Philosophical Ethics Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Grames
Room#: 155
Course Description & Learning Outcomes
This course focuses chiefly on the investigation of rightness and wrongness, and how humanity has historically made these distinctions. Significant time will be devoted to discussing the values different people and cultures hold and what effect they have on our character, communities, and society as a whole. The goal of this class is to increase your ability to make sound moral and ethical judgments by examining the diversity of human experience. Specifically, students will develop their ability to reason by engaging in robust debates that cover complex moral dilemmas and modern political issues, to age old questions of life's meaning and what obligations we have to one another.
Class Website
Go to our class website and subscribe to receive regular email updates about homework, tests, and projects!
Required Course Materials
1)Excerpts from A 21st Century Ethical Toolbox by Anthony Weston (provided by school)
2)Dedicated student notebook
3)iPads (provided by school)
4)Bring your own scrap paper and writing utensils
Classroom Rules & Procedures
1)Practice the Golden Rule
2)Clean up after yourself
3)Ask before you leave the room and use the hall pass.
4)Etc… etc… etc…
Grading Policy
- 25% weight to Practice and 75% weight to Assessment.
- For more details, refer to the school’s official grading policy in the student/parent handbook found on the school’s website.
Course Pacing
Unit 1: Re-Introducing Ethics
Unit 2: Ethics-Avoidance
Unit 3: Ethics and Religion
Unit 4: Moral Values
Unit 5: Skills for Ethical Practice
Unit 6: Ethics and Politics
Unit 7: Forging an Ethical Legacy
Signing Statement
By signing below, I am affirming that I have read the syllabus and gone to our school website and subscribed to the appropriate Ethics class webpage.
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______