Date: / 30th January 2013
Venue: / St Olaves, St Peter’s School, York.
Present: / (RT) Roger Thompson, Independent Chairperson
(JC) Joe Cocker, CYSCB Manager
(ER) Eoin Rush, AD, Childrens Specialist Services, LCCS, CYC
(RB) Dr. Robin Ball, Designated Doctor, NHS NY&Y
(SR) Sue Roughton, Designated Nurse, Nurse Consultant Safeguarding Children, NHSNY&Y
(JS) Jen Slaughter, Associate Director Safeguarding & Child Protection, York Hospitals Foundation Trust
(NS) Nick Sinclair, Pathways Officer, Substance Misuse Team, CYC
(DR) Debra Radford, Children’s Service Manager, NSPCC
(BT) Barry Thomas, CYSCB Layperson
(CA) Claire Anderton, GP, North Yorkshire Local Medical Committee
(SP) Simon Page, Head of Integrated Youth Support Services, ACE, CYC
(DC) Dee Cooley, Safeguarding Advisor Children’s Workforce, CYSCB
(DE) Dot Evans, Head of Service (Operations), ACE, CYC
(JO) John Owen-Barnett, CP Lead, St Peters School
(PD) Pete Dwyer, Director of Education, Resource Management, CYC
(JH) Jill Hodges, Assistant Director of School Improvement and Staff Development, CYC
(PH) Philippa Harding, Women’s Service Development Manager, HMP Askham Bryan
(JB) Juliet Burton, Service Manager, CA&AS, ACE, CYC
(AD) Amanda Dickinson, CYSCB Administrator, Minutes
Apologies: / (LB) Lesley Barringer, Head Teacher, Osbaldwick Primary School
(EL) Emma Langton, CYSCB Layperson
(MH) Margaret Harvey, Service Manager, Cafcass
(NC) Nigel Costello, DCI, North Yorkshire Police
(SO) Sarah Olorenshaw, Quality Assurance Manager, ACE
(NM) Norman McCleland, Associate Director of Nursing, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
(JL) Cllr Janet Looker, Cabinet Member, Education, Children & Young People, ACE
(JA) Joanne Atkins, Area Manager Public Protection, North Yorkshire Probation Service
(CWa) Craig Waugh, Development Officer, York CVS
(JB) Julie Bolus, Director Of Nursing, NYY PCT Cluster
(SW) Steve Waddington, Assistant Director Housing and Community Safety, CYC
(SB) Sue Bell, Head Teacher, Carr Infant School
(CW) Caroline Williamson, Safeguarding Advisor Education, CYSCB
(MP) Melanie Perara, Deputy Head of Legal Services, CYC
(CR) Carol Redmond, CAMHS Service Manager, LYPFT
Introduction: RT welcomed everyone to the City of York Safeguarding Children Board and thanked partners for attending. The minutes from the CYSCB meeting on the 11th July 2012 were agreed as an accurate account.
  1. Matters Arising From 11th July 2012

Nursery Investigation –JC

Pg 1 -Action – Invite CPS to attend the CYSCB (RT)

JC is meeting with CPS and will discuss their non attendance at CYSCB meetings as the Executive group felt it is essential that the Board has a better understanding from the CPS about their decision making.

Pg 1 -Action - Jill Hodges to provide update on monitoring and checking that takes place of Early Years settings in York – PD

JH provided the meeting with the following information regarding procedures for ensuring safeguarding in settings

Early Years Support advisers, through regular visits to settings ensure that:

  • The up to date flow chart for CYC safeguarding process is displayed
  • Safer recruitment procedures are in place
  • Check the setting’s Safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Staff know what to do in a safeguarding incident through discussion
  • Any incidents are recorded appropriately by checking the records
  • Safeguarding procedures have been discussed by looking at minutes of meetings
  • Premises are secure and arrival and departure procedures are well managed
  • All visitors to the premises are logged by signing a visitors book
  • Parents receive information regarding policies and procedures
  • Staff have accessed relevant training in relation to safeguarding through: Online level 1 for all staff via website, also the named safeguarding person has completed Working Together training
  • All CRBs are in place and records held
  • Referral Routes are understood by all by asking staff about the procedures they would follow
  • Supply staff procedures are robust

Following the visit Early Years Safeguarding Advisors (EYSA’s) will write a note of the visit (NoV) highlighting what actions need to be undertaken and depending on the nature will either follow up immediately, signpost the setting further or probe actions at the next visit. A Senior Adviser Early Years (SAEY) scrutinises NoV before they are sent to the settings. EYSAs alert SAEY if there is a matter of concern. The EYSA will also contact the Safeguarding Advisor (Education) immediately if necessary.

Discussion: The Board queried whether there was regular health & safety visits to the early year’s settings from the CYC teams. JH reported that CYC Health & Safety do not inspect or visit private, voluntary or independent settings, as they do not come under LA control. However this is an issue that could be explored further at the next Early Years steering group.

