Photography Course Outline
Richland High School
Emily Hemans
Course Description – This program of study focuses on developing in-depth knowledge and skills in two-dimensional design with photography media. Building on introductory level concepts and skills acquired in middle level visual arts courses, students continue to increase their knowledge of design as applied to photographic works, critical analysis, history and culture, aesthetics, and connections among the photographic arts, other content areas, and everyday life. Various techniques and processes will be explored.
Focus on Photography, Davis Publications, Inc.
Text will NOT be checked out and assigned to students; it will only be used in class.
- One subject spiral notebook
- Pocket Folder
- Writing utensil - Students will need to have a pen or pencil daily
- USB Flash Drive (optional)
- DSLR Camera (optional) – The school has cameras that are property of RCSD that students can check-out to use. If a student has their own DSLR Camera they would like to use for the course, it must be pre-approved by the instructor to make sure it is conducive with the assignments.
If checking-out equipment for this course:
Camera, memory card, camera bag, charger, battery, and a USB cord will be provided. ALL CAMERAS, MEMORY CARDS, CAMERA BAGS, CHARGERS, BATTERIES AND USB CORDS ARE PROPERTY OF RANKIN COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS. There are a limited number of cameras and students will rotate the use of cameras. Students will be allowed to sign out cameras to take home to use for classwork. Students and parents will be responsible for the care of the camera and will be expected to return the camera in the condition in which they checked it out, at the end of their scheduled time. All cameras will have a camera bag for easy transportation and protection. If camera and/or any of the above listed materials are damaged or lost, students are responsible for the cost of various repairs and/or replacement.
Grading Policy:
Summative Grades – 60% (projects, tests)
Formative Grades – 40% (class work such as journals, reading/writing assignments, and quizzes)
RCSD Grading Scale
A / 100 / 90B / 89 / 80
C / 79 / 70
D / 69 / 60
F / 59 / below
Grades can be viewed online through the Parent Portal that can be accessed through
Classroom Rules/Expectations (the “Ranger RRAP”):
R-Respectful(I will treat others and materials with kindness)
R-Responsible (I will be prepared and on time)
A-Active Learner(I will be attentive and involved)
P-Positive Attitude (I will use my time wisely and respond correctly to teacher instruction)
Depending on the infraction, the following actions may be taken:
- Warning
- Parent Contact and/or Conference
- After School Detention
- Office Referral
Bathroom Policy:
Students should use the bathroom before and after class. Students will also be given a break in the middle of class with a chance to use the bathroom. Students will be allowed one “emergency” bathroom break each nine weeks, should they need to use the bathroom at a different time during class.
Tardy Policy:
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Parent Contact
3rd offense – Behavior Intervention
4th offense – 1 day After School Detention
5th offense – 2 days After School Detention
6th offense – 2 or 3 days After School Detention or Out of School Suspension
Cell Phone Policy:
The use of cell phones is not allowed.
1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Phone will be kept in the teacher’s desk until the end of the class
3rd offense – Phone will be sent to the office and held for 5 days, ora $15 fine
4th offense – Phone will be sent to the office and held for 10 days, ora $25 fine
5th offense – Phone will be sent to the office and held for 20 days, or a $35 fine
6th offense – Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school year
There is no food, drink or gum allowed in the art room, with the exception of water.
Contact Information:
School Phone - 601-939-5144
You may also view my website which can be accessed through There you will find a class syllabus, tutoring times, project information/rubrics, as well as other information pertaining to the class.
Important Information to be filled out and returned to Ms. Hemans:
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Student Name: ______
Relationship to student: ______
Parent/Guardian Email Address: ______
Home Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______
Cell Phone: ______
What is the best way to contact you? ______
What do you hope your child will learn in photography this semester?
I have read and understand the art classroom rules and consequences, the supplies needed for the class, the grading policy, bathroom policy, tardy policy and cell phone policy. I understand that the camera and supplies are the property of Rankin County Public Schools and that I am responsible for any supplies that I check out and take home (camera, memory card, camera bag, charger, battery, USB cord) and will return all supplies in good, working condition when due. If camera and/or any supplies are damaged and/or lost in my care, I understand I am responsible for the cost of various repairs and/or replacement.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
Date: ______