Persuasive/Discursive Writing

Persuasive/Discursive writing

Five section structure


•  Define the topic

•  State your point of view

•  Catch the reader’s attention – “hook”

•  Establish the tone of the essay/article

Arguments in favour - PRO

•  Single paragraph for each argument

•  Topic sentence to define issue

•  Logical progression – line of argument

•  Examples, evidence, illustrations

•  Links with next paragraph – firstly, moreover, in addition …etc

Refutation - Arguments against – CONS (Discursive Essay only not Persuasive)

•  Single paragraph for each point – why the opposition’s views are wrong

•  Topic sentence in each paragraph

•  Evidence / Illustration

•  Links – nevertheless, however, on the other hand…etc

•  Style – rhetorical – tone – humour/satirical/mocking tone

Evaluation – consider both sides of the argument

•  Weigh up both sides of the argument and emphasise your views and refute the opposition’s

•  Style- use rhetoric and humour to refute other viewpoints and emphasise your views


•  Sum up your line of argument – why the reader should agree with you

•  Return to the means of catching the reader’s attention in the opening paragraph – repeat the idea used in the introduction

•  Leave the reader with a striking clever final sentence.

Content: research facts, statistics, evidence to back up arguments. Look at topics below for ideas on types of arguments

Style: write accurately in sentences (no comma splice errors) and paragraphs with topic sentences.

Use rhetorical questions, repetition, emotive language and think about tone.

Topics: consider the topics looked at in class and relevant current topics.

1.  Should size 0 be banned from the catwalks?

2.  Should anorexia sites on the internet be banned?

3.  Can children be called evil?

4.  What are the advantages and drawbacks of fast food?

5.  Meat eating or vegetarianism?