Photography One Supply List

Mr. Hawley and Mrs. Mariani Room 151

This course is designed to familiarize students with photographic techniques and processes in relationship to both the traditional SLR film camera and darkroom as well as digital photography. As such there are specific costs and materials associated with the class. Below is a list of required materials and supplies that are necessary for all students to have in order to participate in the course.


·  $25.00 lab fee to purchase the following supplies: Ilford brand black and white multi-grade photo paper, one roll of Kodak T-Max 400 black and white 35mm film (24 exposures), and one digital SD memory card.

·  One package of eight (8) dividers

·  One 1” three-ring binder

·  One 35mm camera - SLR or Point & Shoot (Due Date TBA)

·  One digital camera - any type (Due Thursday, 9-15-14 *Make sure you have new batteries!)

**Our computer lab is equipped with memory card readers to download your photos, however if your camera isn’t compatible (very rare) you may need to download your photos at home and put them on a CD or a USB drive in order to use them at school.

·  One package of plastic sleeve sheet protectors (preferable) or one box of punched-hole reinforcements to be used when placing handouts in your notebook

·  One highlighter marker

**Students may have to purchase a new roll of film on their own if a mistake is during the developing process.

$25.00 Lab Fee and supplies (except cameras) are due Monday, 9-10 (10 pt assignment)

Field Trips:

Fall: A photo shooting field trip will be planned to a Western NY Location (ex. Buffalo Zoo, Delaware Park, Downtown Buffalo, Forest Lawn Cemetery, etc.). Approximate cost $10.00.

Spring: A field trip to the George Eastman House museum of photography in Rochester will take place in the spring. This is a unique opportunity for students as they will get the chance to experience the world’s most renowned collection of photography and film! Students will take a tour of the museum as well as the actual George Eastman Mansion, an experience they won’t likely forget. Since this is an all day trip to Rochester it is necessary to book coach busses. The cost of transportation and admission to the museum is approximately $25.00 per student.


Please sign and return this lower portion only by Friday, September 8th (This is a 10 pt Assignment!)

Parents: I have reviewed the supply and material list and I am aware of the various costs associated with my child taking this class.