PHI 2010 Course Syllabus

Philosophy – CRN 17558

West Campus HSB-221 – MW 8:30-9:45am

Professor Stacey DiLiberto
Office: 3-125
Phone: 407-582-1026

Office Hours
Monday 11:30am-12:30pm
Wednesday 11:30am-1:00pm w/ Professor Rodgers in office 5-259
Thursday 9:30am-12:30pm
Virtual Office Hours via email
Tuesday 9:30am-12:30pm
Friday 9:30-noon / Professor Travis Rodgers
Office: 5-259
Phone: 407-582-1075

Office Hours
Monday 11:30am-1:00pm
Tuesday 10:30-11:30am, 1:30-2:30pm
Wednesday 11:30am-1:00pm
Thursday 10:30-11:30am, 1:30-2:30pm
Virtual Office Hours via Atlas Email:
Friday 8:30-11:30am (email)

Required Textbooks

Albert Camus. The Stranger. ISBN 10: 0679720200

Alan Moore. V for Vendetta. ISBN 10: 140120841x

George Orwell. 1984. ISBN 10: 1943138435

Bullock. Little Seagull Handbook W/ Exercises. ISBN 039602648

Note: There will be supplemental readings throughout the semester. You are expected to print them or otherwise have them with you in class.

Course Description

Contemporary problems are used to introduce the major areas of philosophy: metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics, theories of knowledge and the philosophy of religion. Students explore the writings of notable philosophers, past and present, and examine how their ideas shed light on these problems and their relevance to modern life.

Course Topics

An interdisciplinary examination of social authority. We consider the divine as authority, society as authority, the individual as authority, and we explore rejections of authority. This course approaches these topics from a philosophical point of view.


Course Outcomes – IDH 1110

  • Students will develop college-level writing skills.
  • Students will construct philosophical arguments.
  • Students will define essential philosophical concepts.
  • Students will identify key assumptions and implications of major philosophical theories and perspectives in their historical context.
  • Students will evaluate philosophical theories and arguments for coherence, consistency, and plausibility.

Gen Ed Indicators: Critical Thinking, Cultural and Historical Understanding, Information Literacy, and Written Communication.


You are expected to attend all class meetings of all courses for which you are registered unless unavoidable circumstances (as determined by instructors’ judgment, including, for instance, hospitalization and jury duty) prevent attendance. Attending a course means showing up for class on time, remaining for the duration, with all required work prepared, and being engaged with the goings on of the classroom. See Course/Classroom Expectations for what is expected of you in the classroom. Regular attendance and regular class participation are significant factors that promote success in college. Absences directly affect your course grade:

  • Attendance is 5% of your course grade.
  • If you are present for the entirety of class (8:30 AM until 11:15 AM) and are fully engaged with class (not sleeping, not working on other assignments), you will be counted as present.
  • If you arrive after 8:30 but before 8:45 AM, you will incur ½ an absence.
  • If you are not in class by 8:45 AM, you are considered absent for that day.
  • If you arrive on time but leave more than 15 minutes early, you will be marked absent for that day.
  • If you arrive on time but leave within the last fifteen minutes of class, you will incur ½ an absence.
  • If you are asked to leave by your professor for a violation of the classroom comportment policy, you are considered absent for that day.

There are 28* scheduled course meetings this semester. We will add up the total number of times you were present for the semester by 26. This means that you can miss two classes without it directly affecting your course grade. (*If that number should change, the denominator would change accordingly.)

Attendance can also indirectly affect your course grade:

  • If there is an in-class quiz, and you miss the quiz, you will not be able to make up that quiz.
  • If there is an in-class assignment due, and you miss that part of class, you will not be able to submit that assignment for a grade.
  • If we are doing collaborative learning (working in groups) and you miss class, and the assignment is multi-period, then you will be removed from the group and will not receive a group grade. Your grade will be determined separately.
  • Late Assignments: Once the coursework deadline arrives, the assignment will no longer be available. If you find that you cannot submit an assignment because it has been locked at the deadline, your assignment is late and will not be counted for a grade.
  • We will drop your two lowest coursework grades. This means if you are a few minutes late, or miss two assignments, you will be able to drop those grades as long as you do all the remaining assignments.

“No Show” Status

Class attendance is required beginning with the first class meeting. If you do not attend the first week’s class meetings, you will be withdrawn from the class as a “no show.” If you are withdrawn as a “no show,” you will be financially responsible for the class and a final grade of “WN” will appear on your transcript for the course.


Grading Scale

The grading scale for the course.

A = 88-100% / B = 78-87.99% / C = 68-77.99% / D = 58-67.99% / F = <58%

*Grades are final. There is no rounding up.

