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Zero Tolerance Policy
The following policy was officially adopted at the Seneca Valley Soccer Association’s meeting, February 4, 2003. The purpose of these actions is to promote sportsmanship and protect our players and referees. All referees and any board member of the Seneca Valley Soccer Association will strictly enforce the following policies.

1. Coaches are responsible for their own behavior, as well as that of their players and spectators.
2. No coaches or spectators will be permitted along the goal lines. The maximum number of coaches on team sideline is 3.
3. Coaching is permitted from your team’s side of the half line to the top of the penalty area (18 yard line.)
4. Comments by coaches toward players should be positive in nature. Any comments made by a coach that are negative, demeaning, or derogatory toward a player of either team will be dealt with at the first stoppage of play. Depending on the severity of the infraction a verbal warning or caution will be issued to the offending coach. If such comments continue, the coach shall be expelled from the playing facility after a second caution [Remember, we don't show anyone but players cards, but coaches can be "booked" without actually showing a card.]
5. Comments made by coaches toward referees or their assistants that are negative, demeaning, or derogatory in nature will be dealt with at the first stoppage of play. Depending on the severity of the infraction a verbal warning or caution will beissued to the offending coach. If such comments continue, the coach shall be expelled from the playing facility after a second caution. [See comment at the end of item #4.]
6. Comments by spectators toward players should be positive in nature. Any comments that are excessively negative, demeaning, derogatory, or unsporting toward a player of either team will be dealt with at the first stoppage of play. The offending spectator will be given an initial warning. Continued misconduct shall result in the request for dismissal from the area. The coach will be asked to control the offending individual(s). If the coach is either unable or unwilling to control the individual(s), the game may be terminated.
7. Comments by spectators toward referees or their assistants that are excessively negative, demeaning, or derogatory in nature will be dealt with at the first stoppage in play. The offending spectator will be given an initial warning. Continued misconduct shall result in the request for dismissal from the area. The coach will be asked to control the offending individual(s). If the coach is either unable or unwilling to control the individual(s), the game may be terminated.
8. Any warning or expulsion of a coach, parent or fan shall be written up and filed with the Referee assignor (in house or travel) and a copy mailed to:
SVSA Executive Committee
P.O. Box 1459
Cranberry Twp. PA 16066
(This correspondence may be made by email to the following)
Scot Jennings, SVSA Referee Assignor –

Pete Breski, SVSA President –

Rich Hackenberg, SVSA VP Competition –

Bill Davis, SVSA VP Operations –

The executive Committee is responsible for reviewing violations of the above rules. In particular, the Committee has the right to bar individual(s) from games, coaching and refereeing if their conduct is detrimental to the values of the club.