Philosophy of Education……………………………………2
Vision & Goals..……………………………………..……3-4
Educational Goals…………………………………………...5
Faculty, Staff, KCS Board, PTF Board……………………..6
Daily Schedule………………………………………………8
After School Programs………………………………………8
Parent Involvement………………………………………….9
Attendance Policies…………………………………..…10-11
Emergencies & Emergency Information……………..……12
Pupil Records………………………………………………13
Dress Code………………………………………..…….14-16
Academic Standards………………………………………..17
Student Grading……………………..………………….18-20
Parent/Teacher Conferences………………………………..20
Parent’s Commitment……………...……………………….24
Philosophy of Education
KermanChristianSchool’s purpose is to train each student in the way of life presented in the Bible and to provide a foundation for a prosperous and productive life.
Kerman Christian accepts students of any race, color, or ethnic origin. Every effort is made to bring all students to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. They are encouraged to learn the meaning of commitment and demonstrate discipleship in serving God and man. The school is designed to assist each student to grow morally and academically.
Kerman Christian has a commitment to excellence in academic preparation for its students. Mastery of the fundamentals of the content areas necessary for higher level reasoning and thinking is emphasized. Recognizing differences in abilities, each student is encouraged to perform at a level representative of his best efforts. Teaching methods that have proven successful in the past are utilized, while constantly seeking new ways to improve and enhance the learning process are sought.
KermanChristianSchool views its mission as one which provides a quality education in an atmosphere that enhances the teaching of the Christian home and evangelizes the non-Christian. Discipline which is administered firmly but fairly, encourages the student to obey those in authority over him, love God, home and country, seek God’s will in every decision, and always measure one’s attitudes against the principles laid out in God’s word.
KermanChristianSchool believes that in an atmosphere of strong academic planning, positive spiritual conduct and personal interest and involvement between staff and students, strong leaders will be cultivated for our community’s future.
KermanChristianSchool is dedicated to building and effective team of educators, parents, and students that grow together in the love and grace of Jesus Christ our Savior. A devotion to serving Christ and the God of the Universe through our acts of service and willingness to seeing KermanChristianSchool is the best place for children from Pre-school to 6th grade.
(1 Peter 2:21-22 NIV) To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps. “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”
The staff will use the best possible practices with the best curriculum and materials to bring a Christian based education to all students. We will integrate technology to best meet the instructional needs of students to include increasing knowledge of the internet and how it is used.
(Deu 4:5-6 NIV) See, I have taught you decrees and laws as the LORD my God commanded me, so that you may follow then in the land you are entering to take possession of it. Observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, “Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.”
The staff will strive to communicate regularly with parents to ensure positive, public relations and maintain a school to home partnership which includes phoning, email, parent-teacher conferences, and parental correction of a child on site.
(Eph 4:29-39 NIV) Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do no grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Character Development
The staff will encourage students to read the Bible because it is the source of all the character traits that we want to encourage our students to have. By looking at specific biblical heroes we pray that their example will encourage students to look to them and see their strengths and weaknesses and learn how to deal with troubles and hard times as we go through the year. The characteristics that will be modeled by all students in the classroom will be: Responsibility, Integrity, Kindness, Respect, and Citizenship.
(1 Cor 15:33-34 NIV) Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God – I say this to your shame.
The staff hopes and prays that all students will be at school every day. If by some chance they are not, then the parents need to contact the teacher and get the Homework and/or assignments that were done during that time, so that the student will keep up with the assignments. Tardiness is understandable, but still not acceptable. We all have reasons for tardiness, but it should never be a habit, it sets a bad example to the child. Constant tardiness will be treated directly and promptly.
(Psa 51:1-7 NIV-A psalm of David: When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba) Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge. Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
The staff hopes to develop a sense of responsibility through the assigning of homework. Homework will be something the child has already learned and is asked to review what was taught. Sometimes homework is along term project that is checked by the teacher periodically. In these cases, a letter will be sent home with the scope and sequence of the project and how it relates to what is being studied. A timeline will be included and check in times will help the student to stay on task through the entire process.
(1 Thes. 1:3 NIV) We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Learning Environment
The staff hopes to create an exciting, stimulating, motivating, yet disciplined learning environment that will allow the maximum amount of academic growth in all subjects. Students need to come with the attitude that they are not to be entertained at school, but rather to interact with their teachers so that they will do the best and be the best in a world outside of KermanChristianSchool. Accepting responsibility for learning by all students will make teaching that much better. When students see themselves as part of the answer to a problem that may arise, then students become more responsible to themselves, their teachers, and to their parents.