Final grades will be determined using the following point distribution:

  • Coursework (Pre-Class Assignment, In Class Quizzes) - 25%
  • Paper #1 – 20%
  • Research Paper – 20%
  • Final Project - 20%
  • In Class Presentations (2 of them) – 10%
  • Attendance - 5%

Course Assignments

Papers = 40%

As this is a Gordon Rule Writing class, students will be expected to produce original, polished writings on course materials. This grade will be split into two pieces: a first paper and a researched position paper. More details will follow on the nature of these assignments.

Coursework = 25%

A good portion of your grade will come from the work you do in preparation for each class meeting. Interdisciplinary classes are structured as primarily active learning experiences. This means what you bring to class in terms of preparation affects the experience of your peers as well. The best way to prepare yourself for class is to do the assigned readings and answer the learning outcomes posted for each class meeting and/or week. You can expect to complete at least one assignment before or during each class meeting. These assignment include in-class quizzes, questions to answer or prepare as homework, journals, or in discussion posts in which you interact with your peers. If there is not a formal assignment given for a particular day, assume a thorough reading and understanding of the learning outcomes for that class meeting are expected so that you will be prepared for class discussion and activities. All coursework assignments are worth 10 points each. More details will follow.

Presentation = 10%

Each student will be graded on two in-class presentations. Presentations are brief individual or (more often) group assignments in which students lead the class, presenting novel material to their classmates and instructors. The presentation will focus on one or more of our course texts. More details will follow.

Final Project = 20%

Students will complete a final project, either individually or in groups (students’ choice). More details will follow on the learning outcomes for that project. If students wish to write a paper individually rather than complete the project, the paper is due at the scheduled time during exam week: Monday, December 11 @ 10:00am.

Grading Policies

Late and Missing Work

Late work is penalized. Sometimes those penalties are severe, but the severity of the penalty is relative to the assignment type. See policies below.


Coursework includes both pre-class assignments and in-class assignments. Pre-class assignments will be brief but formally written responses to prompts provided by your instructors. In-class assignments will take various forms including quizzes, in-class writings, and group activities. If you do not submit coursework on time, your grade for that assignment will be a zero. You will not be permitted to make up any coursework (excepted in cases of excused class absence – see attendance policy); however, we will drop your two lowest scores at the end of the semester. This means you can miss two "coursework" assignments with no penalty.


The course presentation is required. Students missing their assigned date will receive a zero unless they can provide documentation demonstrating that their attendance on that day would have been a physical, legal, or moral impossibility. Papers If you do not submit a term paper or take and exam on time, your grade will decline at the rate of one letter grade (10%) per day (or part thereof) late. If a paper is more than five days late, you will not receive feedback when you receive your grade.

Final Exam / Project

If you miss your final exam, you will receive a zero. Scoring a zero on your final exam may make it rather difficult for you to earn a successful grade in the course.

Academic Dishonesty

“All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a test situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the students’ individual thoughts, research and self-expression. Whenever a student uses ideas, wording or organization from another source, the source shall be appropriately acknowledged.” (College Policy 6HX28:08-11). For more information on the college’s policy, If you commit academic dishonesty, you may earn a zero on that assignment or assessment. This grade cannot be dropped or altered. Further “academic penalties may include: […] reduction in the course grade; or a grade of “F” in the course. In addition, the “professor may choose to consider the act of academic dishonesty to be a violation of the Valencia Student Code of Conduct, and may refer the matter for resolution in accordance with Policy 10-03. Disciplinary penalties for academic dishonesty may include, without limitation, warning, probation, suspension and/or expulsion from the college” (College Policy 6HX28:08-11).

Some of your assignments will be uploaded to SafeAssign to verify academic integrity. If SafeAssign or I find that all or a portion of your paper includes outside work that is not properly cited, you will fail the assignment. Cite all sources and ideas that are not your own. All assignments are designed for you to provide your OWN thoughts. Outside sources aren’t necessary to complete all assignments, but if you do use anything give proper credit using MLA documentation. If you are unclear how to cite, see us, consult your writing handbook, or someone at one of the campus writing centers.

WARNING: You may be tempted to use Google, Wikipedia,, Sparknotes, Schmoop, Cliffs Notes, etc. to help you find the answers to some of the discussion questions for the readings, but this is considered academic dishonesty. If you do not quite understand a reading, answer the prompts to the best of your ability. THIS IS HOW YOU WILL LEARN. Also, don’t just copy someone else’s answers and say “I agree!” You will need to answer each prompt with your own thoughts and your own words.


