BC Minutes for March 22, 2011


Phillip Johnson (Treasurer)

Gaby Mateo

Diwa Cody

Jasjaap Sidhu

Maia Mares

Allan Landman

Geoff Ainslie

Pranay Kirpalani

Esther Fervier

Mindfulness and Meditation

The group has done a silent retreat in the past, and the event was a success. They would like to request funding for food during the trip for the twelve students who would like to attend. They are requesting $250 in food.

Generally the AAS does not fund food for student trips, such as conferences or tournaments. The event is happening outside of campus.

The representative asks if this can count as a food event. Phil Johnson explains that the AAS funds food that adds to the event (such as refreshments after a speaker to promote discussion), but they don’t fund food to feed people on trips, such as conferences or tournaments, and this falls into the category of a trip.

There is the possibility of funding from Dean Fatemi, but the AAS typically does not fund this type of request.

There is a motion to fund $0. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier in favor, 0 objections, Kirpalani abstains.


The group is requesting reimbursements for an EMT training course. The EMT class increased in price between 2009 and 2010, and that accounts for a slight increase in cost. They are requesting reimbursements for 16 people.

Phil Johnson asks why this is being requested through discretionary, and not the master general fund. The representative says that they have about $5936 left in their budget, which is not sufficient, and that they should have requested this through discretionary all along.

Phil Johnson says that he is interested in how in the past the group has been able to afford the reimbursements without discretionary. The representative says that it has been requested in the past, at least partially. He also says that they have exceeded the master general fund in the past.

Pranay Kirpalani asks why they have not attempted to increase their budget if they always exceed it. The representative says that they are attempting an increase, especially as the EMT course has increased in cost.

There is a motion to fund in full. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, Fervier abstains.


The PAs are requesting food to follow a reception and publicity.

This type of request falls under the $200 food rule. The PAs would like to use all $200. They are also advised to request more funding from Dean Fatemi if it is necessary.

There is a motion to fund $209. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, Landman abstains because he was not in the room.

Mead Art Docents

The docents are requesting funding for an Evenings at the Mead event. They are requesting $80 for cider donuts and cider from Atkins, and $100 for an acapella group.

There is a motion to fund $189. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Amherst Christian Fellowship / Veritas

The groups are requesting funding for an event to promote a dialogue between secular and Christian world views on campus.

They are requesting $350 from facilities and recording. Veritas requires that the event is recorded in high quality, and that there are some photos of the event. Veritas is an organization that has similar events nationwide.

They would like $50 for the photographer, and $15 to develop photos. The AAS has distinguished between videographers and photographers in the past. Phil Johnson says that the organization is requiring the video and pictures, but the representative explains that Veritas requires the video and is recommending pictures. Kirpalani says he thinks this request should be tabled until the organizers know more details about what they are requesting in terms of equipment.

They have looked into co-sponserships. They got $800 from the Day Foundation, which is associated with Veritas.

They are requesting $450 for advertising. They budgeted $300 for posters, postcards, and printing, and $150 for programs. Kirpalani explains that the AAS typically funds $9 for publicity, and the group should speak to Dean Fatemi about the programs or additional publicity.

They also requesting funding for planning. The planners would have a dinner with the speakers. Typically the AAS funds speaker meals, but not student’s meals. The AAS will fund up to $20 per speaker. ACF is having three guests. The AAS will therefore fund up to $60 for the meals.

They are also requesting $100 for a follow-up, which is an event. The $100 is for the publicity and food for the event. They have not yet established what the follow-up event will be, so the AAS can fund publicity but is not comfortable funding food until they know what it is for.

There is a motion to fund $1331.18. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Anime Club

The group would like to attend Anime Boston. They have attended the event in the past three years. The group would like to use the event to connect with the larger Anime community, as well as participating in various competitions.

