Our behavior traits significantly affect our health condition and longevity. When the Bonn Longitudinal Study was conducted in 1932, Lehr found that along with genetic, physiological, and lifestyle factors affecting longevity, personality characteristics also seemed to be almost as important.

Studies of centenarians and the oldest elderly conducted by Gallup and Hill in 1960 (i.e., 164 people aged 100 to 117) and Jewett in 1973 (i.e., 79 people aged 87 to 103) showed that centenarians are generally relaxed, easygoing, cheerful, self-confident, independent, and active. They are convivial and enjoy other people, are tolerant of frustration, and feel that they have spent their lives well. In 1977, Woodruff found that people who are calm, happy, relaxed, flexible, and content with their lives have a tendency to live longer. Conversely, aggressive, repressive, stubborn, dogmatic, and adventurous people live fewer years than the average life expectancy. Therefore, this chapter discusses the personalities of particular people categorized by their behavior, of which there are three types: Type A, Type B, and Type C. These personality types were first introduced in the 1960s after prolonged research, and gained popularity afterwards.

Type A. Type A is characterized as highly competitive, keenly ambitious, always in a hurry, and easily annoyed. Other characteristics of a Type A personality include a sense of being under constant time pressure, a suspicious nature, chronic impatience, and excessive. Type A's tend to become easily upset, often for little reason. Although Type A's are frequently successful in their professions, they are never satisfied. They often try to do more than one thing at a time: they talk on the phone while working on the computer or driving the car, or they read while eating.

Many people who have heart attacks fit this behavioral description; therefore, doctors believe that having a Type A personality is a risk factor in heart disease. This belief is based on the Western Collaborative Group Study (WCGS) conducted in 1961, in which 3,500 healthy men were assessed and then followed for more than eight years. The study found that Type A men were nearly three times more likely to develop heart disease as compared with their "healthy" Type B counterparts. The Framingham Heart Study found that for working women, heart disease is four times more prevalent in Type A’s than in Type B’s.

Recent research at DukeUniversity discovered that the hostility most often associated with Type A's is the real risk factor. "People who are merely ambitious or driven aren’t the ones at risk for heart disease," according to Redford Williams, M.D., director of Duke’s Cultural Behavioral Medicine Research Center. "But people who are hostile--not just irritable, but rude, abrasive, cynical, vengeful, manipulative, or condescending--are," he adds.

Type B. A Type B is noncompetitive, less driven, patient, easygoing, and never has outbursts of rage, out-of-control temper tantrums, or hostile episodes, as Type A's do. They are perfectly relaxed, at peace with themselves and their environs; their lack of anger stems from a sense of inner peace. Type B's, unlike Type A's, are able to express their emotions appropriately. Characteristics such as a pleasant demeanor, the conscious control of anger, and temporary fearlessness in the face of trauma allow them to cope with stress effectively. Although they are not driven over-achievers, Type B's are often as successful in their professions as Type A's.

Type C. AType C is unfailingly pleasant and appeasing, but unable to express his or her emotions, especially anger. Type C's often are oblivious to the feeling of anger. From an early age, they have denied their own needs by internalizing anger or displeasure and suppressing their emotions. Another characteristic of a Type C personality is a profound sense of hopelessness and despair, caused by a loss of hope or a loved one. These people feel lonely; their loneliness starts at an early age and progresses into adulthood. We all feel these emotions at certain times in our lives, but if we chronically suppress our needs and emotions, it may cause serious disease and illness. Type C's have the same behavioral patterns that people at risk for cancer usually have. "Strongly associated with cancer," as Lydia Temoshok, Ph.D., and Henry Dreher say in their book, The Type C Connection. According to Dr. Temoshok, patients who were emotionally constricted, passive, withdrawn, or appeasing tended to have thicker tumors.

The reason that people with a Type A personality are at higher risk for heart attack is that their anger and hostility put a burden on their cardiovascular system. Similarly, Type C's are at greater risk of cancer because their unexpressed negative emotions keep the bad hormones inside and weaken their immune system. In contrast with coronary-prone Type A’s and cancer-prone Type C’s, Type B’s are healthy, with a decreased risk for heart disease and cancer. Personality type can be evaluated using Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Evaluation of Behavioral Traits of Types A, B, and C People

