

„All living creatures in fact mostly want to live in a world, where everyone likes each other, therefore everyone is still obliged to cause the least possible death and pain." All the rest consists more in views (speculations).

JUDr. Dalibor Grůza Ph.D.

Own expense, Hustopeče, Czech Republic, copyleft 2016.

In support of the political Party for the Rights of All Living Creatures .

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(All quotations from the Bible in this book because of copyright are on principle in Czech from Kralice Bible see , or from the Bible Old and New Testaments | including deuterocanonic books |, Czech ecumenical translation, CZECH Bible Society, 1995, see , in English from King James Version )


Questionnaire about definition of love in by you held worldview from the point of view of the science of love (charitylogy)

1) 05/03/2016 Conflict of carnivorous and herbivorous living cells in the human body.

2) 06/03/2016 Limits of charitylogy as exact, i.e. measurable science.

3) 07/03/2016 Desire but unbelief in the power of charity in nearly all living creatures.

4) 13/03/2016 How apparently Islam tries to eliminate from the Muslim population the genetic information of homosexuality, virtually effeminacy of men and to educate from Muslim men the highly masculine warriors. According to charitylogy in this context the basic question is: Are the world and the nature governed by Christian love (i.e. charity) or by predation?

5) 15/03/2016 History of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the light of the basic historical question in terms of Philosophy of Balance and charitylogy, which is: Are the world and the nature governed by Christian love (i.e. charity) or by predation?

6) 25/03/2016 Does man's brain govern over his sperm cells or do his sperm cells govern over his brain?

7) 04/04/2016 Commentary of Biblical Book of Job according to the Philosophy of Balance and fictitious letter of Lord to contemporary suffering Job according to the Philosophy of Balance about the reason of his suffering.

8) 04/03/2016 Question of dualism of good and evil in a world from the point of view of charitylogy.

9) 16/04/2016 Idolatry.

10) 16/04/2016 Psychoanalysis Freud versus Jung.

11) 17/04/2016 End of the Universe, nuclear war on Earth, and the general relativity theory of Albert Einstein according to Philosophy of Balance.

12) 25/04/2016 Beginning of salvation or the end of the world in the presidential elections in present-day Austria according to the Philosophy of Balance. Nazism as a result of Christian and Jewish heresy?

13) 28/04/2016 Usury, especially in the Czech Republic.

14) 30/04/2016 Integrated crop agriculture or ecological organic crop agriculture in the Czech Republic according to the Philosophy of Balance.

15) 03/05/2016 My relationship to carnivores and herbivores according to the Philosophy of Balance.

16) 05/05/2016 Killing of animals in Hinduism and Buddhism according to verified sources (i.e. , Hare Krishna Movement, , Alexej Pludek: Advisor of Great Rajas/ Rádce velkých rádžů etc.).

17) 08/05/2016 My solution to the problem of infertility of my contemporary fiancée.

18) 08/05/2016 About historicity of Jesus of Nazareth, apparently Christ and about lifelong virginity of his mother Mary, possibly about lifelong virginity of his father Joseph.

19) 10/05/2016 Merciful multiplication of meat, namely of dead fishes for feeding hosts by Jesus of Nazareth, apparently Christ according to modern exact science.

20) 12/05/2016 Muslims as a scourge of God according to Abu Bakr (about 573 Mecca – 23rd August, 634 anno Domini Medina) the first caliph after Muhammad, according to the Philosophy of Balance punishing Christians and Jews especially for contemporary Christian and Jewish slaughter agricultural factory farms - contemporary concentration camps of here tortured animals

21) 13/05/2016 Probabilities of end or salvation of Western rational civilization and of victory or contrarily of the rationalization of primitive instincts on Earth.

22) 21/052016 The Prophet Muhammad, i.e. alive against the Christian Mahomet or Mohamed, i.e. dead

23) 28/05/2016 Why it is better to eat gradually only certain plant fruits and certain plant seeds, and why it is better to eat only in extreme need on principle gradually certain eggs, certain carrions also of animals, certain blood or parts of by it not killed certain whole plants or then either other parts of certain plants or whole certain plantsand only then certain milk and about cause of probable slaughter of the Canaanites including women and also young children in the book of Joshua by the Jews and about the right apparently Mongolian way of breeding of dairy cattle.

