Instructor: Dr. Laszlo Takacs

PHYS 309, (410) 455-2524,

Place and Time:PHYS 107, MWF 11:0-11:50 am

Office hours:TuF 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Text:David J. Griffiths: Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition

Pearson/Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-111892-7


This course will provide basic introduction to quantum mechanics, based on Schrödinger’s formulation. Standard one-dimensional problems will be discussed first, followed by axiomatic formulation, three-dimensional cases, angular momentum, and spin. The course will conclude with an elementary introduction to time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory.

Course Objectives

This course will provide the foundation for further study in quantum mechanics. It does also provide the fundamentals for its applications in other branches of physics, such as solid state physics, atomic physics, optics, etc.

Course Format

We will cover about 250 small textbook pages of material. That does not seem too much, but the material is conceptually and mathematically difficult. Progress will require plenty of discussion and problem solving. Classes will be a combination of lectures and working out problems. You are strongly encouraged to participate and to ask questions at any time.


I will not collect homework. There will be weakly assignments, but you need not submit solutions. Instead, I will evaluate your ability to solve the homework problems via weekly quizzes. Every quiz will be identical to a homework problem or part of a homework problem. You can work on the homework in study groups, but make sure that at the end you are able to solve any problem on your own.Quizzes are paper and pencil only; I will include the necessary formulas as hints.

The book for the course is a standard text, used at many universities. Therefore, it is possible to find sample solutions on the web to most of its problems. Copies of my sample solutions from earlier semesters may be around also. Stay away form them! You should learn how to apply the material actively, reading a sample solution does not serve this purpose. There is a big difference between understanding every step of a solution and being able to figure out what steps to make and how. Thus resist the temptation! You must also learn how to check your result without any reference. If you have a sample solution, put it aside until your solution is complete and you are quite certain that it is correct. If you get stuck with a problem, ask me or a classmate for a hint instead of looking up the answer. Passive reading of a solution is not sufficient.

MATHEMATICA is an immensely helpful tool, but keep in mind that you have to do the evaluation manually on the quizzes and tests. Thus make sure that you use MATHEMATICA to save time, not to get through an evaluation you could not do without it.

Unless agreed onotherwise, homework will be distributed every Monday and the quiz on that homework will take place at the beginning of the lecture a week later. Let me know in advance, if you have another test on the same day. We will try to find a more appropriate time. Sample solutions will be posted on the web soon after the deadline.

There will be 11 quizzes during the semester; I will drop the lowest quiz grade. There will be no separate quiz on 3.2, but one of the test problems will be based on a homework problem.


There will be two in-class midterm tests during the semester, tentatively scheduled for March 3 and April 16. A cumulative final will be given during exam week, with some extra emphasis on the material covered after the second midterm. The tests will be open book, but no other material or electronic aid of any sort will be allowed. “Open book” means that you can look up the exact form of a formula or a related result, but you must know what to look for, where to find it in the book, and how to use it. The time will not be enough to learn the material “as needed” during the test.

If you miss a test for medical or other unavoidable reason, provide proof, and we will arrange for a make-up test. If you know that you will have to miss a test for a foreseeable reason, make arrangements before the test, rather than after. Contrary to the saying, it is easier to get permission than forgiveness from me. (That attitude applies to other issues also.)

Grades will be determined based on the sum of all points earned during the semester:

2Midterm exams100 points each=200

1Final exam200 points=200

10Quizzes 20 points each=200

Total 600

I do curve. Approximately, A will be given for at least 90%, B for at least 75%, C for at least 60% of the actually achieved highesttotal. (I expect that the highest total will be close to 500 points.) Notice that homework quizzes together count as much as the final exam; I consider them – and the consistent work they are supposed to promote - very important.

Learning Outcome Assessment

The average results of the exams and quizzes for the class as a whole will be used as part of the Physics Department’s Learning Outcome Assessment Plan. Statistical averages, general trends, and qualitative observations will be provided to the faculty, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, and department chairman for use in assessing the department’s success at achieving its overall objectives and in determining the need for any possible improvements or adjustments to the curriculum or teaching methods. Results for individual students will not be used for this purpose.

Academic Integrity

“By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating on a test could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal.” More on the requirements of academic integrity can be found at

Applied to this course, a proven case of misconduct during a test or quiz “earns” zero on the test in question. A second offence will result in failing the course. Do not risk it.

On my side, I promise well-prepared lectures, careful and timely grading, and openness.

Questions and Comments

If you have any question, concern, or suggestion during the semester, do not hesitate to talk to me. Do not wait until the end of the semester. Comments on the blue sheets help next year’s studentsonly.

Although I do have designated office hours, my door is always open, if you have a short question, comment, or request. If you are working in a group, come together. You may initiate a mini-recitation. If you have major difficulties and need substantial one-on-one attention, schedule an appointment. Do so early. If the first homework seems difficult, let’s sit down and find out the reason. Do not hope that the next one will be easier. Just the opposite is typically the case. You can fall behind quickly.

Efficient discussion requires working out equations, drawing graphs, etc. It cannot be done efficiently in an email or on the phone. See me at my office with technical questions. Use the phone or email (preferred) to let me know if you cannot attend a class or to schedule an appointment. You can also email any comment or concern. Although I prefer meeting you in person, I understand that it may be uncomfortable to talk about some things.


The planned schedule for the semester is posted in a separate file. In order to keep us moving, I will try to follow it very closely.

Course Web Site