Marshall Middle School

7th grade World History

Ms. Niedzwiecki-Preston

August 28, 2017

Welcome Students and Parents to 7th grade World History!


Dear Parents,

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how pleased I am to have your child in my class. I look forward to a rewarding and successful school year for all of us! I feel it is extremely important that there is close communication with you and that we work together in relation to your child’s scholastic needs. I hope that the attached syllabus will answer some of your questions about the procedures, requirements and expectations of this class. Listed below is a list of supplies your child will use in our class, if you are unable to provide these supplies, please email me at the address below and supplies will be provided for your child. Please read the attached Parent Guide. I am requesting parents e-mail me in order to better communicate throughout the year. Please contact me at Marshall Middle School with any questions or concerns. My phone number is

(858) 549-5400. I look forward to meeting with you at our Fall Open House! Please sign this letter and have your child return ONLY the top portion of this letter to school by September 8th, 2017.


Ms. Niedzwiecki-Preston

Child’s name ______

(first name and last name)


Signature ______

(I have read the syllabus and the Parent Guide for the class).

___ Please e-mail me at by September 8, 2017.

In the subject heading box, type the following:

1) class period 2) child’s name

Please follow this example: Period 2, Susan Johnson

***(If you would like me to read any enclosing remarks, please indicate in the subject heading box).

Cut on line:

History Supplies

1. 4 (70 page) notebooks * OR 2 (150 page) notebooks *

2. 1 ½ inch binder with three rings and 2 pocket

3. 1 set of colored pencils

4. 2 highlighters

5. 4 glue sticks *

6. 2 mini stapler and staples *

7. 1 flash drive for school use to store history files

8. 1 pair of scissors (school appropriate) *

Optional: markers

*-Students will use daily!

Marshall Middle School

World History and Geography

Ms. Niedzwiecki-Preston

Room #C305,

Office Hours- Wed and Thurs afterschool, M-F, upon request


“Own your learning and improve.”

This class is an opportunity to be a better historian, a better learner, and a better person. Through REFLECTION, PROGRESSION and COMPETENCY students will be given multiple opportunities to improve. It is up to each student to rise to the challenge, own their learning, and take advantage of the opportunities offered in this class.

What is the course content?

An examination of the role the people of the Middle Ages played in the development of the interconnected world we live in today.

Course Description:

The study of World History and Geography is a continuation of world events from A.D. 500-1789. Students learn the social, geographical, political, religious, and economic changes that occurred in Meso-America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Students will learn to make connections between units of study, in order to analyze how the people of the Middle Ages created an interconnected world. It then continues with an analysis of the requirements associated with an interconnected world taken from the point of view of an active learner. We will then use these learned concepts to complete units on Islam, Africa, China, Europe/Japan, the Renaissance/Age of Exploration and Meso-America.

What are the long-range classroom goals for this class?

Students will be challenged to reflect, progress and become competent in the7’C s:

1)Community/Collaboration 2) Corroboration 3) Critical Thinking 4) Communication 5) Content 6 ) Creativity 7) Character

Each student will have the opportunity to:

1)Be honest, responsible,respectful and build a safe, active learning classroom community and exhibit the characteristics of an active learner to apply to all types of collaborative environments.

2)Understand the importance of utilizing the skills associated with corroboration in today’s society.

3)Become aware, develop and utilize critical thinking skills.

4)Develop communication skills in regards to writing and oral presentation.

5)Understand the content associated with the California Social Studies State Standards for Grade 7.

6)Use problem solving skills to develop creativity.

7)Strengthen character through self-reflection of the active learning traits.

How will students be evaluated?

In an effort to empower students to focus their efforts on the process of learning, students will be evaluated on Competency, Organization, Motivation, and Effort. Students will C.O.M.E. to class to reflect,progress and meet grade level competency (please review attached handouts for specific policy requirements). Grades are based on progression through a 5 point scale and weighted as follows: Competency Tests are weighted 60% of your grade, Interactive Notebook are worth 35% of your grade and 5 % of your grade is miscellaneous (Exit Slips, etc).

Absences and Late Work

~ Students will have the number of days absent to make-up work for full credit.

~Late Work is defined as a graded assignment not turned in on the defined due date. Students will earn a deduction if turned in the following school day and a deduction for each day after the defined due date. Students will have 8 days to turn in the graded assignment for points. Students must mark on the top of the Late Work the word “late” and the date that it was turned in or students will earn 0 credit.

Course Materials:

Students will read case studies, primary sources and other readings. Students will also utilize the textbook for the course. Students should bring an Interactive Notebook, 1 file folder, glue stick, mini-stapler, scissors, and pencil to class EVERYDAY in order to be successful in class.

Citizenship grades

Citizenship grades are based on Participation and Behavior. Please see attached Citizenship Rubric. The semester citizenship grade is based on an average of the three 6-week progress grades. All students will begin each day at the Satisfactory (S) grade level. Any other grade level will be determined by the choices made by that student each day in class.

Discipline Plan: 2017-2018

My philosophy:

I believe all students can behave appropriately in the classroom. It is essential to create a safe and positive learning environment. Therefore, every student will follow the rules and procedures for our class. Students are also expected to follow the rules outlined in the Marshall Student Handbook.

Classroom Rules: Any infraction of the rules will reflect in the Academic and Citizenship grades and may result in a verbal warning, parent conference, or referral to the Marshall Administration.

Respect the 5 P’s

1. Be Prompt

2. Be Polite

3. Be Prepared

4. Be Positive

5. Be Productive


Ms. Niedzwiecki-Preston: Room C305

Addendum to Syllabus

You are enrolled in this class because you met the district GATE - Seminar criteria. You scored three standard deviations above the mean or 99.9% on the Raven Progressive Matrices test.

Each assignment and project for this course will be evaluated using the following criteria:

These criteria include:

1) Deep and Complex Thinking

- making connections or seeing multiple relationships

- digging deeper into a topic or subject

- applying what you learn

- developing higher order questions

2) Innovative and Creative Thinking

- trying different ways to solve problems

- incorporating original thought in work

- being flexible and determined

- taking risks

3) Persistence and Grit

- learning, applying and growing from experiences

- taking your time to do your best work

- striving for accuracy and precision

- working productively on tasks that have less personal interest

4) Collaboration

- encouraging voice and choice

- working and being patient with all types of learners

- communicating with clarity

- valuing all opinions

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at or call me at 1-858-549-5400