Guidance for completion of A.A.1 Schools Form:
New & Additional Appointments: version 1.6 issued 26/09/09
All guidance is shown as blue text
NB. Correction fluid (e.g. Tipp-ex) must not be used on payroll data input forms. Should you need to make a correction, please put a single line through the error, make the appropriate change and initial alongside.
When you should submit AA1form
o For a brand new starter at your school.
o For a New Additional Assignment either at your school or another CPS school if you are also a CPS school.
o For a change to a position either from LG Green Book to Teaching or Teaching to LG Green Book (in these cases you will also need to complete an LF form for the post they are leaving).
To complete the AA1 form on your computer
o Always down load a fresh copy of the form each month from the schools Info link
o Grey text boxes: Click in the grey boxes on the AA1 form and type in the appropriate data
o Check boxes: Click in the box on the right hand side of your option which will mark your selection by showing an ‘X’
o To move automatically to the next field press the tab key on the keyboard
o On completion of the form, save the changes to your own file, then print off a hard copy
o For New Appointments: You also need to request that the employee completes a Personal Information Form (PI). The completed PI form must then be stapled to the AA1 form
o Pass the completed AA1 and the attached PI form to an Authorised Signatory to sign and take a signed hard copy for your own file.
o Despatch completed original from to the address at the bottom of the form
o For New Additional Appointments: A PI form is not required but you must advise the employee that their existing bank details will be utilised on this additional job, unless they complete a PI form and return it to yourself for onward transmission to payroll by the given deadline
o Pass the completed AA1 to an Authorised Signatory to sign and date and then take a signed hard copy for your own file.
o Despatch completed original from to the address at the bottom of the form
To complete the AA1 form by hand
o Print off a hard copy of the form from the schools info link and complete by hand
o Grey text boxes: Enter the data in writing where the grey boxes are shown on the AA1 form on line. (These will not appear on the guidance below or hard copy AA1 form)
o Check boxes: Enter an ‘X’ in the box on the right hand side of your option to show your selection
o For New Appointments: You also need to request that the employee completes a Personal Information Form (PI). The completed PI form must then be stapled to the AA1 form.
o Pass the completed AA1 and the attached PI form to an Authorised Signatory to sign and date and take a signed hard copy for your own file.
o Despatch completed original from to the address at the bottom of the form
o For New Additional Appointments: A PI form is not required but you must advise the employee that their existing bank details will be utilised on this additional job unless they complete a PI form and return it to yourself, for onward transmission to payroll by the given deadline.
o Pass the completed AA1 to an Authorised Signatory to sign and take a signed hard copy for your own file.
o Despatch completed original from to the address at the bottom of the form
Please note the change in process for completion of mandatory fields on the AA1 form and for New Appointments the attachment of a completed PI form
o For New Appointments: A PI form must be stapled to every AA1 form. Failure to attach a PI Form will result in the AA1 form being returned to you.
o For New Additional Assignments: You must notify the employee that their existing bank details will be utilised on this additional job unless they complete a PI form and return it to yourself, for onward transmission to payroll by the given deadline.
o The mandatory fields are denoted by an asterisk (*) in left hand column of the AA1 form. If any of these fields are not completed the AA1 form, and PI form (where attached), will be returned to you for amendment and resubmission. Should this result in the form missing the payroll deadline, it will be processed on the next available payroll.
* / Denotes a Mandatory Field. Failure to complete any of these fields will result in the form being returned to you and it will not be possible to process any of the data on this form. Check boxes ( ) are to the right of each option /* / School Name / Full School Name
* / School DCSF No. & Status / DCSF No. / Enter the 4 digit number in the field provided. (The head teacher should be able to advise you of the School DCSF No’) / Status / Select the school status as appropriate. (The head teacher should be able to advise you of the School Status)
* / Already employed @ ECC / Select Yes or No as appropriate / Where the employee is currently Employed by ECC please enter the Assignment Number (s)
* / Last Name / Employee Last Name / * / First Name / Employee First Name
* / Effective Date / Date format :
DDMMMYYY Y / Enter the date the position is effective from.
An example of date format is 23APR2009
* / LG Continuous Service Date / Date format:: DDMMMYYYY:
If no LG Continuous Service enter start date / To find out how you determine the date to be entered (including combined periods of service) please reference the Application Form in the Previous Employment History’
* / Employee Category / For advice on which employee category to select please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider
* / Assignment Category / For advice on which assignment category to select please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider
* / Position Title / For Schools using the standard Essex County Council cost structure please select the position title from the list available on the schools info link.
For Central Payment schools, you should first select the expenditure code you wish to be applied and enter the related position title.
Ex - Foundation schools only: If the position does not exist on the list on the above link please call your named payroll contact for advice.
Schools in a Fringe Area / Enter Y if the school is in a fringe area / Enter a Y if the school is in an area which requires fringe rates of pay to be applied.
Leave blank if no fringe is to be applied
* / Grade Details / Grade appointed at
(e.g. Band 2) / Grade or Band employee is to be appointed to.
