Petree College of Arts and Sciences
Internship Learning Contract
An internship is an opportunity for students to gain real world experience in their field of interest. This contract is to be completed by the student, the faculty internship coordinator, and the work supervisor. The contract will clarify the expectations for the student and define the educational purpose of the internship. All parties should keep a full copy of the completed contract, and a copy must be submitted to the Petree College of Arts and Sciences Internship Coordinator no later than 2 weeks after the internship start date: Theresa Richardson, email—, phone—405-208-5715.
Part 1: Contact Information/signatures
Name: ______Student ID#: ______Class Year: ______
Address: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
I understand that I must meet all expected requirements of this internship, including meeting the minimum hours of work, in order to receive credit for this internship.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Work Supervisor
Name : ______Title: ______
Company/Organization: ______
Internship Address: ______
City, State, Zip: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
Oklahoma City University may/may not [please circle one] use my company’s name and logo in promotional materials for OCU’s internship program.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Faculty Internship Coordinator
Name: ______Phone: ______Email: ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Part 2: Internships for Academic Credit (Non-academic internships, skip to part 3)
Internships will be awarded credit at a rate of 80 hours per credit hour per semester. In order to earn 3 credit hours, a student must work approximately 240 hours throughout the semester, or approximately 16 hours a week not including finals week. Students may earn no more than 4 credit hours of internship per semester and 6 credit hours of internship per academic year.
Internship Title: ______Start/end dates: ______
Department: ______Course #: ______
Work hours per semester: ______Credits awarded: ______
Grading type (circle one): Letter GradeCredit/no-credit
Part 3: Internships for Learning Experience Only (If you are earning academic credit for your internship, skip this section.)
Learning experience internships will not be awarded credit and will not appear on the student’s transcript.
Internship Title: ______Start/end dates: ______
Department: ______Work hours per semester: ______
Part 4: Academic Expectations
Whether or not an internship is for academic credit, it is important to define the learning outcomes for the student.
Description of how this internship relates to academic learning: ______
Description of mode of evaluation (final paper/project, journal, etc.) and how the internship will be graded (percentage awarded for each aspect). Or attach a syllabus or department policy that explains this: ______
Part 5: Employer Expectations
List any policies and expectations for this job, including but not limited to expected dress code, student conduct, etc.: ______
Expected previous training and qualifications or skills required for this job: ______
Expected student schedule (Students will be available during the regular academic calendar as their regularly scheduled classes allow. Students will not be expected to work during school holidays unless arrangements are made with the employer.): ______
Student duties: ______
Part 6: Supervisor Evaluation
The supervisor evaluation is an important aspect of evaluating the value of the internship for the student and for determining the final grade the student receives. Departments and faculty coordinators or employers may feel free to substitute or supplement this form for their own more specific forms/questionnaires as desired.
Supervisors, please comment briefly on the student’s performance in the following areas:
Reliability: ______
Professionalism: ______
Quality of work: ______
Overall evaluation: ______
Petree College of Arts and Sciences Internship Contract page 1