They are expecting about 19 people, and there is a possibility of more interest. The hotel that they would like is $250 per night per room. The AAS cap for hotels is $150 per room, at a quad rate. The group looked into staying in a suburb or a more distant hotel. However, they decided not to do that because the costumes that they are bringing are very fragile and make travel difficult.

Phil Johnson also advises the group to request any additional hotel funding from Dean Fatemi.

There is a motion to fund $2450. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

La Causa

The group is requesting funding for hotels for 8 students to attend a conference. They are requesting $667.52 for the rooms for two nights. The representative asks that they be allotted $700 just in case something arises. However, the AAS has a hard cap of $150 per room per night for hotels, so the maximum they could fund is $600.

There is a motion to fund $600. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.


The group is requesting an honorarium for a speaker. They have $300 for SCEF, and plan on $200 from Dean Fatemi, so they are requesting $500 from the AAS. In addition, they are requesting $250 for food during the event. They are already budgeted $500, but need $750 in total.

The event is a fundraising banquet, so the food is appropriate.

There is a motion to fund in full. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

The representative had also requested funding for hotels for the speaker previously, but there was a misunderstanding.

There is a motion to fund $140 emergency because of AAS error. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Women’s Ultimate

The group is requesting funding for dues.

There is a motion to emergency fund in full. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Amherst College Jew Crew

The group would like to have a bagel brunch with a speaker. They would like to use the brunch to discuss Jewish identity. They had a brunch in the past and over 100 people attended. In the last brunch, they had attendees fill out a survey about what they wanted from the group.

Sidhu says that they funded the last bagel brunch out of the group’s $200 food rule. But the group used their entire $200 food budget on the last brunch.

Phil Johnson argues that often the AAS funds cultural events such as the Harlem Ren event and other cultural dinners. Kirpalani says that Harlem Ren is culture based, and so is an event like Asian Night Market. The events are intended to celebrate culture. The representative says that often Jewish culture isn’t as easy to define and the bagels and salmon are an integral part of the culture. The speaker is going to do a presentation and then they will open it up for discussion.

Ainslie says he does not understand the distinction between Harlem Ren and this type of event.

Kirpalani says that Night Market is an event in which there are performances, food, and other activities all intended to celebrate culture. However, this is a speaker event and not really a cultural celebration.

The representative asks if they included traditional Israeli dancing, would this event count as cultural and therefore get food?

Cody says that Shabbat dinners are funded. Kirpalani says that those dinners are different and not cultural.

Kirpalani says that they use the cultural food precedent when students attempt to have an event to communicate their culture to other students. However, in this event the speaker is giving a presentation and this is not the same type of event as Night Market or Harlem Ren.

Ainslie says that the divide between cultural events and this type of event is unclear.

The group is requesting $9 for publicity as well.

Phil Johnson says that he is concerned about funding cultural food for a speaker and discussion, but also is unsure about where to make the distinction.

There is a motion to fund $9. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, Landman abstains.

Charles Drew House

The group is requesting funding for a DJ. The party will take place on April 23rd in Seelye. They plan to fund raise at the party and proceeds will go towards earthquake relief in Haiti.

There is a motion to fund in full. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Roosevelt Institution

The group is requesting funding for hotels at a conference. They had previously requested funding for three nights, but the conference was extended by one night, and so the representative would like an extra $150 for the additional night.

There is a motion to fund $150. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

In addition, there is another request that was not submitted in time. Phil Johnson says that when requests are not submitted in time, time is wasted because the representative has to describe their entire budget treasurer has to type up the line items during the meeting.

The event is being held in Springfield and the group has vans to get to the location. The group is requesting honorariums for three speakers, as well as advertising, and food for the event.

Phil Johnson says that historically the AAS does not fund or co-sponsor large events that take place off campus.

There is a motion to fund $9 for publicity. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.

Students for Liberty

The group is requesting $59 for an intro meeting and publicity.

There is a motion to fund $59. Mateo, Cody, Sidhu, Mares, Landman, Ainslie, Fervier, Kirpalani in favor, 0 objections, 0 abstentions.