It is our goal to (Prov 22:6 NIV) Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Educational Goals
The Christian educated person begins knowing God is the source of all wisdom but the highest knowledge of all is to know Jesus Christ. A Christian educated person must try to understand and appreciate all peoples and cultures. He begins knowing all people are objects of God’s love, to be brought to personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. A Christian educated person must be able to read well, speak and write clearly, and handle comfortable both logical concepts and basic mathematical skills. He begins knowing that the highest call is to communicate the message of Jesus Christ to others.
Faculty and Staff
Secretary/FinancesDesiree Burrows
Pre School/Pre K DirectorJosieGarcia
PreSchool TeachersTo Be Announced
Pre Kindergarten TeachersTo Be Announced
Kindergarten TeacherChelleMcLay
First/Second Grade TeacherKendraMoore
Third/Fourth Grade TeacherKristieNewman
Fifth/Sixth Grade TeacherDeanna Jourden
After School CareKristenSchaffer
KCS Board
Vice Chairman….….……...... RondiNale
Member…….……….…...…..Bob Felker
PTF Representative……...... EricaHornor
PTF Board
President…………………….Erica Hornor
Vice President……………….Desiree Burrows
Secretary…………………….Chris White
Historian…………………….Desiree Burrows
Librarian…………………….Denise Gulian
2008 – 2009
August 13 – 14 Teacher In-service Days
August 14Kindergarten Orientation
August 17 First Day of School (full day)
August 20Back to School Night
September 7 Labor Day – No School
September 25Grandparents’ Day (1/2 day, preschool – 6th Grade)
October 24Auction
November 6 End of 1st Trimester
November 9 Observe Veteran’s Day – No School
November 11-13Parent/Teacher Conferences (1/2 days, K-6)
November 13Awards Assembly at 8:15 (K-6)
November 23-27Thanksgiving Vacation – No School
December 8Christmas Program
December 14-January 1Christmas Vacation – No School
January 18MartinLutherKing Jr.Birthday - No School
February 15-19 Presidents’ Day – No School
March 1Returning Student Registration
March 5 End of 2nd Trimester
March 10-12 Parent/Teacher Conferences (1/2 days, K-6)
March 12 Awards Assembly at 8:15 (K-6)
March 29Open Enrollment
April 2-9 Easter Vacation – No School
April 21-29Testing
May 3Deposit Due to Keep 2007/2008 Rate
May 20Open House
May 31 Memorial Day – No School
June 4 Awards Assembly at 8:15 (K-6)
June 46th Grade Graduation at 6:30pm
June 4 Last Day of School (1/2 day, K-6, no extended care)
June 7-8Teacher In-service Days
7:30 amBefore School Care
7:55 amFirst Bell
8:00 amClass Begins
9:30-9:45 Morning Break
2:30 pmDismiss: Kind. – Third
3:00 pmDismiss: Fourth – Sixth (Fridays 2:30)
After School Care
After school care is provided from 2:30 to 5:30 and costs $5.00 per hour. Elementary students not picked up within 10 minutes of dismissal time will be taken to after school care. If a student has older siblings being dismissed at 3:00 and need to attend after school care until then, no charge will be added for that half hour. Any student picked up after 5:30 will be charged $10.00 plus a $1.00 per minute. All charges will be added to your tuition billing.
Daily after school care activities include outdoor play, homework time, and indoor games. Parents are required to sign out their child(ren) or have a note on file with the staff person in charge as to who is designated as the sign out person.
All organized sports teams (Basketball, Soccer, T-Ball, etc.) will sign up with the city league and request to be on the KCS team. Call MarkSalvador at the City Recreation Department.
Parent Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to volunteer their time at KCS in the classroom, the play yard, and the office or on field trips. In order to continually maintain an optimum learning environment all volunteers must be cleared through the office prior to service. The time you are willing to share at KCS does not have to be on regular schedule, periodic participation is valuable to the school and your child.
You are expected to serve a minimum of 30 volunteer hours per year (per family). Four of those hours are expected for the Auction. No more than four hours may be used for field trips, the rest is to be used helping with events, such as water day, track and field day, luncheons, etc. and helping in the classroom. A $30.00 fee per every hour not served will be added to your tuition bill in June. Turn in volunteer hours to the office and sign in at the office to avoid these charges.
