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NW SEND Regional Network News

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Regional Network
Newsletter January 2017
The is the place to go to find everything you need to know in one place.
If there are particular areas of work or themes that you would like support with, activities or events then do let us know. We would also welcome any good news you have to share, or challenges you’d like to work with others to find solutions for, in order that we can share the learning across the North West. We welcome contributions to network activities, requests for connections for support, information about forthcoming events for future editions of this newsletter and new additions to the newsletter circulation list. For any of these please contact Dr Cathy Hamer, NW SEND Regional Network lead, Email: . Tel: 0778 357 7284.
Gill Hoar
NW SEND Regional Lead, Oldham
NW SEND Regional Network events:
21.2.17 10 – 1pm Local Offer peer review workshop (Breakfast 9.30)
Partnership for Learning Charity, South Road, Speke, Liverpool. L24 9PZ
The workshop is designed for local authority officers responsible for maintaining or owning the SEND Local Offer and for parent carers (there are 2 allocated places per LA and 2 per PCF which should be booked together by contacting ) no later than 10.2.17.
Please note that in order for the workshop to be successful there is a small amount of pre-work that is required from delegates.
NB This is a repeat of the workshop on 9.2.16 in Rochdale at which all places have now been allocated.
7.3.17 9.30 – 4.30 FreeTrain the Trainer session to support local practitioners across education, health and care to deliver the CDC Workshop on ‘Key Working Supporting the SEND Reforms’
Venue to be advised.
By the end of the day, participants will be able to:
· Demonstrate an understanding of the ethos and contents of the training - Key Working Supporting the SEND Reforms
· Apply different delivery approaches and consider flexible uses of the materials
· Clearly demonstrate the links between a key working approach and the SEND reforms
· Source support material for delivery and sign post their own local participants to further information and learning
All materials and training tools will be provided free of charge, with the understanding that participants will cascade the training to their colleagues locally. This session will not cover training methods as it is expected that those attending will have some experience of delivering sessions with colleagues.
To book a place email:
23.3.17 Save the date: 9.30 - 12Data and Children and Young People with Complex Needs
Based on a soon to be published CDC Data report, this session for local authority and CCG SEND leads and managers will help them understand what national data tells us about CYP with complex needs; and what this means for commissioning.
Information about booking a place will be available in the next newsletter.
23.3.17 Save the date: 1.30 – 5 Personalisation and personal budget uptake
This session for local authority and CCG SEND leads and managers will consider how local areas can develop joined approaches to personalisation of services for CYP with SEND, including the use of, and commissioning for, increased personal budget uptake.
Information about booking a place will be available in the next newsletter.
2.5.17 Save the date:Early years/SEND Action learning set 3
Information about booking a place will be available in the next newsletter.
Other events in the North West
1.2.17 EHC plans – Workshop for professionals, Manchester

4.2.17 EHC plans – Workshop for parents, Seashell Trust, Cheadle

8.2.17 4- 6pm Ketso based creative envisioning:How can we improve children and young people’s impact on law and policy making?
University of Central Lancashire, Livesey House, Room LH013
The seminar is free. Refreshments are provided. To confirm your attendance please go to
The seminar will be preceded (3 -3.50) by an introductory session on children’s rights and policy making, facilitated by Deborah Crook and Cath Larkins. All welcome but please confirm your attendance by email
16 and 17.2.17 Independent Support legal training and the role of the Independent Supporter
Kings House, Sidney St, Manchester M1 7HB

6.3.17SEN and Disability – Strengthening regional partnerships across health and local authorities, North region

7.3.17 Continence
Bolton Arena, Bolton, Greater Manchester
This one day event for health and social care professionals will include a wide range of lectures and workshops on a variety of continence issues. The three parallel learning streams – adult, paediatric, bowel care – are delivered by experts in these fields and will highlight best practice and service delivery models.
There is also an exhibition of the latest products, equipment and services.
Booking is essential. For further information visit the website

