PAD 4414:
Personnel Skills for Administrators
Spring 1999
Miami Police Department
Monday evenings, 8:05-10:40 p.m.
Dr. Donald E. Klingner
(305)919-5768 work phone, (305)919-5848 work fax
(305)758-0856 home phone, (305)758-0148 home fax
Objectives: To introduce undergraduate students to the objectives and techniques of public personnel management.
Office Hours: Immediately before and after class, or by appointment in the School of Policy and Management, College of Urban and Public Affairs, AC1-272 at FIU, North Miami.
Readings: One textbook is required. It is available at the University Park and North Campus bookstores, or from the professor:
Donald Klingner and John Nalbandian, Public Personnel Management: Contexts and Strategies (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall/Simon & Schuster, 4th edition, 1998).
Requirements: You will complete two tests and one term paper as scheduled in the syllabus. Please bring in newspaper clippings on personnel- related topics to share with the class.
Grades: Term paper: 20%
Midterm examination: 35%
Final examination: 35%
Class participation: 10%
Tests: There will be two examinations on dates given in the schedule. The midterm exam will cover material in the book and lectures through February 8; the final exam will cover material in the book and lectures from March 1 through April 6. The final exam will not cover material previously covered in the midterm exam. Each examination will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions. We will review in class for the exams, on February 8 and April 6.
Term Paper: The paper (10 pages, including references, bibliography and appendices) will be written on one of the following topics:
1. history of public personnel management
2. role of the public personnel manager
3. budgeting, planning and productivity
4. analysis, classification and evaluation
5. pay and benefits
6. workforce diversification
7. recruitment and selection
8. leadership and employee performance in turbulent times
9. training, education and staff development
10. performance appraisal
11. employee health and safety
12. organizational justice
13. collective bargaining
It will be either a research paper that analyzes concepts or techniques in an area, or a case study that analyzes the effectiveness of a particular organization's handling of an activity. If you choose to do a case study, be sure it includes the following information:
1. Define the problem or situation (20% of your grade)
2. Propose a solution (10%)
3. Tell what problems you would be likely to encounter in implementing your proposed solution, and how you would overcome them (70%).
The term paper is due April 13. I will review the first draft of any paper you get me (fax, email or hard copy) and give you, by phone, my evaluation and suggestions for improvement. The paper needs to be typed and completely written (including your conclusion and reference list. If you get it to me by April 6, I will give you my comments by April 9, giving you a weekend to rewrite the paper (if necessary). The only time I grade the paper is when you turn the final copy in to me.
Course Schedule
Date Topic and Required Reading
January 4 Introduction
History of public personnel management
January 11 Role of the public personnel manager.
Read: K&N, chapter 12.
January 18 ML King Day. FIU Holiday. No class
January 25 Budgeting, Planning and Productivity
Read: K&N, chapter 3.
Analysis, Classification and Evaluation
Read: K&N, chapter 4.
February 1 Pay and Benefits
Read: K&N, chapter 5.
Work Force Diversity
Read: K&N, chapter 6.
February 8 Recruitment, Selection and Promotion
Read: K&N, chapter 7.
Review for Midterm Exam
February 15 Midterm Examination
February 22 No class
March 1 Leadership and Employee Performance in Turbulent Times
Read: K&N, chapter 8.
March 8 Training, Education & Staff Development
Read: K&N, chapter 9.
Performance Appraisal
Read: K&N, chapter 10.
March 15 Employee Health and Safety
Read: K&N, chapter 11.
March 22 FIU Spring Break . No class.
March 29 Organizational Justice
Read: K&N, chapter 12.
April 6 Collective Bargaining
Read: K&N, chapter 13.
Strategic Human Resource Management
Read: K&N, chapter 14.
Review for Final Exam
April 13 Term Papers Due
Final Examination (If this date conflicts with a religious holiday for you, please see me to make alternative arrangements to take the final examination)
Course Evaluation