For all Grades available please refer to the pay scales on the Schools info link. NB. there are separate fringe and non fringe scales for Teachers
Maximum Grade for this position
(e.g. Band 2 Mid point) / Maximum Grade that this position was evaluated to and that this employee can progress to (include the highest grade range where evaluation goes across grades)
For all Grades available please refer to the pay scales on the Schools Infolink. NB. there are separate fringe and non fringe scales for Teachers
* / Salary Point Details / Actual salary point to be paid
(e.g. pt 12) / The actual salary point the employee is to be paid at
For all scale points available please refer to the pay scales on the Schools Infolink. NB. There are separate fringe and non fringe scales for Teachers.
Actual Full time equivalent annual salary / Enter the full time equivalent annual salary. i.e. the salary payable to a full time member of staff.
For all full time equivalent annual salaries available please refer to the pay scales on the Schools info link. NB. There are separate fringe and non fringe scales for Teachers.
Max Salary point for this position
(e.g. pt 14) / Maximum salary point that this position was evaluated to and that this employee can progress to (include the highest salary point on the highest grade where evaluation goes across grades)
For all salary points available please refer to the pay scales on the Schools info link. NB. There are fringe and non fringe scales for Teachers.
Schools own Rates / Annual Full Time Equivalent / Leave blank if schools own rates do not apply.
Enter the full time equivalent annual salary i.e. the salary payable to a full time member of staff. / Or Hourly Rate / Leave blank if schools own rates do not apply.
Enter the hourly rate of pay
* / Hours Per Week (decimalised) / Non Teaching staff only: Enter Casual /Relief as NIL.
Decimalisation e.g. 2 Hours 30 mins. must be entered as 2.5 / Enter contracted hours for Non-Teaching staff.
A table is available on the schools info link showing the conversion of minutes to decimal
* / Teacher full time equivalent / Enter % : Casual /Relief as NIL / Enter Full time equivalent of the hours contracted to work each week for Teachers. i.e. 80%
For advice on how to calculate the Full Time Equivalent for teachers please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider
* / Paid Weeks per Year / Non Teaching staff only:
Enter Casual /Relief as NIL / Enter paid weeks per year (include pro rata annual leave and public holidays as applicable) for non teaching staff.
For advice on how to calculate the Paid Weeks per year please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider
Local sick entitlement only / Select appropriate annual sick entitlement / Select the appropriate contractual sick entitlement if they differ from the Local Government Green Book or Teachers National conditions.
For example some cleaners are only entitled to 10 days contractual sick pay @ full pay in a rolling year.
Leave blank if the National conditions apply
Appointment Review Date / Date format : DDMMMYYY Y / Only complete where the contract has a review date.
If an extension or change to the appointment is subsequently required beyond the review date please complete an AA2 form.
Failure to notify changes following the review date may result in an under or overpayment of salary.
To cease the appointment at the review date you need to complete an LF leaver form.
Failure to cease an appointment will result in an overpayment of salary.
An Example of date format is 23APR2009
Leave blank if there is no review date.
Fringe: non teaching staff only / Enter ‘Inner’ or ‘Outer ‘ / Fringe allowance on contractual hours will not be paid to non teaching staff unless it is entered here. Enter ‘Inner’ to pay Inner Fringe allowance and ‘Outer’ to pay Outer Fringe allowance.
Leave blank if this allowance is not due.
TLR: teachers only / Full time equivalent annual value / Enter the Full Time Equivalent Annual value. I.e. the amount payable to a full time teacher.
Leave blank if this allowance is not due.
For advice on how to calculate this allowance please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider / End Date if applicable / If the allowance is only payable for a limited period please enter the last day the allowance is due to be paid.
Leave blank if the allowance is permanent.
R&R: teachers only / Actual Annual Value / Enter the Actual Annual Value of the Recruitment & Retention Allowance to pay. i.e. pro rata for part time teachers.
Leave blank if this allowance is not due.
For advice on how to calculate this allowance please refer to the Essex HR Administrators Handbook on the schools info link or your HR provider / End Date if applicable / If the allowance is only payable for a limited period please enter the last day the allowance is due to be paid
Leave blank if the allowance is permanent.
Other Allowance or
Deduction / Element name / Leave blank if there are no other allowances or deductions due.
Enter the element name if allowance or deduction is due.
Actual Annual Value / Enter the Actual Annual Value of the allowance to pay. I.e. pro rata for part time employees.
Leave blank if no other allowance or deduction is due. / End Date if applicable / If the allowance or deduction to be implemented for a limited period please enter the last day the allowance is due to be paid
Leave blank if the allowance is permanent.
* / Expenditure Code / Expenditure code must be 12 Digits / Select the expenditure code from the list provided on the schools info link.
Ex - Foundation schools only: Pl ease enter an expenditure code already set up for your school, for codes not already existing please contact your named payroll contact for advice.
Data will be kept in line with the Data Protection Act
* / Authorised signature / I certify that all mandatory fields are completed & correct and For New Appointments a completed PI form is stapled to this AA1 form. For New Additional Appointments I have advised the employee that their existing bank details will be utilised on this additional job unless they complete a PI form and return it to me, for onward transmission to payroll by the given deadline.
* / Print Name / Contact Telephone No.
* / Date form signed / Date entered on School Computer System (e.g. SIMS)
For EP&C use only
Input by: (Signature): / Date: / Checked by: (Signature):: / Date:
[1] Please return the completed form to: Essex County Council, Schools Payroll Service Team, PO Box 11, County Hall, Chelmsford, CM1 1LX