PG Affairs Committee Meeting

Thursday 18th May 2016 12 noon B23

Jenny Saul, Rosanna Keefe, Joanne Renshaw, William Hornett, Andrea Blomqvist, Stephen Bolton, Victor Wolemonwu, Robbie Morgan, Charlie Crerar

1) JS gave details on the new policy for PhD extensions – they will not be granted for students registered from 2017 onwards. Students will be encouraged to take LOA’s instead. LOAs will now be granted during writing up year forthose students.

2) JS raised the problem of the PG seminar talks, there are not enough seminar slots for each student to do a 1 hour talk. JS put to the committee that 1st year PhD students should do a ½ hour talk with ½ hour discussion. After committee discussion it was agreed that students would be given the choice of a 1 hour or ½ hour talk, with the norm for 1st years being ½ hour and the norm for later years being 1 hour. JS is to take this to the Department Meeting for discussion with staff as the change of arrangements will affect the Confirmation Review requirements.

3) JS explained the problem that MA students only have 1 mark on record when applying for PhD funding. JR suggested giving MA students the option to submit 2 essays at the December deadline.

JS suggested implementing an essay plan deadline for MA students, similar to the UG Long Essay application. This is to prevent academics being approached by students 2 weeks before deadlines for feedback and support. Week 8 was suggested as a Long Essay deadline.

4) JS advised the committee that ELTC have offered the department up to 50 hours of support sessions but received no feedback from PGs when this was circulated around. Committee to speak to students and gather suggestions and requests for sessions and workshops.

5) WH informed the committee that UG students have been working in PG rooms. JS advised WH that an email had been sent around to UG students to confirm which rooms were available to them. The committee were told if the problem continued they should let JS know. It was raised that rooms need to be used or we are at risk of losing them. A timetable of B23 availability is to be displayed each week to encourage use of this space.

6) The gendering of toilets was discussed, committee members raised the suggestion of removing signs. As there are more than enough toilets it was decided to have some female, some male and some gender neutral. WH mentioned there was no soap in a toilet, JR to report.

7) CC enquired about the tutors office hours suggestion from previous meeting, RK is to bid for budget to implement this in 2017/18. JS confirmed in the meantime tutors should direct student queries and essay plan feedback requests to the module lecturer – tutors are not paid for this so don’t do it! An update of the tutors job description is to be completed and circulated.

RM raised a query about PGs teaching 3rd year modules, payment for 10 minute feedback meetings, RK confirmed they are to be covered in office hours.

JR asked the committee to remind PGRs that free printing is monitored and can be removed, this was prompted by a recent rise in usage especially in colour printing.

A reminder email is to be sent around PGTs about the copier for their use in the reception area, and a sign will be displayed.