24) 04/06/2016 My Devillogy in my up to now personal life experience, i.e. the Old Testament Yahweh as Satan, i.e. Satan as both the tempter and executioner of all living creatures also of Jews (i.e. also in relation to Jews telling both partly truth and partly lies) and in all these completely serving New Testament charitable only one God, communism, about women as a tool of the Devil, i.e. Satan or why eg. also Hindus probably publicly lie about killing animals.

25) 19/06/2016 About the basic metaphysical question, if it is possible to kill Satan, i.e. the Devil, i.e. death, and further about expropriation without compensation, i.e. communism and about the modern State of Israel and about Muslim Palestinians and further about the most popular contemporary Czech politicians Milos Zeman, Andrej Babis and Karel Schwarzenberg, and about the expelled Czech Sudeten Germans and about the by apparently Jewish Andrej Babis dominated Czech political Green Party and about the Austrian presidential elections in 2016.

26) 30/06/2016 (Mathematical definition of the Biblical God)

27) 06/07/2016 The apparently only one possible (also Biblical) righteous philosophy of carnivores, virtually also of all other predators and also about the correct interpretation of Jewish and Christian Biblical laws of righteous fight, and about the only one real Christian Church, i.e. about the only one true Christian community according to the Philosophy of Balance and apparently also according to Jesus of Nazareth, apparently Christ and episode no. 2 of my article: “Beginning of salvation or the end of the world in the presidential elections in present-day Austria according to the Philosophy of Balance. Nazism as a result of Christian and Jewish heresy?”

28) 15/07/2016 My personal up to now life experience and relationship with the Jews.

Appendices Philosophy of Balance or ORDER OF VICTORIOUS ARMY as biblical paradise in the world for all living creatures by our own forces as commentary on Bible, Genesis, chapter 1-4

Questionnaire about definition of love in by you held worldview from the point of view of the science of love (charitylogy)

Yourworldview:Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, other belief, fill what: , atheist, fascist and other right-wing dictatorship, Communist and other left-wing dictatorship, right-wing Liberal Democrat,center Liberal Democrat,left-wing Liberal Democrat,evolutionist, not Darwinist, Darwinist, creationist

As a philosopher and jurist I aims to establish a science of love (charitylogy), for this reason I present to you the following questionnaire to find your definition of love (charity) as the representative of a particular worldview. Please send anonymously filled questionnaire for possible publication on . (in more details see , , )

Results of the questionnaire of major worldviews according to my theoretical assumptions

