My WorldCat /

Sign up

  • Go to and click on ‘create a free account’
  • Search for a book and look at the record, in particular the extra web 2.0 features.


  • Link through to OLIS by clicking on the links underneath where it says ‘You are connected to the University of Oxford network’. This location information obviously will not work outside of the University network, but you can search by location below where it says ‘borrow or obtain a copy’ if you are elsewhere. Try typing in ‘United Kingdom’ in the location information box and see where else the book is.
  • Scroll down to Look at the ‘details’ and ‘reviews’ and see if anyone lhas contributed anything. If you feel like it, add something yourself.
  • Take a look at the user lists and tags.
  • If you have an account with delicious or another social bookmarking site, try posting the record to your favourites there by clicking on ‘bookmark and share’ in the top right-hand corner.
  • If you have a RefWorks account, export the record there.

Saving and exporting

  • Create a list and add items to it. You can either do this by choosing ‘add to list’ above the record, or by going to the ‘My WorldCat’ menu at the top of the screen and choosing ‘my lists’. Add the book you have just been looking at, then search for a few more and add them too.
  • View your list by going to the ‘My WorldCat’ menu, and take a look at the features here:
  • You can send email invitations to others by clicking on ‘Share’.
  • You can bookmark the list on delicious etc by clicking on the ‘bookmark’ widget in the top right-hand corner.
  • You can subscribe to a feed of new items added to the list by clicking on the ‘RSS feed’ widget above the ‘bookmark’ widget.
  • You can add notes to individual items by clicking on the ‘edit note’ button.
  • You can export references as citations to RefWorks and EndNote (and as HTML or RTF) by clicking on the citations tab. If you have a RefWorks account, give this a go.