Meeting Minutes
Philadelphia Chapter of ACBS
Bi-Monthly Chapter Meeting –November 14th, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7PM at The Eddington House, 2813 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem, PA.
Attendees: Members Gloria & Joe Gartner, Brian & Ellen Gagnon, Doug Mehring, Ed Andrews, Frank Mallin, Carmen DeLeo, Russell Jamison; Steve Ingraham, Mary Mullin; Wanda and Bill Carley, Rich Beckwith, Bob and Karen Scarborough, Joyce Turner, Jack Brooks, Ed Ferris, Sam Allen, Gary Vogt, George Wolgemuth Sr. and George Wolgemuth Jr, Kenneth Motz, and Ed Kelly.
Officers and Committee Chairs for 2017
President: Brian Gagnon
Vice-President: Ed Andrews
Treasurer: Joe Gartner
Secretary: Gloria Gartner
Director: Bill Carley
Director: Jack Brooks
Advertising Committee Chair: Steve Ingraham
Newsletter Editor: Brian Gagnon
Database: Brian Gagnon
Membership/Youth Development/Public Relations/Safety Chair: Jack Brooks
Membership Retention Chair: Ellen Gagnon
Facebook Manager: Gloria Gartner
President: Brian Gagnon
Brian started the meeting with the introduction of members whom have not attended a meeting in a while as well as several members of the Barnegat Bay Chapter.
Minutes of the meeting held September 12th, 2017 were presented for discussion. No changes were suggested by the membership. Joe Gartner made a motion to accept the minutes. Doug Mehring seconded the motion. Members unanimously approved the motion.
Brian gave a report on the possible merger of Barnegat Bay Chapter (BBC) with the Philadelphia Chapter. Three possibilities were discussed; 1st, members of the BBC would step up and continue to run the chapter: 2nd, dissolve the chapter; and 3rd, merge with the Philadelphia Chapter. Joyce sent a letter to BBC members asking for their input for the future of the chapter. The majority of the responses received were in favor of a merger. Several stipulated that they would like the BBC Boat Show to continue at the same location. There were several responses that indicated that they would like to see a name change to incorporate the two chapters. Brian took the issue to the ACBS General Meeting in November, 2017 to seek approval for a merger. The merger was approved by ACBS.
Gloria noted that ACBS has already combined the two chapters on their website. As of today, we have 126 members combined.
Brian also stated that in addition to the name change we should consider revamping our logo. Due to the complexity of our logo, it is extremely expensive to reproduce on clothing due to the fact that there are 18
colors. Brian suggested the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to include members of both chapters for the purpose of coming up with proposals for name and logo changes to be presented at the next meeting in January. Joe Gartner, Rich Beckwith volunteered from the Philadelphia Chapter and Joyce Turner and Karen Scarborough from BBC. Brian agreed to be the 5th member of the Ad Hoc Committee.
Brian noted that he received $225 in Nautical Mile Sales for the last issue.
Vice President: Ed Andrews
Ed noted that many members of the Philadelphia Chapter volunteered at the BBC boat show. There was about 60 boats and was very well organized and attended.
The Long Level Show was also well attended and brought several new members to the Philadelphia Chapters.
The Cape May Flea Market was also a good day. Great turnout and a good opportunity to broadcast our Chapter.
The Atlantic City Boat show will be in February 28th, 2018 through March 4th, 2018. Volunteers will be needed to man that show.
Ed presented a tentative schedule of events for 2018 to the membership. The membership meetings for 2018 will be held on January 9th; March 13th, May 8th, July 10th, September 11th, and November 13th, will be the annual meeting.
A discussion took place about changing our annual boat show from Stone Harbor, NJ to a freshwater venue in Bristol, Penna, which is on the Delaware River. Ed has been in contact with Borough Personnel to make arrangements to secure a date in July, 2018. The decision to move the show would still give us one salt water show and one fresh water show.
Joyce noted that next year will be the 35th anniversary of the BBC boat show. Ed noted that next year will also be the 20th anniversary of the Philadelphia Chapter. Joe Gartner stated that the club started in Croydon at Neshaminy State Park so it would be commemorative to have our show in Bristol which is a mile down from the state park.
Ed requested that the Chapter have business cards and rack cards made to use as advertising for the Atlantic City Boat show and other chapter sponsored events. Brian made a request to authorize up to $300 for this purpose. Joe made motion to approve the request and Steve seconded the motion which was approved unanimously.
Treasurer: Joe Gartner
Joe Gartner gave the Treasurer’s Report for the fiscal year to date. Total cash in bank is $9,401.55. The inventory is $301.35, which includes plaques and burgees. Our total revenue for the fiscal year to date is $7,304.07 and total expenses were $6,891.01, leaving a net gain of $413.06 for the year.
Joe notified members that Josh Bryant was the winner of the poker run at Long Level. He generously donated his winnings back to the chapter. A letter of gratitude was sent to him to acknowledge his contribution.
Gloria questioned what happens to the BBC treasury balance. Brian noted that when all their bills are paid, any remaining funds will be transferred to our chapter.
Rich Beckwith made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Carmen seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by members.
Secretary: Gloria Gartner
Gloria spoke of IRS requirements should the chapter decide to change their name. Our by-laws and constitution will have to be amended to reflect the change. For 2017, she will file the 990N under the Philadelphia Chapter name.
She gave a report on the finances of the Long Level Show. In total, we made $300 in registrations, $100 in food, $190 in poker run donations. In addition, we sold 2 burgees and 2 name tags.
Ad Chair: Steve Ingraham
Steve talked about potential advertisers for the Nautical Mile. So far, he has not heard back from them. Joe Gartner suggested he contact Atlantis Propeller for potential advertising. So far, he has given them 3 props for repair so there is a potential business for them.
Old Business
Brian corrected the number of plaques remaining from 2 to 1. Gloria will correct the inventory amount. Brian questioned whether we should buy moreplaques. Due to potential changes in logo and name, that was tabled until changes are finalized.
Brian presented a President’s Cup to Frank Mallin. Frank jointly won this year’s award along with Ed Andrews. Originally, one cup was presented with both names. Subsequently, Brian presented Frank with his own cup.
Election results were discussed by Steve Ingraham. Final results will not be known until the end of November. Steve asked Brian if he could send out another reminder to membership before finalizing the election results. Right now we only have 14% of membership voting for the election. Jack questioned whether another notice will produce results as we have already sent two notices to members already. It was decided that additional membership notices are not necessary.
With no further business to discuss, Joe Gartner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00PM, which was seconded by Jack. The motion passed unanimously
The first chapter meeting for 2018 will take place on January 9th, at the Eddington House, Bensalem, Penna.