Priority Actions / Lead Organisation / Time scale
(if applicable) / Costs / Targets and Mile stones / Evidence /
Implementing the Action Plan
PA 1. Review the PA Action Plan and ensure that it reflects current and planned initiatives of the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group / Pennine Care Physical Activity Service
Link4Life / (i) MAHLS March’13
(ii) 23rd May 2013 / (i) Draft action plan to be discussed at MAHLS meeting
(ii) Draft to be circulated to Health and Wellbeing Board.
(iii) Finalized action plan to be circulated to Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group members for input and consultation.
PA 2. Review the membership of the existing PA steering group to reflect the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group, and ensure representation from a range of public, voluntary, community and private sectors with a role in promoting physical activity, to oversee and co-ordinate actions relating to this Strategy. / Pennine Care Physical Activity Service
Link4Life / June / July 2013 / (i) Set terms of reference
(ii) Set meeting frequency
(iii) Review of group membership / (i) – (iii) Completed by 31ST July 2013
PA 3.Development of Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group and joint working between Link4 Life, HMR NHS (provider and commissioner) and other key local service providers to promote PA as part of wider health initiatives to address health inequalities. E.g. adult care services , healthy schools, voluntary sector, CVS, MIND etc. / Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group / (i) Formalized through Established SLA’s for provision of key services.
(ii) Monitoring and evaluation framework of SLAs
(iii) Reporting systems through the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group and MAHLS Group.
(iv) Develop pathways for specialist physical activity opportunities prior to accessing mainstream services.
(v) Develop work streams linked to the work of the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group for targeted populations.
PA 4 Provide robust monitoring information and ensure reports are distributed to MAHLS and Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group other appropriate strategic groups / Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group / Quarterly updating of Healthy Life styles performance framework. Include collection of information concerning:
(i) Case studies
(ii) Target setting
(iii) Outputs and outcome measures
(iv) Testimonials
(v) Physical data
(vi) KPI’s / Quarterly reports
Annual reports
Increase participation in sport & physical activity by Children & Young People
PA 5 Support the development of physical activity initiatives for Under 5’s / Link4Life
PAT Healthy Weight Team / Ongoing / (i)  Turbo Tots& Turbo kids
(ii)  Pram push walks
(iii) Delivery of PANDA course
(iv) Greater Manchester Lets Play Initiative
(v)  Free Swimming for U5’s
(vi) Toddler Football
(vii)  HAPPY course
PA 6 Support schools to provide sports and leisure provision within the school timetable and for extra-curricular activities. / School Games Partnership / March 2017 / (i)  School Games Partnership
(ii)  School Games competitions
(iii)  Playground to Podium
(iv)  Sportivate programme
(v)  Change4Life Clubs
(vi)  NHS Families project
(vii) NHS Dodgeball programme
(viii)  School Learn to Swim Programme
PA 7 Increasing the number of borough residents gaining recognised qualifications in the sport and leisure industry through the new Link4Life Training Academy. / Link4Life / Ongoing / (i)  New Link4Life Academy launched on 19th April 2013
(ii)  Working in partnership with Hopwood Hall College to develop a leadership programme
(iii) Secure further funding through Neighbourhood Learning and Deprived Communities to develop bespoke training
(iv) Work with Job Centre and Greatersport to introduce ‘Get on Track’ Programme
PA 8 Establish out of school activity programmes for C & YP across the Borough / Link4Life Sports Programmes Team / Sportivate programme funded until March 2017. / (i)  Deliver new Go4It clubs (8 – 12 years) on behalf of NHS
(ii)  Deliver Sportivate programme for 11-25 years
(iii)  Link4Life Leisure Facilities to establish new weekly programmes for C & YP
(iv)  Holiday activity programmes
(v)  NHS StreetGames
(vi)  Swimming programme
(vii)  Swim Academy
PA 9 Support schools to adopt School Travel Plans, including partnership work with Sustrans’ Links to Schools, National Cycle Network and Bike It programmes. / Sustainability Team / To be updated
PA 10 Develop and promote walking to increase physical activity levels in the Borough. / Pennine Care Physical Activity Service
Schools / Walking for Health
Walking Buses?