Nos. / Type A / Type B / Type C
1 / Very competitive / Noncompetitive / Passive
2 / Quick to anger, easily irritated / Consciously controls anger / Suppresses anger
3 / Copes through hostility, competitiveness / Expresses emotions appropriately / Tends to appease, doesn’t show negative feelings
4 / Self-centered on own needs / Capable to meet own needs and to respond to others / Self-sacrificing, denying own needs
5 / Always rushed / Never feels rushed, even under pressure / Lethargic
6 / Wants good job to be recognized by others / Cares to satisfy self, no matter what others think / Tries to please others, avoids conflict
7 / Impatient / Patient / Obedient even when manipulated by others
8 / Fast (e.g., eating, walking, speaking) / Normal speed / Slow in doing things
9 / Hard-driving / Easygoing / Bland
10 / Struggling / Confident and content / Easily gives up
11 / Few interests outside work / Many interests / Puts interests of others over own
12 / In control / Self-supportive / Helpless
13 / Emphatic in speech (may pound desk) / Slow, deliberate speaker / Lost voice, does not speak about own needs
14 / Pursues opportunities the world offers / Moderately ambitious / Hopeless
15 / Rejecting / Offering / Accepting

In compiling this table, I used the nonverbal characteristics of Type A and Type C behaviors that were proposed by Dr. Temoshok in her book, The Type C Connection (developed with Bruce Heller). I relied also on the Bortner Type A Rating Scale, published in the Journal of Chronic Diseases (1969, vol. 22).

Everyone possesses some features of all three behavioral types, and no one embodies all of them. Most people can be described as falling somewhere along the "continuum of coping styles," as Dr. Temoshok termed it. The competitive, aggressive, and anxious Type A's and the never-angry, passive, and appeasing Type C's are at the pathological extremes of the continuum. The relaxed, self-assured, and contented Type B's dwell healthily in the middle region. On one-axis scale of the continuum, the three types are the fixed points on the edges and in the center; however, some people fall into the space between Types A and B or between Types B and C.

Table 2-1 is designed to elicit responses that are based on self-perceptions. Some responses may be difficult to admit; for example, one would probably rather characterize himself or herself as assertive rather than hostile and angry. If you think that some of the descriptions used in the questionnaire do not apply, substitute more pleasant-sounding synonyms or antonyms. The table has not been perfected; if you dislike some of the descriptions, please do not get angry or frustrated--spare your nerves and cardiovascular system, for the sake of life extension! To assess your personality type, highlight the descriptions that most closely fit you. If you fall equally between two neighboring descriptions, highlight them both. Then count the total score for each type. I explain this evaluation technique using myself as an example.

If this site is still available, it can be found at PERSONALITY TYPES

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Our behavior traits significantly affect our health condition and longevity. When the Bonn Longitudinal Study was conducted in 1932, Lehr found that along with genetic, physiological, and lifestyle factors affecting longevity, personality characteristics also seemed to be almost as important.

Studies of centenarians and the oldest elderly conducted by Gallup and Hill in 1960 (i.e., 164 people aged 100 to 117) and Jewett in 1973 (i.e., 79 people aged 87 to 103) showed that centenarians are generally relaxed, easygoing, cheerful, self-confident, independent, and active. They are convivial and enjoy other people, are tolerant of frustration, and feel that they have spent their lives well. In 1977, Woodruff found that people who are calm, happy, relaxed, flexible, and content with their lives have a tendency to live longer. Conversely, aggressive, repressive, stubborn, dogmatic, and adventurous people live fewer years than the average life expectancy. Therefore, this chapter discusses the personalities of particular people categorized by their behavior, of which there are three types: Type A, Type B, and Type C. These personality types were first introduced in the 1960s after prolonged research, and gained popularity afterwards.

Type A. Type A is characterized as highly competitive, keenly ambitious, always in a hurry, and easily annoyed. Other characteristics of a Type A personality include a sense of being under constant time pressure, a suspicious nature, chronic impatience, and excessive. Type A's tend to become easily upset, often for little reason. Although Type A's are frequently successful in their professions, they are never satisfied. They often try to do more than one thing at a time: they talk on the phone while working on the computer or driving the car, or they read while eating.

Many people who have heart attacks fit this behavioral description; therefore, doctors believe that having a Type A personality is a risk factor in heart disease. This belief is based on the Western Collaborative Group Study (WCGS) conducted in 1961, in which 3,500 healthy men were assessed and then followed for more than eight years. The study found that Type A men were nearly three times more likely to develop heart disease as compared with their "healthy" Type B counterparts. The Framingham Heart Study found that for working women, heart disease is four times more prevalent in Type A’s than in Type B’s.

Recent research at DukeUniversity discovered that the hostility most often associated with Type A's is the real risk factor. "People who are merely ambitious or driven aren’t the ones at risk for heart disease," according to Redford Williams, M.D., director of Duke’s Cultural Behavioral Medicine Research Center. "But people who are hostile--not just irritable, but rude, abrasive, cynical, vengeful, manipulative, or condescending--are," he adds.