Pg 2- Unit Report – JC, CW & DC

Item: Nursery Investigation Update

JC reported that CYSCB statutory duties in this matter were now finished and to date no formal complaint from LD has been received.

Item: Section 11 Audit

Agenda Item: October 2012 -Overview of Section 11 Audit - CF

This item has been deferred to the January 2013 CYSCB, as there are still some returns outstanding.

Item: Publication of Baby A Serious Case Reviews

A decision has now been made by the CPS to prosecute the mother in the case. As a result, the prosecution combined with ongoing civil proceedings ill act to significantly delay any publication. The trial is expected to take place early 2013.

Pg 5, Lead Officer Report Training – DR & DC

SR suggested putting together a short briefing paper around the changes in CSC to ensure that they are filtered down to all agencies.

Pg 5, Annual Report – JC

The CYSCB annual report’s publication was covered by the York Press and is now on the CYSCB website. It was agreed that it should be sent to all key Child protection agencies.

Pg 8, Transfer of IRO’s to CYSCB - ER

ER reported that the date for the transfer of the management of the IRO and Children’s Rights Advocacy Services from CSC to CYSCB has been deferred due to the reorganisation taking place within CSC.

2. Unit Report – JC/DC/CW

Item: Police/ CSC S47 Protocol

A working Group has been established involving Police, CYC, CSC, LSCB Managers, CPS and NY legal Services to develop a protocol that involves the complex area of information sharing in all its circumstances following a recent case where the Judge had requested the CYSCB’s protocol dealing with joint police/CSC’s child protection enquiries as required by Working Together 201.

Item: NSPCC Neglect Research

NSPCC have conducted a comprehensive review of the law in relation to neglect consulting with over 40 professionals.

DR will put a leaflet around the key findings of the research in the delegate packs for half day NSPCC All Babies Count seminar.

Item: York College Nursery

On the 17th September a 3-year-old girl was discovered not breathing tangled in a rope attached to a slide in the playground of the York College Nursery. Despite efforts to resuscitate the child, by staff, ambulance and medical staff she was later pronounced dead at York Hospital.

A meeting held under the CYSCB’s child death procedures was convened the following day to ensure effective interagency working in 1) ascertaining the circumstances leading to the death 2) providing support to the family, the children and families of those attending the nursery and nursery staff 3) managing the considerable media interest.

The police are leading the investigation at this stage and once those enquiries have been completed the Health and Safety Executive and Ofsted will undertake separate enquiries. As part of the police enquiries two members of staff have been arrested.

Support to the family is being provided by Police Family Liaison Officers with support to parents being provided by the Family Information Services (FIS) via letters and a helpline. During the period of the nursery’s closure, alternative childcare arrangements have been advised by FIS. The College has provided support for staff with additional input by the CYC Early Years Service.

Item: S 11 Audits

The S11 audit report has been deferred until the January 2013 meeting of the CYSCB.

Item: CYSCB Scorecard

It is proposed that the CYSCB identifies key performance areas from across agencies to be presented on a regular basis to the Board. To achieve this, key agencies need to identify child protection data currently collected along with a mechanism for communicating the information to the CYSCB Unit. Once indentified, the range of information will be presented to the January 2013 Board with recommendations of the key areas to be monitored.

Discussion: RT reported that it is clear that there will be an increasing focus by Ofsted on LSBC’s scrutiny of performance. There is concern that currently data presented to the Board tends to be irregular and with little analysis of what figures represent. It was decided that JC would highlight a number of areas the he feels the Board should be focussing on based on core functions and priorities. The Board strongly supported the reconstitution of the Professional Practice Monitoring Group (PPMG) as a QA group.

Action 1: JC to highlight areas of data the CYSCB should be focusing on based on core functions and priorities and send to Board members.

Action 2: JC to draft new terms of reference for the PPMG and present to the December 2012 Executive meeting.

Item: Training & Development - DC

The recommendations from the Munroe review and anticipated changes to Working Together guidance offers an opportunity to revive the CYSCB training and development programme. It is anticipated that training outcomes will be less prescribed allowing the programme to be developed in line with local priorities and identified training needs.

Discussion: PD suggested short, one off targeted briefings with open access around national and local events. DC agreed and stated that the stakeholder group would pick this up and bring back to the CYSCB.

3. Impact of Parental Alcohol Misuse On Children - NS

The report tabled included background, findings, questions and local picture of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner‘s Silent Voices review.

The review offers possibilities in terms of learning and development for all services working with children, young people, families and adults who may be parents or carers. Planned changes in CSC and greater integrated working with families mean that there are greater opportunities to engage in multi agency, holistic assessment and interventions around a range of issues in families. The experience of children and young people embedded in this review offers valuable insight into the development of this area of work.

