PGT Meeting Minutes
Parsippany Main Library
Monday, September 30, 2013
Attendance: Alison Cogan (Troy Hills), Terry Murphy (Littleton), Janet Armstrong (Intervale and Rockaway Meadow), Macey Lee (Troy Hills), Wendy Marto (Knollwood), Lani Duffy (Mount Tabor), Niraj Joshi (Lake Parsippany), Mary Ellen Iradi(Lake Parsippany), Suzanne Anzalone (Lake Hiawatha), Stephanie Dasti (Lake Par, EastLake & Mt. Tabor), Vicki Levine (Rockaway), Anitha Ramakodi (North Vail), Lora Martocci (North Vail), Jason Martocci (North Vail), Sarika Raje (Littleton), Dawn Rosen (Mt. Tabor), Surya Ayalasomayajula (Littleton), Edward Lee (Troy Hills), Donna Werfel (East Lake), Jeff Bourlier (North Vail / Lake Hiawatha).
Meeting items:
PGT President, Lani Duffy: Opened the meeting and everyone introduced themselves. There is a possibility that the GRO program might be in jeopardy as the Board of Education has been making budgetary cuts recently and this item has surfaced in the past. A Littleton representative is needed. We also need a committee chair for the annual picnic. PGT is considering giving up their reserved room in library on March 20th for Kangaroo Math.
Report from GRO Teachers: Folders containing information about the GRO program and future activities for the upcoming year will be given out to each GRO parent at the Back to School night on October 2nd.
Report from Treasurer, Macey Lee: In 2012-13 the PGT had 186 members. We have steadily been receiving memberships but they have not yet been tallied. The GRO teachers indicated that it would benefit the classrooms for the PGT to renew edHelper subscriptions for the GRO teachers. It was discussed that it would be more economical to renew for 2 years instead of the usual annual renewal. Gift cards of $50 per teacher to be given, motion was passed. The PGT balance is now $2,504.26.
Sarika Raje on Information Sessions:
This year to bring in new sessions and old favorites Financial Literacy Program and Robotics. New session idea: Game Night – Bring in favorite game. Information Session Committee is open to any ideas for spring months. The Gifted Fair is scheduled for January. Last year there were 14-15 vendors for the gifted fair. Any ideas welcome for the fair / vendors.
Alison Cogan: Mentioned that the current mindset of the Board of Education is to look at cuts for non-essential programs. The GRO program is a mandated activity but does not need to be conducted during school hours. It has been one of the programs discussed during budget sessions previously. Steps should be taken to educating everyone as to what the GRO Program is about and how it is critical and beneficial to the students. Necessity of the program should be emphasized upon by showing them the statistics for the last years for the program. Edward Lee mentioned that the NJAGC is compiling statistics that can be used for this purpose. It was discussed to bring the BOE President and/or the Superintendent for the October 28, 2013 meeting to educate them and have questions and answers involved with parents.
Kangaroo Math - Anitha Ramakodi: Anitha mentioned that there is a Math Competition held by a non-profit organization on 3rd Thursday, March 20, 2013 once a year for Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. $ 20 participation fee per student which covers the costs of the competition, a t-shirt and a certificate is also given. The competition is not based on the State curriculum. Anitha no longer needs the use of the room currently reserved by the PGT as she has secured the Morris County Library for the event. There was discussion about holding another session in the Main Library if there was a volunteer to run the event. Anitha to send further information.
Open Forum – no comments
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
This year’s PGT Board:
President Lani Duffy (), MountTabor
Vice-President Wendy Marto (), Knollwood
Treasurer Macey Lee (), Troy Hills
Secretary Niraj K. Joshi (), LakeParsippany
The next PGT meeting is Monday, October 28th at 7pm in the Parsippany Main Library.