ICC Executive Committee Meeting ~ 7/22/08
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ICC Executive Committee Meeting ~ 7/22/08
Members Present: Michelle Lamers, Tom Kelly, Pam Reuther, Ann Woolfolk, Carlos Duran
Staff: Rosanne Griff-Cabelli, Peggy Miller
☻ Annual Report from West Virginia was passed around ~ Committee would like to see if we could do a similar version. Rosanne will ask WV for an electronic copy of this report.
☻ Carlos asked if the ICC has a website. Rosanne explained that DHSS, DMS has a Birth to Three site and we could include the one page Overview of the ICC and the Membership List ~ Peggy will send Overview and Membership List to Committee for their feedback. Parent Information Center (PIC) was mentioned as a possibility for a website.
☻ The Executive Committee will now have a teleconference one month prior to the regular ICC meeting. The teleconference has been set for September 10th, 3:00 ~ 4:00. Rosanne will send out the number to call in. Executive committee will also meet before the ICC meeting to review issues, concerns, and actions.
☻ The Executive Committee reviewed the PATH and how it will be presented to ICC. meeting. Everyone was pleased with the PATH development, and the new banners we have with the vision and purpose. The PATH will be reviewed at the ICC Executive Committee meetings and with ICC throughout the year.
☻ The Regular ICC meeting will now start at 12:00 and end at 3:00.
☻ Committee discussed for the parent presentation section on the agenda should now be either a support group presentation or a parent presentation. Have support groups bring resource materials. We can call the Parent Information Center (PIC) conference line for any topic.
☻ Committee discussed about an additional Legislator/Senator for the ICC. Pam will talk with Verna Hensley, as she has a good political connection and Michelle will take the lead on this.
☻ Rosanne suggested that an ICC member should be on the Delaware KIDS Caucus.
☻ Ann discussed the Freedom of Information Act ~ will can not close our meeting to the public; we can have a note on door to let people know that we are meeting and they are not excluded from meeting. We have to post all meetings in the Birth to Three Office, even Executive Meetings. Also, when we have a meeting via conference call, we need to provide an option to the public to participate, and that will be at the Birth to Three office site.
☻ Ann handed out the Acronym short and long list for “homework” to look over and to give feedback prior to next meeting.