Euchre for the 2017/18 Season
September 2017
Welcome back to the start of the new season that is about to begin. There are some changes in store but I will tell you that these changes are meant to improve our Euchre.
Our movement after a complete game, we will play under one of the two different conditions. Full tables with 4 at each table, the North stays will be used for moving after each game. East South West Players will go to the same seat at each table they play at. Tables that are short either 1, 2 or 3 players will be known as the sit out table. When a sit out table exists of (1 or 2)all players will have either a white or yellow scorecard. With a two coloured card system player must partner with a player of the opposite colour. Keep your card visible after each game so people coming to your table will know where they should sit. Losers move after each game and advance one table number either up or down. That information is at the bottom of your card. Will play 10 games.
Tables short 1, 2 or 3 players will be known as the sit out table. When a sit out table exists of (1 or 2)all players will have either a white or yellow scorecard. With a two coloured card system player must partner with a player of the opposite colour. Keep your card visible after each game so people coming to your table will know where they should sit.
Movement with all full tables as well as a 3 person sit out table (no North player) will move be as below.Players who thru required move arrive at the "Sit Out" will record 7 points for the game they sat out. Sit out table is recognised as a game. Will play 10 games.
North Player - Remains at north seat entire ten games,
South Player - Moves one (1) (descending) down, eg: Plays at table 6 moves to table 5
East Player - Moves one (1) (ascending) up, eg; Plays at table 6 moves to table 7
West Player - Moves two (2) (ascending) up, eg; Plays at table 6 moves to table 8
The above is applied at the completion of every game.
Top Line on your card, far left box (above) Table No indicate the seat you were assigned either,
W, E, S, N. The next box (right) is for your name, last box is your card No.
Under Table No. column indicate the table Number you begin Game one (1) at. Complete this column before play begins and use this as yourreference of where you play in subsequent games.
Scoring your card
Remember to have any alterations of boxes 1 thru 8 initialed if altered or corrected. This must be done before you move or in the case of the north player before his/her opponents leave. Be sure that you and your partner both agree withthe points that were earned in the game just completed. Opponents are to check the addition and watch for duplications ofscores in any game. As an example if your team scored point(s) in hand 1 the other team must have an X for that same hand. If everything is ok then initial your opponent’s card along with your card number beside your initial.
Please circle your lone hands (5) in the boxes 1 - 8. At the end of play (10th or 11th game) circle your highest game.Check your addition and fill in your High Game / Total Score / Total Lone Hands.
Remember your score (accumulated) is your business and you are not obligated to share that info until your card is turned in.
Some things you should know
Incorrect dealer; A deal by the wrong player may be stopped before the up card is turned up, a re-deal must take place. If the error is not caught until after the up card is exposed, the deal must stand.
Partner Plays on Declared Lone Hand
If a player plays on his partner's lone hand, lone hand is void, hand must be played out with all 4 players.
No cut offered
A player has asked not to be offered a cut for the entire game.No Cut will be offered if the player declares he/she does not wish to cut. Deals that commence with no cut offered to the player to right of the dealer, only that player may appeal they were not offered a cut.
After all players have 5 cards and up card is turned up, no challenge can be made after this point, the deal stands. This providing the player (right of dealer) has not looked at any of cards dealt to them.
Player has too many or is short cards
If any hand has either too many or too few cards and the error is found before 1st trick is quitted, there must be a new deal. If discovered later, play continues and the team that holds the erroneous hand, may not score for that deal. Winner of the trick leads to next trick.
Beginning play
Players are asked not to toss their cards into a heap during play, but should be played in front of each player to form a small box. This allows each player to see each card played and who played it. Take in your own tricks only. Store your tricks separate so that in a case of a renege there will be no doubt as to why you hold a particular trick. There is to be no tramming, all cards are to be played out, no exceptions.
Lead out of Turn or An Exposed Card
Any Time a player exposes a card or it drops on table unintentionally or lead out of turn or a revoke. Any of the preceding situations, the card played or may have dropped on the table face up is considered an exposed card. It must remain on table face up and played at the 1st legal opportunity. Partner of player who has the exposed card while on the table may not lead that suit until the exposed has been played. This applies unless partner only has the suit of the exposed card in his/her hand.
Other players who played a card after a revoke has been pulled off an incomplete trick may pick up their card and replace it with a card of their choice without penalty. If all four players play on an out of turn lead, the trick will stand and the winner of the trick leads next.
Something New to Wednesday Night Euchre
Another style of play simply put “According to Hoyle” the only variation between Hoyle and what was played traditionally, players were restricted from ordering your partner unless you play the hand alone. "According to Hoyle” that was never put in the rules. There are different theories where it came from. Another rule was, you must have a natural trump in your hand before picking or ordering. Again nothing in the rules "According to Hoyle" nothing is mentioned about "the maker" to hold a natural trump in order to order, pick or make trump. All Hoyle mentions is if you think you can win 3 of the 5 tricks you may pick, order, assist your partner or call the suit of your choice except you may not call the turn down suit.
Wednesday night Euchre will play where ordering your partner will not require you to go alone. Playing this style I do understand there is an adjustment to thinking and strategies in playing the game. It makes for a much better game as well as less stressful for everyone and it has put an end to complaints or grumbling about people hesitating. This can be prevalent when they would like to order their partner, but end up passing. It is something that has plagued all euchre that has this restriction in their style of play. As well monitoring this is very difficult and almost impossible to enforce. As the co-coordinator of this evening it will make playing simple and my job much simpler and for the players. Please ensure you declare a lone hand when you intend ongoing alone. Terms such as I'll try it", or "Sit this one out, partner", "It's all mine," etc should be avoided. Lastly remember as a dealer if your partner orders you, listen carefully if he/she declares a Lone Hand. Same scenario if you were the partner of the dealer and the dealer orders you as his partner dealer, listen carefully if he/she declares a Lone Hand. You must use the term I order or Pick it up(not I'll try it) and The Loner must be included and declared.