PF3 Strategic Planning
September 29, 2016
Attendees: Jimmi Buell, Jerry Stensland, Ben Ellington, Michele Trofatter, Linda Greensfelder, Wendy Thomas, Karen Goodale, Jimmy Himes, Josh Kennedy, Marche Pittman, Buffy Ashmore, Jane Armstrong, Jada Scruggs, Lou Parton, George Alley, KimWison, Kathy Woodham, Vennie Abram, Lauren Roy, Mary Smith, Tommy Melton, Ronette Dill, Rouletti Gildersleeve, MericnaDuBose, Marilyn Kaylor, Cathy Ruth, Milton Butterworth
Welcome and Introductions: Jimmi Buell welcomed everyone to the 2016 Strategic Planning meeting and explained the goals of the strategic planning meeting.
Structural Changes to PF3/ Organizational Chart: Ben Ellington presented the current organizational structure for PF3, the current agencies with representation, and how supervision of new employees of PF3 fits in. He introduced the officers and the Executive Committee which consist of Jimmi Buell, Chair; Jerry Stensland, Vice-Chair; Anne Britton, Treasurer; Michele Trofatter, Secretary; and Ben Ellington, Member-At-Large. Jerry, Anne, Ben, and Michele also comprise the Finance Committee.
The Hear2Help Project Coordinator was hired at the end of August. Her name is Buffy Ashmore, and she will present later today. Her position is part-time at 20 hours per week. The PF3 Coordinator position was reposted on September 28th, with an application deadline of noon Wednesday October 12. This is a part-time, 8-hour per week position.
State of Union:Jimmi Buell presented highlights from last year’s activities. PF3 has applied to several funders for support including Polk County Community Foundation (PCCF), Community Foundation of Western North Carolina (CFWNC), Foothills Health Network (FHN), and The Duke Endowment (TDE).
FHN provided start-up funding for the Hear2Help (H2H) program and staffing. This is currently a one year grant. Future support for this program and the PF3 coordinator position were included in the applications to other funders. Funding decisions are expected in October for PCCF, November for TDE, and December for CFWNC.
Michele reported that the TDE grant is for the Healthy People, Healthy Carolinas Program. St. Luke’s Hospital is the primary applicant due to rules that govern TDE funding. However, this is an application to support the mission and activities of PF3. It is an opportunity to receive 3-year, $150,000/year funding for PF3.
PF3 continues to provide community support and information through its website, Facebook page, and articles that appear monthly in the Tryon Daily Bulletin.
Other PF3 achievements in 2016 include a memorandum of understanding with FHN for access to care and continued support of 2-1-1 for Polk County. PF3 also continued its work with Polk Substance Abuse Coalition although funding from NCCI ended in June, 2016. The NCCI grant resulted in two new permanent prescription drug disposal take-back units, a local Drug Recognition Training, distribution of Deterra Drug Deactivation Packets, lock box (200 units) distribution at DSS and local churches, and distribution of 4000 rack card pamphlets. While funding for this project ended June 30,2016, RHA is planning to continue to commit resources to continuing these endeavors in Polk County. PF3 also devoted time and resources in partnering with RPM Health District on the 2015 Community Health Assessment for Polk County, including helping to decide health priorities to be addressed by PF3 over the next three year cycle.
Hear2Help: Buffy Ashmore presented information on the new H2H program being developed by PF3. The purpose of the program is to provide information on community health and wellness using a volunteer model and existing relationships to enhance the 2-way communication process.
Poverty Simulation: Jane Armstrong talked about PF3 bringing the Cost of Poverty Experience (COPE) to agency representatives, volunteers, and other interested groups in Polk County. The pilot presentation will be November 17th at Sunnyview Elementary School. Save the dates and invitations will be sent very soon.
PF3 Logo: Linda Greensfelder presented the current PF3 logo and talked about how it was chosen and why it might be time to make a change. Three options for a new logo were presented for feedback, along with options for the corresponding H2H logo. Copies were distributed and attendees were invited to share comments and feedback for the Board to use in the process.
Overview Community Health Improvement Plans: Linda Greensfelder briefly discussed the Community Health Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan process. She presented the priority areas, along with a diagram of which ones were being address by the health department, the hospital, and PF3 during the current cycle.
Workgroups: This was followed by a presentation about the workgroups for today, the rationale for the choices, the charge for workgroups and the explanation of the worksheet.
The workgroups were as follows:
- Polk Fit – Jimmi and Jerry
- Community Engagement– Linda and Michele
- Faith – Ben and Jane
Workgroups reported back at the end of the brainstorming sessions. This activity is captured on the attached work sheets for each group.