Ph.D. Student Progress Summary

2nd Year to Candidacy


Please respond to the following questions and attach a current c.v.

Please review this document with your faculty advisor.

You and your advisor must sign the form prior to turning it in to the Doctoral Chair.

Student: Faculty advisor: ______

Year entered Ph.D. or MSW/Ph.D. program:

Have you ever withdrawn from the program? Yes No If so, from to______

Were you on parental leave at the time? Yes No

Required Courses (units)SemesterCompleted/planned Grade

PH 142A-Intro to Probability (4) (or PH142) ______

PH 142B-Intro to Probability (4) (or PH 145) ______

SW 279-Hist & Phil of Soc Wel (2) ______

SW 287-Intro to Lib Res/Fac Research (2) ______

SW 289A-Intro to Doct Res in Soc Wel (2) ______

PH 241 (3), or alternative ______

Research/Statistics Electives (2-4) Semester Completed/PlannedGrade

SW 295-Dissertation/ Seminar (2)Semester Completed/PlannedGrade

Theoretical social science course work:Semester Completed/PlannedGrade

(may use 296 in theory area at discretion of QE chair: number of courses not specified)

Additional elective courses completed:Semester Completed/PlannedGrade

Independent Study (SW296) – note faculty name

Are you currently employed outside the University? Yes ___ No_____

How many hours per week?

Teaching Experience (Completed or Proposed during the program):

Research Experience (Completed or Proposed during the program):

Conference presentations (Completed or Proposed during the program):

Publications (Completed or Proposed during the program)

Awards (received during the program)

Purpose for Pursuing the Doctorate:(check all that apply)






Proposed QE Chair:______

Anticipated semester of QE:______


Field Bibliography Area[a]:

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:

Paper Topic:

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:


Field Bibliography Area:[b]

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:

Paper Topic:

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:


Field Bibliography Area:[c]

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:

Paper Topic:

Supervising Faculty:

Anticipated Completion Date:

Progress to Date:

Proposed Dissertation Topic/Supervising Faculty:

Student's Comments regarding progress to date:

Faculty Advisor's Comments regarding progress to date:

Faculty Advisor: Progress Review Committee Recommendation:[*]

Do you recommend a review this April?

Yes_____ No_____


Signatures Required before submission:


Student’s Signature Date Advisor’s Signature Date

[a] Qualifying areas can be found in the Ph.D. handbook. If you propose an area not listed in the handbook, you must petition the doctoral sub-committee on curriculum.

[b] See prior footnote regarding field topic areas.

[c] See prior footnote.

[*]Reviews are recommended if the Ph.D. student has not taken the QE by March 1 of his/her 8th semester or if the MSW/Ph.D. student has not done so by his/her 10th semester. Reviews may also be recommended for those students who might benefit from additional support and/or structure. (See the first page of this summary for the year the student entered the program to determine how many semesters they have been registered. If a student took parental leave these semesters do not count towards normative time.)