ISSUE [#1412]:
1. Paper identification
Issue number / #1412Issue title / Minimum Requirements
Type of paper / DECISION
Date / 1 April 2015
Author(s): / Michael Howard, Vida Ji, Nemu Lallu
Consultation list / PSAAP Working Group as listed
Date of latest amendment to this paper / 9 April 2015
2. Contract reference
Schedule B1: Minimum Requirements
3. Definition: briefly define the issue
The purpose of this paper is to:
· provide PSAAP an overview of the process taken by the PSAAP working group to re-draft the Minimum Requirements; and
· provide PSAAP with a revised set of Minimum Requirements for inclusion in version 3 of the PHO Services Agreement (“the Agreement”).
4. Background:
On 4 December 2014, PSAAP commissioned a formal review to improve clarity and reduce duplication within the Minimum Requirements from schedule B1 of the PHO Services Agreement via the establishment of a PSAAP Working Group. It was intended that the review would also assist future audit processes. Membership of the PSAAP Working Group is included as Appendix 1 to this report.
The PSAAP Working Group’s scope did not extend to adding new requirements. However, two potential new requirements have been included below for consideration.
5. Discussion
Process to review the Minimum Requirements:
The PSAAP Working Group met on 23 and 24 February 2015 to discuss each Minimum Requirement in detail and propose changes for the overall structure. This resulted in re-drafting of Minimum Requirements and documenting the mapping of the current Minimum Requirements to the revised Minimum Requirements to ensure no significant requirements were removed. The mapping document is attached as Appendix 2.
The revised Minimum Requirements and supporting documents were circulated to the PSAAP Working Group for feedback which was incorporated and subsequently re-circulated.
In re-drafting, we took a Standards-based approach and introduced an over-arching clause for PHOs to have capacity and capability to meet the revised Minimum Requirements including through Alliance arrangements where appropriate.
As Buddle Findlay was part of the PSAAP Working Group, contractual and legal considerations were incorporated into drafting the revised Minimum Requirements.
Key Changes
As previously discussed this process highlighted that the existing minimum requirements could be improved by:
· Re-alignment for more logical grouping of requirements and simplifying overly complex clauses containing multiple requirements
· Adding an ‘Objective’ section to provide the overall aim of each Minimum Requirement
· Removing duplication
· Moving clauses that were not requirements of PHOs (e.g. an acknowledgement) to other sections of the Agreement, or removing them entirely due to being redundant contractual requirements
· Shifting service specific requirements to a separate Referenced Document as these relate directly to provision of first level services.
· Ensuring the requirements were written in a consistent language
· Improving their auditability by removing broad, vague or subjective terms where possible
· Adding defined terms such as ‘Objective’ and ‘Foundation Standard’ to improve the understanding of the requirement
Revised Structure
The revised Minimum Requirements are sectioned under the following headings:
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1. Alliances
2. Organisational Governance
3. Clinical Leadership, Engagement and Governance
4. Maori Health
5. Service Development and Integration
6. Service Delivery and Reporting
7. Workforce
8. Quality
9. Information Management
10. Emergency Planning and Response
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Future Consideration
· Governance Reference Document:
Given the complexity and variability of governance arrangements, a reference document was recommended by the Working Group for PSAAP consideration. The scope of the reference document could at least include risk management, legislative compliance and business continuity.
Alternatively, these issues could be outlined in a guidance document.
Potential new requirements for
The PSAAP Working Group also made the following suggestions for new requirements:
· ensure that all clinical information generated by the PHO or its contracted providers is recorded electronically. (This mirrors wording in the Foundation standard but is to cover those Contracted Providers who are not General Practices.)
· add a specific requirement for financial and quality accounts to be made publicly available
6. Recommendation
Note the revised Minimum Requirements as the basis of negotiation for Version 3 of the PHO Services Agreement (to be effective from 1 July 2015).
Discuss the action required, if any, in relation to the working group suggestions for new requirements
Appendix 1: Minimum Requirements Working Group
Person / Role / OrganisationFiona Thomson / CEO / GPNZ
Carolyn Gullery / GM, Planning and Funding / Canterbury DHB
Holger Jessen / Audit Manager / Central TAS
Jude Keys / Customer Services Manager / ProCare
Hugh Kininmonth / CEO / Hauraki PHO
Michael Howard / National Operations Manger / GPNZ
Nemu Lallu / Principal Advisor / SCI, Ministry of Health
Mike Northmore / Chair / PMAANZ
Paul Roseman / Senior Manager / ProCare
Bob Sheppard / Solicitor / Ministry of Health
David Tonks / Business Manager / SCI, Ministry of Health
Vida Ji / Specialist Audit Advisor / SCI, Ministry of Health
Natasha Wilson / Senior Solicitor / Buddle Findlay
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