26th January, 2018.

Dear Parents,

PGL Activity Weekend – 16th to 19th March 2018.

As the PGL weekend will soon be upon us there are certain details which need finalising.

Firstly, could I please ask you to complete and return the attached consent form as soon as possible . Could I also please refer you to the PGL Website to read and understand the key facts and the Insurance Policy.

The date and time:-

  • The children come to school at the usual time on Friday 16th March but in comfortable – non- school uniform – travelling clothes.

With them they will need to bring:-

  • One luggage bag with the completed label attached (labels will follow) and containing items from the kit list (include please 2/3 black sacks and very old clothes and shoes for activities (which can be binned if you so wish). Please ensure that the children have at least 2 pairs of trainers!
  • A second small bag for the coach containing immediate essentials.
  • A named sleeping bag and pillow inside a named black sack.
  • A packed lunch in a disposable container.
  • A named purse/wallet containing a maximum of £10, in change if possible, to be handed to Mrs. Wiltshire.
  • A small amount of money in their pockets for the stopover.
  • No electrical/technological equipment, particularly ipods, games consoles and especially mobile phones. (Cameras are fine).

They will be leaving at about 12.30 pm and parents are more than welcome to come and see their child off if they so wish.

They should be back at school by 3.30 pm on Monday 19th March and so I would ask that you or your representative be at school to pick your son/daughter up by 3.30 pm.

Mrs. Wiltshire will ring me or Mrs. Emby on their safe arrival at Marchants Hill, and parents will be informed via text message.

For your information the group leader is Mrs. Wiltshire and she will be accompanied by Mrs. Lintern and Mr. Jones.

Please do contact me if you have any further questions. I am always more than happy to meet with you to allay any fears.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Linda Briggs BA(Hons) DipEd Dip RE

Head Teacher


Consent form (to return asap)

Kit list

Marchants Hill information.

Gift shop price list

There will be a question and answer session for parents on Monday 5th March from 3.30 to 4.30 pm in the year 6 classroom. Please feel free to come along if you have any concerns or need reassurance about anything regarding the trip.