30.3.17 Raising Education Standards and Attainment Across the Northern Powerhouse
Central Manchester
Sarah Lewis, Deputy Director, School Improvement and Opportunity Areas, DEPARTMENT FOR EDUCATION will deliver a keynote session titled 'Improving the Quality of Education Across Schools in the Northern Powerhouse' which will cover:
- Outlining the governments vision to raise school standards across the north of England
- Investing an additional £20 million towards the northern powerhouse schools strategy
- Recognising the need to incentivise recruitment to attract and retain a talented and skilled teaching workforce
- Looking to the future: Evaluating what more needs to be done to improve student attainment
Anne Casey, Deputy Director, Office of the Regional Schools Commissioner for Lancashire and West Yorkshire will share essential insight on the role of the Regional Schools Commissioner in driving improvement in under-performing schools.
View the full agenda here:
5 & 6.5.17 Nursery World North
Exhibition Centre, Liverpool
Presentations by Professor Ferre Laevers, Jan Dubiel, Linda Pound and many more as well as a comprehensive exhibition.
Please visit for full details about the seminars and masterclasses, to register and book your places.
24.5.17 The Local Offer and Concept Training One Day Conference
For further information email:
19.7.17 Supporting Vulnerable Children and Young People in an Uncertain World
39th annual conference of the International School Psychology Association
University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University

Care Quality Commission to review children and adolescent mental health services nationally, following Prime Minister's request on 9th January
The Prime Minister, Theresa May, delivered the annual Charity Commission Lecture where she announced a series of measures to "transform mental health support".
As part of this, she asked the Care Quality Commission to lead "a major thematic review of children and adolescent mental health services across the country" to identify what is working well and what is not.
CQC will take forward this work in discussion with other agencies and inspectorates, and expects to report on its findings in 2017/18.

Services for people with a learning disability and/or autistic spectrum disorder
NHS England is consulting for a period of 12 weeks on how low and medium secure services for people with a learning disability and/or autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) should be provided across the North West. The opportunity to participate will end on the 23rd of February when the consultation closes. For further details and to take part please see:
Bercow: Ten Years On- A national review of support for children with speech, language and communication needs
This January, I CAN, children’s communication charity, and the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists are kick starting the first phase of Bercow: Ten Years On, a national review of support for children with SLCN in England. They are calling parents, schools, commissioners and employers to support their inquiry into support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) in England.
Gathering the views of as many stakeholders as possible will be crucial to ensuring I CAN and RCSLT get the information needed to inform the report. Therefore we would encourage you to take part and share your experiences of support for children with SLCN.
There are two ways to take part: complete a short 10 minute online survey about the support children with SLCN are getting and the scale of the issue, and submit written information sharing your experiences of the reality of SLCN support and information for children, young people and their families through the more detailed inquiry.
In addition to this, watch out for phase two of gathering evidence when they will be seeking the views of parents, carers and young people.
For more information visit the Bercow: Ten Years On website, follow #Bercow10Years on social media or email .
These are our children: a review by Dame Christine Lenehan
Dame Christine Lenehan was asked by the Department of Health to take a strategic overview and recommend what practical action can be taken to co-ordinate care, support and treatment for children and young people with complex needs (and behaviour that challenges) involving mental health problems and learning disabilities and/or autism. She spoke to many different organisations and individuals, including young people and their families. Her report makes 11 recommendations for government departments and partners at a national level on how to improve the system.

The SEND Reforms in England: Supporting Children and Young People with speech, language and communication needs
This new reporthighlights concerns about lack of access to speech and language therapy support for children and young people without Education and Health Care plans. The report identifies some good practice but emphasises challenges in implementing the 2014 reforms in England. It would appear that the focus on EHC planning demands has been to the detriment of children and young people receiving SEN Support. The report also notesthat joint commissioning of services is patchy in areas and commissioning to support 0-2 and 18-25 age ranges is poor. Speech and language therapy service engagement with EHC planning processes is reported to vary considerably.
The report is based on a survey of speech and language therapists (summer 2017) commissioned by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.

