SATURDAY 22nd July 2017


Stewarts Building Services & MAM Contracting

Tullibardine Smiddy & Coventry For Fencingng

Full Catering and Bar available on the Showground

from Saltire Catering


Raffle with many fantastic Prizes


Crieff High School Pipe Band, Industrial Tent, Children’s Entertainments,

Dog Show, Pony Fancy Dress,

Grand Parade, Vintage Tractor Show and

The Big Beach Ball Challenge Continued!



Paper entries accompanied by full payment. Entries will be taken on the day on the horse field at 1.5 times usual fees . Entries arriving after the closing date will not be catalogued and will require to pay the additional ‘on the day’ fee to collect their numbers.


Mrs Rebecca Mackie, Ashfield, The Ross, Madderty, Crieff, PH7 3PQ

Tel: 07889 070 972 - Email:

Show Regulations

Exhibitors must make themselves conversant with the Show Regulations, and Exhibitors/Competitors will be assumed to be fully aware if the contents thereof.

1. All owners of livestock and handler/riders of horses must be Members of Ardoch Agricultural Society to compete, and also must pay a £2 contribution towards Medial Cover at the show. All membership and entries must be paid when entries are lodged but children (under 17 years) of members do not require to pay membership fees and are liable only for the entry fees. Membership of the Society admits Member to the Show. Membership fees are non-refundable and the committee reserve the right to retain all or part of entry fees following a cancelation due to weather or any unforeseen circumstance. 2. The Committee reserves the right to amalgamate Classes in any Section, should the number of entries not justify separate classes and alternatively, will allow classes to be divided should the judge deem it necessary, in either case.3. Stock to be on the ground by 9a.m. and must remain until 3pm or until the Committee gives leave for removal.

4. Classes will not be held up to accommodate competitors entered in more than one Class. The committee reserve the right change judging times if so required. 5. No person shall be allowed within the Ring while the Judges are making their awards (attending members exempted.) 6. Stock (except Riding Horses & Ponies) exhibited in one Class will not be allowed to compete in any other Class except in the special prize list.7. Only 1st Prize winners may compete for Championship - 2nd Prize winners in class of Champion may compete for Reserve Championship. 8. All stock to be exhibitor's bona fide property.9. The age of all stock to count from 1st January except where otherwise stated. One year old cattle to show no broad teeth. 10. No member shall be allowed to bring stock on the Showground who has had a “Notifiable Disease” in his stock for at least 3 months prior to the Show. 11. Any exhibitor showing contrary to the Regulations will forfeit the respective premiums for which they were shown and will be liable to a penalty of £10 to the Society.12. All prize animals must be paraded when requested by the Committee. Any competitors failing to comply with this rule render themselves liable to forfeiture of prizes.13. Any protest should be lodged in writing with the Secretary before 2pm on the day of the Show along with a deposit of £100 which will be returned if the protest is upheld.14. All disputes of every kind that may arise in connection with the Show, as to the interpretation of the Rules, and as to the gaining or awarding of prizes shall be submitted to the Show Committee and their decisions shall be final. All exhibitors, by entering, bind themselves to accept the decisions of the committee in all matters regarding the Show, as final.15. The Show committee reserves the right to disqualify horses and ponies trespassing in restricted areas.16. Alternative Car Parking facilities will be available. Only Stock carrying vehicles will be admitted to the Showground. Stock Passes to Showground forwarded on receipt of entries. Three passes per entry form will be given for livestock and heavy horses. Light horse entries will receive one vehicle pass per form and occupants will be admitted free, in order to speed up entry to the site. Admission charges will be payable by anyone not in possession of an Exhibitors Pass. This will be refunded at the Secretary's Office on production of proof of Entry. Only horseboxes/trailers will be admitted to the horse field. Any accompanying cars MUST park in the car park.17. Show arrangements to be subject to any order that may be issued by Government or Local Authorities.18. Prize Money will be paid under voucher system, redeemable at Secretary’s Tent between 1pm and 5pm on Show day.19. Trophies will be engraved by the winner at their own cost and must be returned to the section convenor or the show secretary no later than one month prior to the next annual show.20. No substitution / transfer or nomination entries will be permitted.21. If necessary the Committee reserves the right to change judges should unforeseen circumstances require, without prior notification to competitors.22. The Committee and all Show Officials disclaim liability in the following terms: In this clause the term Exhibitor shall include persons taking part in any competition or display arranged by the Show Committee and the owner of any animal, plant, machinery or other thing involved in any such competition or display or otherwise exhibited on the Showground. Save for death or personal injury caused to any Exhibitor or to his/her servant or agent or to any animal, article, plant, machinery or thing of whatever nature brought to the Showground by the said Exhibitor from whatever cause death, injury, disease, damage or loss arises. (Save for the aforesaid), the Exhibitor shall indemnify the Committee against all claims, damages and expenses whatsoever in any way arising out of the presence of the Exhibitor, his servants, agents, exhibits, vehicles or equipment on the Showground and shall assume full responsibility thereof. Acceptance of the foregoing conditions shall be a condition of entry.23. Exhibitors are advised to insure against fire and other appropriate risks not only as regards their own property, but also against any third party claim.24. Persons are admitted to the Show Car Parks at their own risk and vehicles and their accessories and contents are admitted to and left in the car parks at the owner s risk and while every endeavour is taken to ensure the safety thereof, the Committee will not (save for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Committee, its servants or agents) be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise), loss or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses however caused. Drivers of all vehicles MUST comply with the directors of the Committee, its servants, agents and parking attendants.25. The Committee accept no responsibility whatsoever for loss, injury or damage to any person, animal or property on the Showground.26. Correctly secured British Standard Skull Caps/riding Hats Nos PAS 015 or PAS accredited hats MUST be worn by riders when mounted. Every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of everybody has been taken. For these measures to be effective, everyone must assist in taking reasonable precautions to prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of all the officials and stewards.