Increase Adult Participation in sport & physical activity (target 150 minutes per week)
PA 11 Develop new programmes of activity in leisure facilities within Rochdale Borough in mainstream leisure centres and community locations to promote equitable access and participation in physically active lifestyles by all sections of the community. / Link4Life
Pennine Care Exercise Referral Team
Sports Clubs
Community groups / 2013
Ongoing / (i)  Delivery of NHS Families project
(ii)  Community Outreach activity programme
(iii)  Community CHD project
(iv)  Exercise Referral programme
(v)  Sportivate programme
(vi)  Community Sport Activation project (Activ8te Me)
(vii)  COPD exercise class
(viii)  Gentle Exercise for People with Long Term conditions
(ix)  Primetime (over 50’s)
PA 12 Ensure community use of facilities on school sites for promotion of physically active & healthy lifestyles / RMBC
Link4Life / 2013 - 2015 / (i) Community Outreach programmes – Sportivate 11-25 years.
(ii) Competitions in partnership with Rochdale Borough School Games Partnership.
PA 13 Promote the use of locally accessible community venues for programmes of sport & physical activity / Link4Life
Community Groups / 2013 – 2016 / (i)  Develop new activities in targeted community venues as part of Activ8te ME Programme, Sportivate 11-25 years and Activ4Life Programme
(ii)  Support local community groups and organisations to deliver programmes of activity through access to qualified coaches, tutors, grant funding applications, risk assessments & training
PA 14 Encourage & promote the use of countryside, parks and open spaces to develop participation in outdoor activities such as cycling, walking, climbing and watersports as part of the development of a physically active lifestyle / RMBC
Environmental Management
Sports Clubs / Outdoor Gym in Balderstone Park in 2013
CCG funded Healthcycle until Sept. 2013
September 2013
Ongoing / (i) Introduce new & improved play facilities in parks e.g bouldering walls, outdoor gym in Balderstone Park, trim trails
(ii) Cycling for Health activities
(iii) Health Walks
(iv) Water sports activity programmes
(v) Provide support for local clubs – watersports, cycling, walking, ramblers, climbing etc
(vi) Introduction of new initiatives such as MTB (mountain trail biking) climbing.
(vii) Delivery of British Cycling Breeze rides (women only cycling initiative)
(viii) Promotion of Connect2 network of shared cycling & walking routes through route guide map, Connect 2 poetry & planned events
(x)  Introduction of ParkRun into borough
(xi) Ongoing support to Bowls clubs via bowls forum, walkers via Rights of Way Forum
(xii)  Mandale Park track due for renewal June 2013 with external grant funding
(xiii)  Green Volunteer scheme intoroduced in 2009 continuing enabling active environmental volunteering in parks and countryside
PA 15 Deliver the new Community Sport Activation Fund (CSAF) programme Activ8te ME - to develop new activities to increase once a week participation in sport by those aged 14 and over. / Link4Life / 2013 - 2016 / (i) Funding secure until 2016
(ii) To introduce new formal opportunities which could lead to regular participation
(iii)To ensure sport becomes a regular part of the majority of people’s lives
(iv)Encourage and support local partners to work together to develop new approaches to delivery
(v) Develop multi-sport activities which provide people with a range of choices and opportunities to suit them.