Professors’ Office Hours

Office hours are designed to support your learning. During office hours, we can answer your questions regarding course concepts, readings, and assignments, provide feedback on your work-in-progress, discuss your performance on course assessments, and be a sounding board for your academic and future plans. Refer to page 1 of the syllabus for days/times/location.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center, located in 5-155 on West Campus, has consultants that can assist you at any stage of the writing process. Their emphasis will be on teaching you to hone your writing skills in areas such as organization, main ideas, supporting evidence, documentation, grammar, and/or mechanics. In the fall, their hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm. To make an appointment with a consultant, please call 407-582- 5454. For walk-up service, use their Mobile Writing Center, located on the first floor of the library (hours vary). For more information, visit their homepage:

One helpful service that the Winter Park Campus CSSC offers is ONLINE writing consultations. Go to the CSSC website: Once you access the site, click on the “E-mail Us Your Paper!” link, and fill out the form. Once you submit the form, the CSSC will automatically receive your information and essay and get back to you. Please give CSSC consultants a 48 to 72 hour turnaround on your paper. I highly advise you to do this and I might offer some extra credit for doing so!

Smarthinking Online Tutoring

Smarthinking is a free online tutoring service, where you can receive live, online tutoring as well as submit your essays for comments. To access this resource, log into Atlas, click on the “Courses” tab, and click on “Tutoring (online) – Smart Thinking,” located under “My Courses.”

Library Services

The library is located in Building 6 on West Campus, and the reference librarians are on the second floor at the Reference Desk. The librarians can support you when researching a topic and answer your research questions. You can also access the MLA Style Guide and LibGuides on their homepage:

Blackboard Support

If you are having technical problems in Blackboard, you can contact the Help Desk at 407-582- 5600 for 24/7 support or through email at . Also, under “Resources” in our Blackboard course, there are two links: “Technical Support” and “Student Resources” you may use.

BayCare Services

BayCare is a private and confidential counseling service contracted by Valencia College that provides short-term assistance to credit students who need to resolve problems that are affecting their college performance. Examples might include stress, relationship/family issues, alcohol/drug problems, eating disorders, depression, and gender issues. If you are experiencing any of these issues, call 1-800-878-5470 to speak to a professional counselor. For more information, log into Atlas, click on the “Students” tab, and click on “BayCare Health System,” located under “Health and Wellness.”

Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)

OSD, located in SSB 102 on West Campus, exists to determine and ensure reasonable and appropriate accommodations and modifications for qualified students with documented disabilities, to assist students in self-advocacy, to educate the Valencia community about disabilities, and to ensure compliance with the ADAAA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. For more information, call 407-582-1523 (TTY: 407-582-1222), or visit their homepage at

V. Course Calendar

The schedule of course readings and assignment deadlines is posted to Blackboard.

VI. Course/Classroom Expectations

Classroom Decorum

Proper classroom decorum is expected in this course. Be aware that your classroom behavior contributes to the professional setting of the classroom. As a college student, you are expected to be aware of the signals your behavior sends, whether intentional or unintentional. Your professors are individuals whom you will likely use as a resource for future pursuits, so those relationships should be nurtured by both parties accordingly.

Civil Discussion

This interdisciplinary class is intended to promote critical thinking and will deal with topics that may be considered sensitive in nature. In order to benefit from the “marketplace of ideas,” various academic viewpoints will be given equal time and consideration. Always be considerate and listen to other students even if their position challenges your own beliefs. Embrace the opportunity to experience different points of view at the college. Per Valencia's policy, hateful or intimidating speech of any nature will not be tolerated and will result in ejection from the classroom.

Preparation and Contribution

College students are expected to be active learners and contribute to class discussions. Students are expected to come to each class prepared to answer questions, ask questions, and use class time productively. Sleeping, working on other materials, and otherwise “checking out” will not count as actively contributing. Most days you will be expected to complete work in class that requires preparation prior to class. Your level of preparedness will be reflected in grades for assignments. You will also be asked to collaborate with your peers and offer meaningful contributions to meet the learning outcomes for the class activities and assignments.

Considerate Use of Technology

In an effort to minimize distractions for all students and faculty in this course, considerate use of laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices is required. These devices should be used for academic purposes only. There will be many times in this course where these devices will be helpful and even essential to your learning experience. However, during lectures and class discussions, attention should be given to the speaker and not to your electronic device since all voices matter, and we will respect those voices accordingly. If it is suspected you are using your electronic device for non-course related purposes, you will be asked to discontinue its use.

VII. Important Dates

Holidays (College Closed)

Labor Day: Monday, September 4, 2017

College Night: Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thanksgiving: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - Sunday, November 26, 2017

Withdrawal Deadline: Friday, November 10, 2017

Final Exam: Monday, December 11, from 10:00am-12:30pm


Circumstances may require changes to the policies in this syllabus or to the course calendar. Any change that is made will be announced in class, on Blackboard, or through Atlas email.