Proposed Timetable for Horse Field - see Back Cover

Ardoch Agricultural Society Ltd Council of Management

Ardoch Agricultural Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No. 263421

President: Mr Nick Muir, Dunduff, Braco

Hon Vice Presidents: Mrs Nancy Dawson Mr Scott Dawson

Mr Tom Gray Mr Sandy Haggart

Mr Ian Kemp Mr William McLaren Snr

Mr Jim Dawson Mr Charles Robertson

Mr James Lawrie Mr Ian MacKinnon

Mr Duncan Cameron Mr Adrian Pryor

Chairman: Mr Jamie Roberts

Snr Vice-Chairman: Mr Fraser Mills

Jnr Vice-Chairman: Mr Jim Prentice

Past Chairman: Mr Alister Smith

Members of the Committee

To Retire in 2017: Mr Ian Black Mr Fraser Mill

Mr Alastair Mitchell Mr David Woods

Mr James Moar

To Retire in 2018: Ms Kirsteen Smith Mr Micheal Boxer

Mr Paul Rattray Mr Alan Lambie

Mr Stewart Thompson Mr James Prentice

Mr Peter Keron

To Retire in 2019: Mrs Davina Brown Mrs Mairi Paterson

Ms Morven Campbell Ms Margaret Bunyan

Co-opted on: Mr Scott Lambie Mr Mike Simpson

Mr Alex Watson Mrs Shona Stewart

Mr Steven Dempsey Mr Steven Paterson

Mrs Carol Gow Mr Mike Gow

Notice to all livestock exhibitors:

1. Any sheep and goats moving to shows or exhibitions must be individually ear tagged/tattooed in accordance with SGRIPD guidance. The movement to and from the show has to be reported to the Scottish Animal Movements Unit, Edinburgh (tel no. 0131 244 4202) with the individual ear numbers listed as this involves a movement from one premises to another. This is the responsibility of the stock owner not the show organiser. (Stock may be inspected at shows).

2. Cattle moving to and from shows must have their movements notified to BCMS. This is the responsibility of the stock owner not the show organiser. Cattle Passports MUST be carried with Exhibitors to the show. 3. Animals moving to shows for the first time will not have to be kept separate prior to moving to the show irrespective of whether any other livestock have been moved onto those premises in the 13 day13-day period immediately before moving. If attending only one show within any one 13 day period the animal will not require to be held separate on return from the show nor will the return home trigger a 13 day13-day standstill for any other animal on the home farm. Also aAnimals may also move from show to show or may return to their usual premise of residence without triggering a 13 day13-day standstill provided they are kept in separate facilities under an approved separation agreement with SGRIPD. In all cases the standstill period for pigs is 20 days. 4. Animals coming from England and Wales will be subject to the interim measure movement controls which apply in these countries. Once in Scotland all will be subject to the provisions of the above legislation.5. Sheep and Goat Sections Maedi Visna Provision will be made for animals from MV / CAE accredited flocks and all animals MUST be accompanied by a green SAC valid certificate of status. All females of all breeds to be entered or exhibited must be: Pregnant or have not lambed within 30 days prior to the show and are not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern.6. Cattle Sections: All animals must be accompanied by the official BCMS Movement paperwork (CPP103, CHR3 or CPP1). All cattle entries must be accompanied by a list of named handlers attending the show.7. Bulls must be properly secured by a ring in the nose with a chain or rope attached or by a strong halter with double ropes. 8. IBR isolation will be provided - please indicate if you are IBR free on entry form. 9. Maedi Visna and Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Accreditation Scheme - An Attested Flock Scheme will operate for the disease Maedi Visna approved. Entries will be accepted under the following categories - Accredited and Non-Accredited. Copies of the current, valid green SAC certificate or Health Status Report MUST accompany entry forms where applicable and the green SAC certificate or Health Status Report MUST be given to your Steward on Show day BEFORE animals can be unloaded. Unless stated on the entry form stock will be assumed to be non-accredited.


JUDGE: Mr T Gray, Braco

Champion of Champions Cattle, Champion of Champions Sheep, Champion of Goats, Champion of Heavy Horse Section and Supreme In Hand light Horse Champion eligible to enter. To be judged in the Main Arena after the relevant sections championships have been judged. Trophy and Sash to the Champion of Champions.


Entry Fees: £5.00, Prizes; 1st £8.00 2nd £6.00 3rd £4.00

Rosettes to 4th place in all classes unless number of entries presented exceeds 6.


Judge: Mr Walter Wylie, Pitlochry Judging to commence 9.30am.


1 BULL – Born prior to 1st January 2016

2 BULL – Born on or after 1st January 2016

3 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2015

4 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2013 and before 1st January 2016

5 HEIFER - Born after 1st January 2016

6 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - Born on or after 1st Jan 2017 - if more than 4 entries, males and females will be split.

Classes 1 and 2 may be amalgamated if necessary. Champion: Duncan McLaren Memorial Cup & Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society's Tartan Sash. Best Aberdeen Angus of opposite sex to Champion: Muir Cup Best Aberdeen Angus bred by exhibitor: Rosette awarded by Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society


Judge: Mr Walter Wylie, Pitlochry


7 BULL – Born prior to 1st January 2017

8 COW – In milk or in calf born before 1st January 2015

9 HEIFER – Born on or after 1st January 2015

10 CALF, MALE or FEMALE - born on or after 1st January 2017 - if more than 4 entries, males and females will be split.