pain, changes in menstrual bleeding
MS: back pain, limb pain, joint pain, swelling or stiffness, muscle cramps, muscle weakness
Skin: rash, itching, dryness, ulcers or growths, worrisome lesions, breast problems
Neuro: headache, weakness, numbness, seizures, fainting, tremors, confusion
Psych: depression, anxiety, memory loss, mental changes, paranoia
Endocrine: cold or heat intolerance, hot flashes, weight changes, frequent drinking or voiding
Heme: abnormal bruising, abnormal bleeding, enlarged lymph nodes
Imm: hives, hay fever, persistent infection, HIV exposure
Health Screening:
Last Pap and result: ______
Last mammogram and result: ______
Last colonscopy and result: ______
Last bone density and result: ______
Number of pregnancies: ______
Number and type of births: ______
Age when your started having menstrual cycles: ______
Age when you stopped having menstrual cycles/menopause: ______
Are you sexually active: ______
Contraception used: ______
Any history of abnormal pap tests (if yes, when and what treatment): ______
Any history of STDs (if yes, when and what type): ______
Have you had more than 5 sexual partners in your lifetime: ______
Do you routinely check your breasts: ______
Menstual History, if applicable
Last normal menstrual period ______
Number of days between periods? (1st day to 1st day) ______
Number of bleeding days? ______
Any bleeding between periods? ______
Do you have pain or cramping with your periods? ______
Periods are regular/irregular? ______
How many periods in the last year? ______
Past Medical History, please check all that apply Family History, please check all that apply
£ High Blood Pressure and list affected relative.
£ Heart Disease
£ Other Heart condition
£ High cholesterol
£ Diabetes
£ Stroke
£ Thyroid Disease
£ Osteoporosis
£ Gastrointestinal disease
£ Kidney infection/stones
£ Seizure disorder
£ Blood clot/Thrombosis
£ Blood disorder
£ Asthma
£ Other respiratory disease
£ Anxiety
£ Depression
£ Blood transfusion
£ Cancer (type)______
£ Other
£ High blood pressure
£ Heart Disease
£ Other Heart condition
£ Diabetes
£ Stroke
£ Bleeding disorder
£ Thyroid disease
£ Cancer
£ Other
Surgical History, please list procedure and date
Social History, please check all that apply
£ I have never smoked
£ I stopped smoking Quit Date______
£ I currently smoke Number of packs/day______
£ I do not drink alcohol
£ I drink alcohol How many days/week______
On a typical day, How many drinks/day______
£ I do not use any recreational drugs
£ I use recreational drugs Which one(s)?______
Medication and supplements, please list drug, amount and how taken
Allergies, please list any medication allergies and reaction
How did you hear about us (please check all that apply)
£ Referred by a doctor. ______
£ Recommended by a friend
Who should we thank ______
£ Newspaper advertisement
£ Radio advertisement
£ Insurance company listing
£ Phone book
£ Other: ______
NAME OF PATIENT: / DOB:Communications Preferences
From time to time, it may be necessary and/or desirable to contact you regarding your care. Please complete the following to indicate your preferences for communicating with you.
I wish to be contacted in the following manner:
(only complete the options that apply to you)
Home Phone: ______May we leave a detailed message? Yes No
Cell Phone: ______May we leave a detailed message? Yes No
Work Phone: ______May we call you at work? Yes No
May we leave a detailed message? Yes No
Other Phone (please specify): ______May we leave a detailed message? Yes No
Other (please be specific):______
May we speak with someone else regarding your medical care, such as your primary care provider or a family member? Yes No
If so, please list their name and their relationship to you.
Name: ______Relationship: ______
Name: ______Relationship: ______
Currently, we will contact you by phone to remind you of upcoming appointments. Additionally, we will send health maintenance reminders by mail and you will be notified of your test results by phone or by mail, depending on the nature of your tests. If you choose to be contacted by another method or no notification at all, please use this area to let us know your preferences.
I understand that this request is only applicable to information held by Specialists in Women’s Care, PC. I also understand that the use of an alternative means of communication may not be protected and could endanger my privacy. I understand that I may change this consent, in writing, at any time. By signing this form, I am consenting to the use and disclosure of my protected health information by Specialists in Women’s Care, PC.
Signature of patient, parent or legal guardian Date