PA 16 Provide advice and guidance to key service providers around physical activity and identify training need. / Integrated Healthy Lifestyles Partnership / Ongoing / (i)  Education sessions for Health Professionals such as Health Chats training/ Every contact counts
(ii)  NICE guidance
(iii)  Referral pathways to other services providing PA interventions ( eg Obesity care pathways) Disability care pathways) linked to the work of the Integrated Healthy Lifestyle Partnership group
PA17 Maximize marketing opportunities for the promotion of Healthy Lifestyles, Sport and Physical activity and local web based directories. / Integrated Healthy Lifestyles Partnership / Ongoing / (i)  Keep the Link4Life website up to date with latest programmes & initiatives around sport & physical activity and club finder links to local club database
(ii)  Develop new marketing initiatives via Facebook, Twitter & Text messaging
(iii)  Promote providers through the
Pennine Care Resource Centre & single point of access points
(v) Develop targeted marketing campaigns with logo and branding on the back of commissioned work from Kenyon Fraser the MAHLS group
PA 18 Development of volunteers and work with voluntary sector organisations to develop voluntary sector capacity to support widening opportunities for PA participation. / Integrated Healthy Lifestyles Partnership / Ongoing / (i)  Volunteering through Link4Life volunteer programme.
PA 19 Build capacity for sport & physical activity within local club framework and offer training opportunities to support club accreditation and quality standards.
/ Link4Life / Ongoing / (i)  Support & encourage clubs to achieve NGB quality standards
(ii)  Provide access to training for clubs & volunteers
(iii)  Support clubs to achieve English Federation of Disability Sports Club Mark
Increase participation in sport & physical activity by Adults, Children & Young People with Disabilities
PA 20 Develop new opportunities for participation in sports and physical activity for children, young people and adults with disabilities, including mental health, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, visual and hearing impairments. / Link4Life Disability Sports Officer
Rochdale Youth Services
Rochdale School Games Partnership
Redwood School
Adult Care
LD Providers
Gateway Leisure / Funding until March 2014 / Funding secured to March 2014 for Borough Disability Sports Officer post – responsible for following projects:-
(i) Deliver Sunsport & SunArts Holiday Activity programmes for Disabled Children & Young People
(ii) Deliver Saturday Activity Clubs for Disabled Children & Young People
(iii)  Introduce new activity programmes for Disabled Adults
(iv)  Deliver weekly Accessible Cycling activity programme
(viii)  Provide support for Disabled C & YP through introduction of Playground to Podium talent identification scheme
(ix)  Deliver Greater Manchester School Games competitions for disabled & non disabled school children
(x)  Establish training programme for local sports clubs, Link4Life employees, coaches, instructors & volunteers to support disabled children & adults into sport.
(xi)  MIND Physical Activity project
(xii)  Introduce new Activ Support package for adults with disabilities
(xiii)  Support transition of C & YP from Childrens services to Adult services ensuring continuation of leisure activities
(xiv)  Deliver disability sports taster days
(xv)  Deliver weekly Inspired Sports activity sessions for disabled C & YP / Part funded by Short Breaks for Disabled Children, RMBC Public Health & Link4Life
Increase participation in physical activity by Workforce
PA 21 Deliver a Healthy Workforce project to encourage employees to adopt a more active & healthier lifestyle to include free health checks, stop smoke advice, healthy eating, weight management & alcohol advice sessions for employees of RBH, RMBC, Link4Life and Impact partnership.
Develop Healthy workforce action plan for other local businesses & employers in partnership with Public Health / Link4Life
Public Health
Health Trainers
Link4Life / Funding to March 2014
2013 / £18k
tbc / (i) Deliver Inter- service competitions, health checks, weekly activity sessions, health improvement courses, back care yogs & weight management courses
(ii) Organise health awareness events and work place visits.
(iii) Workforce Health trainers to engage with routine and manual workforce
(iv) Assess workforce need & develop local offer.
Increase participation in physical activity by Older Adults
PA22 Increase participation in sport & physical activity by older adults / Link4Life / Ongoing / (i)  Extend Primetime offer in mainstream leisure facilities
(ii)  Ensure appropriate distribution of Primetime marketing information
PA23 Introduce programmes of appropriate physical activity to engage those with long term health conditions / Pennine Care Exercise Referral Team
Link4Life / March 14
Sept. 2013
March 14 / (i)  Exercise Referral programme
(ii)  Community CHD programme
(iii)  Community COPD programme
(iv)  Gentle Exercise sessions for people with LTC’s
(v)  Birch Hill activity programme
(vi)  Rochdale Hospice Activity session