Guidelines for volunteering:
∙When helping in a classroom or accompanying a class on a field trip, please do not bring preschool children or siblings with you. Siblings are not allowed on campus during school hours unless a particular activity is declared a “family day”.
∙Please put phones and pagers in a mode that will not disturb the classroom.
∙Please check the student dress code and model that dress code for the students when you are working with or supervising them.
∙For your own protection, never find yourself alone in a room with a child unless he/she is your own child.
∙If a teacher asks you to mark children’s papers or record grades, they are placing a great deal of faith in your ability to keep that information confidential.
∙Please do not enter a classroom during the school day unless the teacher is expecting you. Please check with the office at all other times and the campus secretary will be happy to assist you in delivering messages, lunches, etc.
Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF)
The primary purpose of PTF is to promote Christian fellowship, communication and understanding between parents, faculty and the administration. PTF strives to bring a closer relationship between the home and the school so that parents and teachers may work together in the education of our children.
They strive to achieve these goals by:
-Providing parents a wide spectrum for service and input on committees ranging from athletic programs to fund-raising.
-Encouraging and providing organized opportunities for prayer support of the school faculty, staff, administrators, and families.
-Keeping parents informed of school activities through flyers, monthly meetings and newsletters.
-Organizing social events to provide fellowship and establish strong relationships between school families and staff.
The PTF encourages each family to explore their own areas of interest and service
and to be supportive of KCS. We encourage all parents to participate by supporting fund raising efforts as well as attending events. All parents are invited to attend the once a month PTF meetings!
The following policies and procedures are written with your child’s safety and best interest in mind. Please read carefully.
Transmittable Diseases:
A student who is ill is expected to remain at home. If a student is found to have a transmittable disease such as impetigo, pink eye, etc., he/she must be taken from school and not returned until seen by a doctor. Upon returning, the student must have a note from the doctor stating that they have been seen, treated, and are ready to return to class.
Head lice:
When it comes to the school’s attention that a student may have head lice, someone on the staff checks the child’s head. If the child has live lice or nits, the child is excluded form school until he or she is treated with an effective pediculicide and all the nits have been removed form the hair. Once a child has been treated, he or she must have another head check before allowed to return to the classroom. The school recommends that:
-All family members must be treated at the same time.
-All sheets, blankets, bedspreads, towels and affected clothing should be washed.
-Everything should be vacuumed carefully.
-Car seats, pillows, etc. be treated with a medicated spray.
Illness at School:
If a child becomes ill during school hours it is imperative that the child be picked up as soon as possible. The school asks each family to have a backup plan, especially if both parents work. The school is not equipped to supervise children who are ill. State health laws require that children be sent home when they have a temperature or symptoms of illness.
Excessive Absences:
Attendance is tracked by the administration. Excessive absences cause learning gaps which may result in a students being retained in their current grade.
KermanChristianSchool is an active participant in KermanUnifiedSchool District’s Truancy Intervention Program (“TIP”). Participation in the Truancy Intervention Program means that we are working directly with the Fresno County District Attorney’s Office and the Fresno County Juvenile Probation Office to address issues related to chronic truancy.
The California Education Code states that children between the ages of six and eighteen years old are legally required to attend school and be on time (Section 48200). It has been proven that when chronic truancy continues, it hampers academic progress and leads to delinquency.
Any student who misses more than 7 unexcused days in a school year will be referred to KermanUnifiedSchool District’s Truancy Intervention Program.
Unexcused Absences:
- Those absences not listed in the excused section.
- No notice given for absences requiring prior notice (i.e. vacations).
- Absences for “family convenience”.
Make ups: Class work and assignments due on the day(s) of unexcused absences will receive no credit for each day of class missed.
Field Trips: If parents choose for their child not to participate in a field trip, the child will be expected to stay at school; if they are not a school the child is unexcused.
Excused Absences:
- Personal illness of student – please call the school or have your child bring a
note explaining the absences. When a student is absent for more than three days due to illness, a doctor’s note must be sent when the student returns to school.
- Death within the family – A note from home explaining the absence must be
brought to the office upon returning to school.
- Vacations of family trips and special activities – students may be excused for a family trip or special activity with two weeks notice given to the office. Makeup work will be handled as in any excused absences.
- Professional and Doctor Appointments – Doctor appointments should be made after school hours if possible. If an appointment is needed during the school day, the parent must sign their child in and out in the office. Students must be in school for half of the day (four hours) in order to be considered present that day.