Phase 2: What’s going on at the University of Washington?

Listening to Stakeholders List Number 3 10/21/2005

Questions for stakeholders:

  • What should be the attributes of an excellent undergraduate experience at the University of Washington?
  • What are the strengths of the current UW experience?
  • What are the weaknesses of the current UW experience?
  • What are the national best practices, and what models can be adopted for the UW?

Person or committee to interview / Interviewers
Faculty Cmte on Instructional Quality
Prof. Jan Carline (carlinej@) / Janice DeCosmo
Devon Peña
Faculty Cmte on Student Affairs
Prof Craig Pace (pacec@) / Jill McKinstry
Eric Godfrey
Academic Standards
Prof Don Janssen (543-9655) / Lee Dunbar
Carmen Sidbury
Faculty Senate Leadership / Ruth Johnston
June Hairston
UW Regents / Baldasty
Vennie Gore
UW Advisers, October 26
Contact Debbie Wiegand (wiegand@) / Rick Roth
Julia Parrish
Panhellenic Association/IFC
pannhell@ / Lincoln Johnson
Karen Clegg
Intercollegiate Athletics
Kim Durand (durand@)
Assoc. A.D. for Student Development, / Paul LePore
Pete Dukes
Gus Kravas
Vice Provost/Special Asst to the President for Student Relations, / Jonathan Lee
Stephanie Miller
Christine Ingebritsen ingie@
Acting Dean and Acting Vice Provost, Office of Undergraduate Education / Phil Ballinger
Julia Parrish
David Hodge hodge@
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences / Valerie Curtis-Newton
Gene Edgar
Board of Deans / Betsy Wilson
Stephanie Miller
Rusty Barcelo nvb@
Vice President, Office of Minority Affairs / Sujot Kaur Chaula
Janice DeCosmo
June Hairston
Connie Kravas ckravas@
VP Development & Alumni Relations, / Adam Grupp
Ruth Johnston
Student Affairs Directors / Philip Ballinger
Eric Godfrey
Mary Pate Wenderoth mpw@
Jaime Diaz diaz@) / Jerry Baldasty
OMA Student Ambassadors
Stephanie Gardner / Carmen Sidbury
Student Task Force on Diversity / Vennie Gore
Library Student Advisory Committee / Jill McKinstry
Student Advisory Board at ECC / Devon Peña
First Year Programs
Grant Kollett and Terry Hill
Thursday, Oct. 6th, from 3:30-4:30 / Phil Ballinger
OMA Directors. This group includes Directors of the InstructionalCenter, EOP Advising, etc. Enrique and Emile are also in attendance.
Contact Rusty Barcelo nvb@ / Lincoln Johnson
OUE Directors / Lincoln Johnson
Janice DeCosmo
CIDR Don Wulff
/ Gene Edgar
Susanne Ortega, Dean of the GraduateSchool / Adam Grupp
Resident Hall Student Association
Mliss deWald mrd3@ / Vennie Gore
Writing Council
Bob Stacey bstacey@
John Webster Cicero@ / Rick Roth
Anise Bawarshi, writing program
bawarshi@ / Jill McKinstry
GPSS / Jonathan Lee
Adam Grupp
Fred Campbell / Stephanie Miller
Undergraduate Advisory Council
Steven L. Buck, Ph.D.
Co-chair, 1

Council advises the Dean/Vice-Provost of Undergraduate Education / Marilyn Cox
Faculty, Staff Open Forum
October 24, 4-5 pm
OUGL 220 / Jerry Baldasty
Gene Edgar
Faculty, Staff Open Forum
October 27, 3:30-5
OUGL 220 / Lee Dunbar
Jill McKintry
Professor Kate Noble
(Honors students issues)
/ Mike Heinekey
Devon Peña
Faculty Council on Educational Technology
Monday, October 24th from 9:30-11.00 am in 36 Gerberding
Kalpana Kanal, Chair kkanal@... / Stephanie Miller