Phonological Awareness Activities Throughout the School Day
Lunch/Outdoor Time
1. sound out what you eat
2. Red Light/Green Light listening game
3. listen to menu
4. Simon Says
5. sing songs/rhymes while swinging
6. clap different patterns as signal to line up
7. talk about foods they are eating-“ who has /m/ foods”
8. match snack/cooking activity to specific letter- i.e. /j/ jello jigglers
9. nature walk-listen to and identify sounds
Circle Time
1. hunt for pictures/objects that begin with specific letter
2. count syllables of words
3. rhyme identification games
4. clapping patterns-then clap syllables
5. egg matching sounds activity (fill plastic eggs with different materials [2 each of rice, pennies, pebbles, sand, etc], shake and have the children identify the two that sound the same)
6. instrument sound matching
7. drop pennies in can as you count out syllables or phonemes
8. picture cards that illustrate sound with an action (i.e. waving hands for the /w/ sound in the word wind)
9. beat number of words/syllables/phonemes on drum
10. morning message (sentence segmentation or concept of word)
Center Time
1. sensory center (various objects that make sounds)
2. books on tape/chime to turn page
3. matching rhyming word pictures
4. collage focusing on specific sound
5. choose centers by their names (if your name starts with /t/ pick your center)
6. earobics computer game
7. read the room
Transition Time
1. bell, music, or other sound to stop/start activity
2. line up by letter sounds
3. rhyming game- “Willaby Wallaby Woo, an elephant sat on you! Willaby Wallaby Wustin, an elephant sat on Justin”
4. finger plays or songs
5. alliteration with specific sound i.e. slither like a snake
Encouraging Parent Involvement
1. give list of developmentally appropriate books/websites
2. weekly newsletters w/readiness activities to do at home
3. suggestions for car-time activities, mealtime activities
4. encourage to get and use library cards
5. family projects
6. take home books/activities- i.e. send home bear/journal/letter tiles
7. parent night/parent training
8. suggestions for cooking activities, fieldtrips
9. special mornings to honor mom/dads/grandparents