Boys and Girls Club
of Southeastern Connecticut


Welcome to the Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut, the following pages contain important information about this program. We look forward to a successful year with you and your child. To provide a fun and safe program, we need your support and cooperation with the following procedures.

Philosophy & Purpose

The Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut believes that children are our most important natural resource an integral part of the community and our future. The Club believes that many families are in need of a safe place for their children after school. The children in our program are given the opportunity to meet friends, play games, read, study, create, relax and enjoy a snack, all within the environment more structured than traditional custodial care facilities, but without the formality of the academic environment. In sum, we endeavor;

  • To facilitate creativity through play;
  • To help the child grow as an individual and enhance self-image;
  • To facilitate group dynamics, interpersonal relationship, and communication skills;
  • To help the child continue to develop self-discipline;
  • To provide life-enhancing programs and character development experiences.

Program Location and Hours of Operation

Thames River Unit (“TRU”) & TRU TEENS, 40 Crystal Avenue New London, CT 06320

Hours of Operation, Program follows the school year calendar
Full Days – 3:00pm-6:00pm
Half Days – 1:00pm-4:00pm

Program Pickup

In accordance with the Boys & Girls Club policy, in order to ensure the safety of your child, the parent/guardian must come into the building to pick their child up and/or provide instructions if someone other than the parent/guardian are authorized to pick up the child (this person must be at least 16 years of age and listed on the contact list for the child). If a person who is not on the authorized pick-up list is to pick your child up please send a note or call the Site Director letting them know so appropriate arrangements can be made.

*Please remember that planned programs are in session between 3:00-6:00pm. Pick up is between 5:45-6:00pm. If you are picking up your child early please let the Site Director know so he/she can plan activities accordingly. In order to meet the goals of the Boys & Girls Club, attendance of a full day of club is highly important. The amount of children and programs completed influences the status of the program and funding we receive for it.

Notice: A $5 per day fee will be charged for children left at site after program-time has ended. This fee is payable on the next day. If a child is still left on our premises after 30 minutes, appropriate authorities will be notified.

School Closing/Weather Policy

When there is an emergency school closing (this includes snow days) or early dismissal, because of snow or any other emergency the program will be cancelled for the day.

*Please note: the program will not make phone calls or be at the school on these days. Please pay attention to the television, radio or emails (if available). When New London Public Schools are closed or have early dismissal, Boys & Girls Club is also closed/cancelled.


Boys & Girls Club follows the school year calendar. Club begins Sept.12th 2016.

There will be NOclub on these dates:

October 12th – Indigenous Peoples/Columbus Day
November 8th – Professional Development
November 11th– Veteran’s Day
November 24th-25th – Thanksgiving Recess
December 24th-January 3rd – Holiday Vacation

January 6th- Three Kings Day
January 16th – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 20-21 – Winter Break

March 10th- Professional Development

April 10th-14nd- Spring Break
May 29th – Memorial Day

June 12th – Last Day of Club (subject to change due to weather)

Disciplinary Action

The Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern CT uses the redirection of activities, individualized attention, “time-out”, “relaxation time”, and withdrawal of privileges as disciplinary techniques. In the event we are experiencing disciplinary or behavioral difficulties with your child we will follow the attached Club Disciplinary Policies. Although it is expected that children will sometimes express their selves in socially unacceptable ways, intentional injury of another person or destruction of property will not be tolerated and parents will becontacted immediately.

Boys and Girls Club Disciplinary Policy

Staff members may not touch or harm any member as a means of discipline or for any other reason.

All staff members communicate and work consistently to ensure effective discipline and order.The following protocol is followed for members who misbehave during program:

  1. Staff member will intervene/talk to the member
  2. Site Director will intervene/talk to the member/take away privileges
  3. Site Director will notify the parent/guardian
  4. Official warning letter will be sent home
  5. Executive Director intervenes. Member may be referred to other services.
  6. Suspension
    A. First offense: one day suspension
    B. Second offense: three day suspension
    C. Third offense one week suspension with a parent/guardian conference before the member is allowed to return to the program.
  7. Expulsion from the program.

In certain circumstances, supervisory staff of the Boys and Girls Club may skip steps depending on the severity of the situation.

Child Abuse and Neglect

Connecticut State Law requires that any instance of abuse or neglect suspected by a child care worker must be reported to the Department of Child Care and Families. The Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern CT follows this directive.

Required PaperworkOrientation Prior to Program Start

All children’s records will be kept confidential and must be fully completed before a child is accepted into the program. Records include the application and emergency numbers if a parent cannot be reached nor does not pick-up the child on time, and pertinent information on child’s progress. Please keep home, work, and emergency numbers up to date!

A parent/guardian must attend a short (verbal) orientation before your child begins the program so all parties involved understand the program goals and parents can meet staff members leading programs your child will be involved in. This meeting will cover content of this handbook as well as expectations regarding communication & program activities (timely return of permission slips, upholding commitments made to attendance at special events, support of program learning).

Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut welcomes participation by parents/guardians as volunteers or classroom support. Please register your interest with the Site Director. Additionally, any questions or comment concerning program learning and expected outcomes is welcome.


Snacks are provided. Please be advised if your child has special dietary needs you must inform the Site Director. Please note the Club may not be able to accommodate your needs but arrangements with parent/guardians can be made. Your child MUST complete Power Hour (homework/reading) in order to receive a snack, they cannot simply leave after eating unless it is an emergency or a parent/guardian has notified staff their child will be leaving early.


The program will be provided by the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut; we are not affiliated with New London Public Schools or the Board of Education.

Contact Information

Boys & Girls Club of SECT Central Office
Chief Executive Officer—Catherine Foley
Office Phone: 860-574-9040

Director of Programs, On-site—Hector Aquino

Office Phone: 860-574-9040


Program Director—Michelle Maitland

Office Phone: 860-574-9040

Cell: 203-927-3113


Thames River Unit Site
Site Director –Hector Aquino

Cell: 860-941-8275

Website –

Facebook – Boys & Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut

andTru Teens

Twitter – BoysGirlsSECT

Receipt and Acceptance of Parent/Guardian Handbook

I have received a copy of the Boys & Girls Club of SECT Parent/Guardian Handbook for the year 2016/2017. I also understand that I am responsible for reading the policies and practices described within it.

I, agree to abide by the policies and procedures contained in this Parent/Guardian Handbook. I understand that I, as a parent, must follow the rules and guidelines provided in this handbook and play an in important role in the success of my child that will be attending the Boys & Girls Club of SECT. I understand that if I move or any contact phone numbers are changed, I will notify the site director IMMEDIATELY of any changes so they can update the correct records with the information.

If I have any questions regarding the content or interpretation of this Handbook, I will bring them to the attention of the Site Director.


Printed Name Signature