Pupils and their parents or carers omnibus: wave 1 survey (Jan 2017)
A summary of responses to questions asked in the pupils and their parents or carers omnibus survey.
Topics covered for the Department for Education (DfE) in the summer 2016 wave of the pupil and their parents or carers omnibus survey include:
  • parental involvement in pupils’ learning
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • changes at school
  • plans for the future
  • life outside of studies
  • pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Teacher voice omnibus: May to July 2016 survey - DfE questions (Jan 2017)
A summary of responses to questions asked in the teacher voice omnibus survey
Topics covered for DfE in the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) teacher voice omnibus survey include:
  • mental health
  • flexible working and performance-related pay
  • the self-improving school system
  • curriculum and qualification reform
  • STEM subject teaching
  • careers education
  • developing character and resilience
  • behaviour and attendance
  • the pupil premium
  • special educational needs
Focus: Appropriate adult
Family carers and learning disability providers are often asked to act as an ‘Appropriate Adult’ for a person with a learning disability whom they support, however, many are untrained and have little experience of the criminal justice system themselves.
This free downloadable guide1 explains the role of an ‘Appropriate Adult’ and provides information about the criminal justice system, explaining terms that we have often heard but not fully understood.
Did you know?
  • People with autistic spectrum conditions are seven times more likely to come into contact with the police than the general population.
  • 15% of young people in custody are on the autistic spectrum
  • Young people with learning disabilities represent 30% of people in custody
  • 10% of the prison population has a diagnosed learning disability (that’s 8,000 people in England & Wales)
  • 60% of prisoners have difficulties with “communication skills”
This guide will increase the understanding and confidence of untrained Appropriate Adults, helping them to deal with a difficult and stressful situation.

Focus: Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology Research and Practice (EPRaP) is an open access periodical published twice a year by the School of Psychology, University of East London. This edition focuses on the impact of the Children and Families Act and SEND Code of Practice. This issue, Guest Edited by Mark Fox, celebrates the opportunities the Code has given Educational Psychologists to change how they work and largely focuses on a key aspect; the voice, or participation, of children and young people (CYP). It offers challenges, but also solutions to some of the most pressing issues faced by the profession.

Good practice guidance: Education Health and Care Plans

Free guide to eye gaze in the classroom

Inclusive resources

NDTi and Challenging Behaviour Foundation. New resources for children and young people:
1.Why we need to develop local pathways
2.Legal duties and guidance
3.Tools to develop local pathways
A Guide to the law on NHS Continuing Care and NHS Funded Nursing Care: Landmark Chambers
Inclusion Matters 2016: Resilience conference
On Friday 25th November around 100 adults interested in education gathered at Gorton Monastery to consider what "Resilience" means for the education of our children and young people. The presentations and associated materials or links are now available on the conference webpage: Resilience conference.
PSHE relationship and sex education resources

Workforce development:
FREE ‘Train the Trainer’ webinars for teaching staff in primary, secondary and post 16 education between January-February 2017 within the DfE funded Dyslexia Support Contract – ‘Teaching for Neurodiversity’.
To register online please use the following link
Focus: Eating disorder service
Young People to Benefit from a new Community Eating Disorder Service
February 2017 will see the launch of a new, community-based service for children and young people with eating disorders in Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington.
5 Boroughs Partnership Trust will be delivering this new service in partnership with Beat, a leading national eating disorder charity and St Helens and Knowsley Hospital Trust.
Commissioned for the next 3 years by Halton Clinical Commissioning Group, Knowsley Clinical Commissioning Group, St Helens Clinical Commissioning Group and Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group, this will be the first time the Trust has delivered a dedicated children and young people’s eating disorder service across these four boroughs.
The service will provide assessment, treatment and support for young people with eating disorders and their families. It aims to promote the early detection and treatment of eating disorders through a combination of one-to-one support and family therapy, along with support from a qualified dietitian.
The new service will operate alongside 5 Boroughs Partnership’s existing community eating disorder service for adults in Knowsley and St Helens, and its community eating disorder service for young people in Wigan and Bolton, which is set to launch in April 2017.
The Trust and its partners will be working to establish the service and will be working closely with local schools, colleges and GP practices to build links and raise awareness of the service.
For more information, contact Sophie Ellis, Communications and Marketing Lead on 01925 664 889 or email
Anyone who is concerned that they or someone they know may have an eating disorder can contact Beat’s helpline for support, advice and information on:
0345 634 1414 or visit
People under the age of 18 can also contact Beat’s Youthline on 0345 634 7650.
Other newsletters
BILD: Continuing Care Network
December Newsletter
BILD: Epilepsy Network
December Newsletter
Contact a Family & NNPCF joint news

ICAN newsletter

Learning Disability England newsletter
Learning Disability England: Jan 16thnewsletter
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