Comparative assessment of aliphatic and aromatic ethoxylated compounds during flotation of calcium-containing minerals

V.A.Ivanova, G.V.Mitrofanova, T.N.Perunkova

MiningInstituteKolaScienceCentreRussianAcademy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia, Head of Lab, Telephone +79117775621,

MiningInstituteKolaScienceCentreRussianAcademy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia, senior researcher, Telephone +79522992170,

MiningInstituteKolaScienceCentreRussianAcademy of Sciences, Apatity, Russia, engineer, Telephone +79522992170,

Proximity of flotation properties of two calcium-containing apatite and calcite minerals ensures need in using non-ionogenic ethoxylated compounds jointly with carboxylic collectors for the flotation separation. The paper presents comparative assessment of aliphatic ethoxylated аlkohols R-(OCH2-CH2)n-OH (R – saturated hydrocarbonic radical of С12-С14 composition) and ethoxylated alkylphenols i-C9H19-C6H4-O(CH2CH2O)nH with equal oxyethylation degree n = 2, 6 and 10.

Its action is displayed in the interface boundary of gas-liquid and liquid-mineral. Impact of ethoxylated compounds has been investigated on bulk and surface properties of sodium and calcium salts of carboxylic collector, froth formation process, adsorption of carboxylic collector on minerals, its hydrophobization to apatite and calcite.

Process of micelle formation has been studied in solutions of non-ionogenic surface active substances and their mixtures in distilled water and water with addition of calcium ions. The results have shown the equal possibility of two classes of considered compounds to form mixed micelle with natrium oleate in solution volume.

The dependencies have been established for dispersive ability of considered compounds depending on oxyethylation degree in relation to calcium salts of collector; dispersive ability in relation to gas phase of flotation pulp, holding strength of carboxylic collector on minerals, thus determining efficiency of apatite and calcite separation during flotation.

Aliphatic ethoxylated аlkohols have been established as more effective calcium-soap dispersing agents. It has been shown that ethoxylated compounds in the solution decrease absolute number of adsorbed fatty-acid collector. Testing on nonfrothing flotation of apatite and calcite on the Hallimond tube have shown that ethoxylated compounds additionally contribute to apatite and calcite hydrophobization through forming combined adsorption associates with sodium oleate on minerals surface similar to mixed micelles in the solution volume.

Experiments with apatite-carbonatite ore flotation have demonstrated the advantage of using ethoxylated compounds with optimum structure.

Key words: ethoxylated spirits, alkylphenol ethoxylates, physical-chemical properties, flotation, apatite, calcite