
South Lakeland District Council

Lake Wardens Office
Ferry Nab
Cumbria LA23 3JH
Tel:015394 42753
Fax:015394 47813


Owner Name





Contact Number ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Mooring Number ………………………………….Vessel Type ………………………………..

Keel Type ………………………………………….Trailer/Cradle ……………………………...

Number of Axles ………………………………….Trailer Colour ………………………………

Cost of storage April – October inclusive £228.80

I agree to abide by The Councils conditions for trailer storage, a copy of which has been supplied to me.


Trailer Storage

The Council are offering trailer storage at a cost of £31.00 per calendar month, prices are inclusive of V.A.T. The summer storage facility is available from April to October inclusive.

It is advised that you secure your trailer by means of a chain and padlock, ball hitch lock, wheel clamp or similar, a key for which must be left at the Wardens office.


. The COUNCIL hereby gives to the applicant for the agreed period permission as follows:-

To place a trailer in a space approved by the COUNCIL within the Ferry Nab complex.

1. Paying such sum as is calculated in accordance with the council's current scale of charges, such sum to be paid before the commencement date thereof.

2.The applicant will:-

a)Pay the said charge as described;

b)Comply with all council requests to alter the position of the said trailer as reasonable;

c)Indemnify the council against all claims proceedings and damages whatsoever arising out of use of the said trailer space or any adjoining council property;

d)Carry and produce to the council when requested, third party insurance;

e)Give seven days’ notice of his/her intention to substitute another trailer owned by the applicant.

f)Not allow or cause any nuisance disturbance or damage to the council or occupiers of council trailer spaces or neighbouring property;

g)Not assign underlet sublet or otherwise part with possession of the trailer space.

3. If the fee is not paid or any breach of these conditions is made this agreement shall automatically terminate and the council may:-

a)Remove the said trailer and immediately re-let the site;

b)Thereto if the said trailer remains uncollected after a period of 14 days sell the same deduct any fees and charges incurred and return any monies remaining to the applicant.

4. On termination of the agreement for whatsoever reason the outgoing applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of any amount of the monthly storage fee or other charges which are payable in advance and no apportionment of the storage fee shall take place.

5.The council reserves the right to remove any trailer other than the permitted trailer from the said space and will re-charge any costs incurred to the applicant and will not be held responsible for any consequential loss of or damage to the said trailer.