Type B. A Type B is noncompetitive, less driven, patient, easygoing, and never has outbursts of rage, out-of-control temper tantrums, or hostile episodes, as Type A's do. They are perfectly relaxed, at peace with themselves and their environs; their lack of anger stems from a sense of inner peace. Type B's, unlike Type A's, are able to express their emotions appropriately. Characteristics such as a pleasant demeanor, the conscious control of anger, and temporary fearlessness in the face of trauma allow them to cope with stress effectively. Although they are not driven over-achievers, Type B's are often as successful in their professions as Type A's.

Type C. AType C is unfailingly pleasant and appeasing, but unable to express his or her emotions, especially anger. Type C's often are oblivious to the feeling of anger. From an early age, they have denied their own needs by internalizing anger or displeasure and suppressing their emotions. Another characteristic of a Type C personality is a profound sense of hopelessness and despair, caused by a loss of hope or a loved one. These people feel lonely; their loneliness starts at an early age and progresses into adulthood. We all feel these emotions at certain times in our lives, but if we chronically suppress our needs and emotions, it may cause serious disease and illness. Type C's have the same behavioral patterns that people at risk for cancer usually have. "Strongly associated with cancer," as Lydia Temoshok, Ph.D., and Henry Dreher say in their book, The Type C Connection. According to Dr. Temoshok, patients who were emotionally constricted, passive, withdrawn, or appeasing tended to have thicker tumors.

The reason that people with a Type A personality are at higher risk for heart attack is that their anger and hostility put a burden on their cardiovascular system. Similarly, Type C's are at greater risk of cancer because their unexpressed negative emotions keep the bad hormones inside and weaken their immune system. In contrast with coronary-prone Type A’s and cancer-prone Type C’s, Type B’s are healthy, with a decreased risk for heart disease and cancer. Personality type can be evaluated using Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Evaluation of Behavioral Traits of Types A, B, and C People

Nos. / Type A / Type B / Type C
1 / Very competitive / Noncompetitive / Passive
2 / Quick to anger, easily irritated / Consciously controls anger / Suppresses anger
3 / Copes through hostility, competitiveness / Expresses emotions appropriately / Tends to appease, doesn’t show negative feelings
4 / Self-centered on own needs / Capable to meet own needs and to respond to others / Self-sacrificing, denying own needs
5 / Always rushed / Never feels rushed, even under pressure / Lethargic
6 / Wants good job to be recognized by others / Cares to satisfy self, no matter what others think / Tries to please others, avoids conflict
7 / Impatient / Patient / Obedient even when manipulated by others
8 / Fast (e.g., eating, walking, speaking) / Normal speed / Slow in doing things
9 / Hard-driving / Easygoing / Bland
10 / Struggling / Confident and content / Easily gives up
11 / Few interests outside work / Many interests / Puts interests of others over own
12 / In control / Self-supportive / Helpless
13 / Emphatic in speech (may pound desk) / Slow, deliberate speaker / Lost voice, does not speak about own needs
14 / Pursues opportunities the world offers / Moderately ambitious / Hopeless
15 / Rejecting / Offering / Accepting

In compiling this table, I used the nonverbal characteristics of Type A and Type C behaviors that were proposed by Dr. Temoshok in her book, The Type C Connection (developed with Bruce Heller). I relied also on the Bortner Type A Rating Scale, published in the Journal of Chronic Diseases (1969, vol. 22).

Everyone possesses some features of all three behavioral types, and no one embodies all of them. Most people can be described as falling somewhere along the "continuum of coping styles," as Dr. Temoshok termed it. The competitive, aggressive, and anxious Type A's and the never-angry, passive, and appeasing Type C's are at the pathological extremes of the continuum. The relaxed, self-assured, and contented Type B's dwell healthily in the middle region. On one-axis scale of the continuum, the three types are the fixed points on the edges and in the center; however, some people fall into the space between Types A and B or between Types B and C.

Table 2-1 is designed to elicit responses that are based on self-perceptions. Some responses may be difficult to admit; for example, one would probably rather characterize himself or herself as assertive rather than hostile and angry. If you think that some of the descriptions used in the questionnaire do not apply, substitute more pleasant-sounding synonyms or antonyms. The table has not been perfected; if you dislike some of the descriptions, please do not get angry or frustrated--spare your nerves and cardiovascular system, for the sake of life extension! To assess your personality type, highlight the descriptions that most closely fit you. If you fall equally between two neighboring descriptions, highlight them both. Then count the total score for each type. I explain this evaluation technique using myself as an example.

If this site is still available, it can be found at