Name ______Class ______

Italian II

4th Quarter Project

You are to choose five of the following and create a children’s television show to be visually recorded. Your options are:

-  Colors

-  Days of the week and months of the year

-  Seasons and weather

-  Clothing

-  Food

-  Family members

-  Classroom

-  At home and around town

Some suggestions to make your TV program interesting:

-  Create and play a game

-  Make up songs and rhymes

-  Wear costumes

-  Use fun settings, scenery and props

-  Travel to different places

***All recordings must be “remastered” and burned to a DVD and must be playable on a standard DVD player.

ALL of the dialogue must be in Italian. The Dialogue must be memorized for your performance, live or recorded.

Each program will last at least 5 minutes.

On Wednesday, May 16, you must submit to me a piece of paper with the names (first name AND last name) of your group members, plus a brief synopsis of how your Educational Children’s Show will play out. This must be typed.

Along with your completed project, you must submit your completed script for the entire show. Type out word-for-word what each person will say. Each video must be 5 minutes long, so make sure you have practiced it by this point to check the length of your script. If it is too short, points will be taken off.

If you have questions about your script, or are unsure how to say something, you must come to see me prior to that date. It is very important that you come to me with any questions that you may have.

Your completed video or in-class presentation is due Wednesday, May 30.

10 points will be taken off each day they are late. No exceptions.

Print and attach this sheet of paper to the back of your completed project so it can be graded.

Points Possible Points Earned

SYNOPSIS- (due 5/16) 10 Points

DIALOGUE 15 Points


65-70 few if any errors, high level of creativity and effort, sought my advice

50-64 avoidable errors and technical issues took place, you did not seek my advice

25-49 there were many errors and you did not take a lot of time or effort to complete this

0-24 unacceptable assignment

RUBRIC- 5 Points