Discussion: NC reported that there is more analysis of local data needed. ER stated that the analysis and data collected would be used to plan the shape of the intervention service. Although concern was raised around the local picture it was pointed out that the events that happen in York re races and stag/hen nights could have impacted on these figures.

A stakeholder group will be set up around this issue and report back to the CYSCB.

4. Health Changes Update – SR

The report tabled shared the most up to date information about the health changes

plus the implications for the children’s commissioning and safeguarding leadership roles with the royal assent of the Health and Social care Bill 2012.

The CYSCB noted the changes to the health infrastructure and the proposed changes with regard to safeguarding and children’s commissioning leadership. Jo Coombs, Director Of Nursing will hold a statutory place on the CYSCB.

Discussion: PD noted that there is huge change but it was good to hear that there would be consistency for the CYSCB.

5. Review of Lead Officer Arrangements – RT

The CYSCB Executive meeting felt that the Lead Officer arrangements have worked well but there was a recommendation that to continue to deliver the joined up approach intended when delivering against the CYSCB Business Plan areas of change were needed.

It was recommended that the CYSCB Chair would chair future Serious Cases Panel Meetings and that the meetings become more frequent, possibly two monthly, with better agency representation. New terms of reference will be introduced.

It was agreed that following John Roughton’s departure the Policy and Practice portfolio should remain initially with Dot Evans (CSC).

The Quality Assurance (QA) Lead is vacant and SO agreed in principle in the interim to take on the role.

There was agreement that the Professional Practice Monitoring Group (PPMG) terms of reference should be revisited as the group needs strengthening. As there is increased focus in the new Working Together guidance on QA it was agreed that the PPMG become more of a QA group.

6. Serious Cases Lead Officer – SR

The Serious Cases Panel has been very active over the past six months. The tabled report contains details of the initiation of a Serious Case Review(SCR) , two single agency reviews and requests to two regional LSCB’s to undertake practice review, along with anticipating a review into allegations relating to a foster carer. In addition the panel have been focusing on ensuring that all the actions from the Baby A SCR have been completed.

Discussion: RT stated that the next task with the Baby A action plan was to quality assure all the tasks have been done and the maintained

7. NSPCC Service Update – DR

Following a NSPCC national strategic review, York was chosen to be one of 40 NSPCC service centres delivering a range of newly commissioned services to children and their families. From January 2012 the team in York has 13.5 fte front line practitioners with 2 Project Team Managers and a Service Manager. The team is multi disciplinary with three nurse practitioners working alongside social work and therapy staff. Each of the commissioned services has an evaluation plan embedded within it including 3 that are subject to randomised control testing.

Discussion: It was agreed that a link will be attached to the minutes for CYSCB members not present so they can access details of the services currently available through the NSPCC and communicate them within their agencies.

8. Neglect Conference – DC

Board members were asked to sign up for the conference, using the flier previously circulated, via the CYC Workforce Development Unit with a clear indication that they are a a CYSCB member. Please notify DC of your registration.

DC stated that Board members will be needed to support the event and the learning throughout the day. Specific roles have yet to be identified, but there will definitely be a requirement for one Board member to lead and record discussion at each table. Areas for discussion, and some sample questions will be identified by the steering group, and Board members undertaking the table lead role will be briefed. Further details will follow once individuals have been identified.

9. CSC Reorganisation – ER

Nationally there has been a 21% increase, since 2007, of children entering care. However in York the figure is higher which has prompted a careful analysis of LAC activity over the 5 years. The results indicate that current high numbers originate from an increase during 2007 – 2009 of children entering care.

The analysis also provided evidence that children in York that stay in care now have better outcomes – currently four care leavers attend university.

There are also an increasing number of children subject to protection plans.

CSC is now working in light of the Munroe review, recommendations from the Social Work Reform Board and the Health & Care Professionals Council framework to strengthen early intervention and integrated working arrangements to safely reduce the number of children and families requiring social work interventions.

This will enable CSC to do more social work with fewer families, increasing direct contact time with children and young people and taking a step back from some of the more process driven activity and keep families together.

CSC is introducing a career and professional development pathway that will include the development of Newly Qualified Social Work and Assessed and Supported Year in employment arrangements. We will see the introduction of an Advanced Social Worker role and recruit a Principal Social Worker who will interface with the CYSCB.. We will further improve our quality assurance framework through strengthened line management and supervision arrangements.

The changes will be completed over the next six months and Interim measures have included the launch of the new Integrated Family Service and the Looked After Support Service. Practice Managers have moved back to frontline work to increase capacity.

10. CAF Audit – JB

JB reported on the common assessment framework audit that was carried out by two members of the Children’s Advice Team in July and August 2012 using the common assessment quality assurance tool (appendix 1 of tabled report)

The conclusions and recommendations are detailed in the tabled report.

11. Integra ted Family Service- JB

Deferred to January 2013 CYSCB

12. Date & Time Of Next Meeting

Wednesday 16th January 2013

St Olaves School

Behind St Peters School, Bootham