Regardless of the weight of merits for less both death and pain, and regardless of the responsibility for more both death and pain the advantaging (prioritization)incausingless both death and pain of various living creatures in comparison to other living creatures according to major human worldviews
Belief from newest to oldest: / Philosophy of Balance / Muslim / Buddhist / Roman Catholic Christian / Jew / Hindu
1) Youasa humanin comparison toother people / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
2) You andYourimmediate family in comparison toother people / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No
3) You and members of Your sex in Your immediate familyin comparison tomembers of other sex in Your immediate family / No / Yes, i.e. women/ Maximally little less both death and pain / No / No / No / Yes, i.e. men/Maximally in hugely less both death and pain
4) You andYourimmediate familyandYourdistantrelativesin comparison toother people / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No
5) You and Your fellow humansin comparison toother people / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
6) other people in comparison toYourenemies-humans / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
7) Yourtogether believersin comparison tofrom You distinct believers / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
8) Your together believers - Yourfriendsin comparison toYour together believers whilenot Your enemies and whilenotYourrelatives / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
9) members of Yournationalitywhile not Your relativesand while not Your enemiesin comparison tomembers of other nationality while not Your relativesand while not Your enemies / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
10) members of Your race while not Your relatives and while not Your enemiesin comparison tomembers of other race while not Your relatives and while not Your enemies / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain/No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
11) members of Your skin colorwhile not Your relatives and while not Your enemiesin comparison tomembers of other skin color while not Your relatives and while not Your enemies / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
12) members of Your social strata (class) while not Your relatives and while not Your enemiesin comparison tomembers of other social strata (class) while not Your relatives and while not Your enemies / No / No / No / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain
13) Yourfriends-other living creatures than humansin comparison toYour not friends-the humans / No / No / No / No / No / Yes, i.e.cows and bulls/Maximally in hugely less both death and pain
14) Your friends-other living creatures than humansin comparison toother humanswhile friends / No / Yes, i.e. pigs / In variously less both death and pain / No / Yes, i.e. dogs and cats /Maximally in hugely less both death and pain / Yes, i.e. pigs / In variously less both death and pain / Yes, i.e.cows and bulls/Maximally in hugely less both death and pain
15) humansin comparison tootherliving creaturesthan humans / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No and also Yes /In variously less both death and pain
16) humansin comparison tobelieved higher animals / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Nowith exception of causing less both death and pain ofcows and bulls
17) humansin comparison toothermammals (i.e.believed higher animals – for example mammals) / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No with exception of causing less both death and pain of cows and bulls
18) humansand other mammalsin comparison tobirds (i.e. also believed higher animals) / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No with exception of causing less both death and pain of cows and bulls
19) humans and other mammalsandalso birdsin comparison toreptiles and to reptilesas similar believed higher animals like on principle amphibians / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No with exception of causing less both death and pain of cows and bulls
20) humans andother mammalsandalso birds andalso reptiles and to reptiles as similar believed higher animals like on principle amphibiansin comparison tofishand to fish as similar believed higher animals like on principle amphibians and like snails and like jellyfish and like crabs and also cancers / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No with exception of causing less both death and pain of cows and bulls
21) humans and other mammals and also birds and also reptiles and also fish and all them also humans as similar believed higher animalsin comparisontoinsects and to insects and animals similar to them and to them similar trees andto these trees similar plants / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / No with exception of causing less both death and pain of cows and bulls
22) humans and other mammals and also birds and also reptiles and also fishes and amphibians and all them also humans similaranimals and to them similar trees and to these trees similar plantsin comparison toother both treesand to trees similar plants, for examplealso some bushes / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yeswith exception of both trees and to trees similar plants/ In variously less both death and pain
23) humans and other mammals and otherbelieved higher animalsand from believed higher animalsnot very differentother animals and trees and to trees similar plantsin comparison toflowers and to flowers similar plants, for example also bushes and also both many fungiand algaes / No / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes with exception of both trees and to trees similar plants/ In variously less both death and pain
24) humans and other mammals and other believed higher animals and from believed higher animals not very different other animals and woody plants and herbaceous plants and to both woody and herbaceous plants similar both plants and, as the case may be, fungiin comparison toother multicelular organisms / Nowith exception of causing more both death and pain of all following living creatures, if they are multicelular organisms, i.e. animal sperm and unfertilized animal one egg and animal sperm one cell and many plant seeds and plant fruit and plant one seed / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes with exception of both trees and flowers and to both trees and flowers similar plants / In variously less both death and pain
25) humans and other multicellular organismsin comparison tosingle-celled organisms and viruses / No with exception of causing more both death and pain of all following living creatures, if they are single-celled organisms, i.e. animal sperm and unfertilized animal one egg and animal sperm one cell and many plant seeds and plant fruit and plant one seed / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes/In variously less both death and pain / Yes with exception of multicelular organisms very differentfrom believed higher animalswith exception ofanimal one egg / In variously less both death and pain

Simplified questions of the questionnaire, mark off or supplement if need be in the .docx format suitable response:


1.1 If necessary do you consider right to save both death and pain ofYou as a humanat the cost of more both death and pain ofother people?


1.2 If you answered YES to Question 1.1, answer also the question:Maximally how much more both death and pain you consider right, if necessary, to cause toother people, to save both death and pain ofYou as a human?