Personality and Careers

The best place to begin your career search is with yourself. What kind of person are you? A doer? A thinker? a creator? A helper? A persuader? An organizer? Since you will spend more hours in your adult life working than in any other activity, you should choose a career based on your interests. So, get to know yourself and look for jobs that fuel your interests and personal strengths.


The checklist of interests given below may help you decide what type of career area you would enjoy. Read each of the statements carefully. It is very important that you do not think about whether you have the training experience or education to do the activity. This is a checklist of interest, not of skills. Beside each activity put an “X” if you would like it.

____ 1.Working with machines and equipment

____ 2.Making decisions

____ 3.Being creative

____ 4.Leading and influencing people

____ 5. Volunteer

____ 6. Running your own business

____ 7.Find ways a business can save money

____ 8.Work with your hands

____ 9.Be a committee chairperson

____ 10.Designing computer games and programs

____ 11.Travel

____ 12.Make arrangements over the phone

____ 13.Help sick people get well

____ 14.Take a dance class

____ 15.Perform a play

____ 16.Fix machinery

____ 17.Run for public office

____ 18.Work outdoors

____ 19.Study the environment

____ 20.Play games that require strategy

____ 21.Use your physical coordination

____ 22.See tangible results of your work

____ 23.Debate political and social issues on TV

____ 24.Work on a farm/ranch or help save a rain forest

____ 25. Perform science lab experiments

____ 26.Learn about and study the economy

____ 27.Get involved in a charity or community organization

____ 28.Conduct religious service

____ 29.Manage an art gallery

____ 30.Do research

____ 31.Set up a stereo system

____ 32.Write a short story, play or novel

____ 33.Work in a politician’s office

____ 34.Build a model

____ 35.Repair an engine

____ 36.Identify a constellation of stars

____ 37.Use your street smarts to develop solutions to problems

____ 38.Work with senior citizens

____ 39.Set up a budget for running a company

____ 40.Use a high tech medical instrument

____ 41. Design a new line of clothes

____ 42.Keep accurate records of a business

____ 43.Sell products on commission

____ 44.Write for a newspaper, magazine, book

____45.Operate heavy equipment

____ 46.Study nature and pollution of the environment

____ 47.Bargain at a flea market

____ 48.Write a screenplay for stage or movie

____ 49.Write up graphs with charts and statistics

____ 50.Build cabinets or furniture

____ 51.Do fast-paced, high-pressured sales

____ 52.Play a musical instrument or sing

____ 53.Work with babies and children

____ 54.Read science fiction

____ 55.Redecorate your room

____ 56.Work with animals

____ 57.Meet new people

____ 58.Read science magazines and study how-to guides

____ 59.Talk to groups of people

____ 60.Organize an activity for a group of friends

____ 61.Applying mechanical principles to practical situations

____ 62.Study foreign languages

____ 63.Develop your own routine and structure

____ 64.“Market” a new product, idea or service

____ 65.Learn by and through your own experience

____ 66.Take a pottery class

____ 67.Play trivia games

____ 68.Use your memory for names, places or dates

____ 69.Sway other people’s opinions and views

____ 70.Act as a mediator to resolve dispute

____ 71.Help to correct or alleviate pain in others

____ 72.Spend “quality” time with your family and friends


Below circle every number you checked off. For example, if you selected “Work outdoors” circle the number 18.

D 1, 8, 16, 18, 21, 22, 31, 34, 35, 45, 49, 58 _____ D DOER

O 2, 7, 11, 12, 42, 47, 50, 57, 59, 60, 67, 68 _____ O ORGANIZER

C 3, 10, 14, 15, 29, 32, 41, 44, 48, 52, 55, 66 _____ C CREATOR

T 19, 20, 25, 26, 30, 36, 39, 40, 46, 54, 61, 62 _____ T THINKER

P 4, 6, 9, 17, 23, 37, 43, 51, 63, 64, 65, 69 ______P PERSUADER

H 5, 13, 24, 27, 28, 33, 38, 53, 56, 70, 71, 72 ______H HELPER


Doers like to do. They excel in detail work and in mechanical areas. People in this category like to make things with their hands or with tools, or have a skill in a craft like woodworking, sewing or carving. Doers enjoy physical activities such as swimming, biking and jogging. And most important of all, doers like
getting things done!

DOERS career possibilities: carpenter, bookkeeper, statistician, athlete, legal secretary, plumber, roofer, computer operator, photo developer, medical records tech, word processor, dental assistant, medical assistant, insurance agent, electrician, heavy equipment operator


Thinkers like to figure things out. They are fascinated by how things work, and tend to like math. Thinkers are curious, and ask questions like, "Where does the universe end?" They tend to reason things out logically, and they test out things they don't understand.

THINKERS career possibilities: fire inspector, judge, professor, geneticist, insurance appraiser, historian, economist, financial manager, marine biologist, editor, computer programmer, police detective, archeologist, pharmacist, accountant, chemist, surgeon, astronomer, scientist, systems analyst.


Creators like to come up with new ideas or invent new ways of looking at old ideas. They have vivid imaginations, and usually spend their free time playing a musical instrument, writing a poem or song, or painting a work of art. Creative types often are good at telling stories or jokes. They make great innovators, explorers, pathfinders. They tilt the work for new perspectives and often cause paradigms to shift.

CREATORS career possibilities: sculptor, designer, actor, singer, dancer, landscape architect, interior designer, musician, disc jockey, newscaster, screen writer, poet, columnist, graphic designer, make-up artist, cosmetologist, writer, cartoonist, comedian, screen writer, marketing supervisor.


Helpers are caregivers. They like to help other people and thrive in making the difference in other people's lives. They excel in service to others. They tend to share the feelings of others and act as mediators when disputes arise. Helpers often follow the leading of their emotions rather than their intellect, and get a good feeling from making someone else happy. They are the heart of America.

HELPERS career possibilities : animal caretakers, conservation worker, human services worker, social worker, teacher, emergency medical tech, physical therapist, counselor, caseworker, doctor, vet, dietician, travel agent, psychologist, nurse, chiropractor.


Persuaders study and analyze situations and try to get people to see their point of view. Persuaders are skilled at swaying the opinions of others. They usually have deep sense of self confidence and react with strong opinions when controversial topics are discussed. Persuaders often grow restless with routine and structured jobs; they work best when they are free to figure things out by themselves.
PERSUADERS career possibilities : stockbroker, lobbyist, corporate executive, coach, lawyer, insurance sales agent, principal, general manager, public relations rep, retail salesperson, advertising sales agent, leasing agent, real estate agent, telemarketer, radio & TV announcer.


Organizers like to make sure everything goes according to plan. Whether or not they are the designers of the plan is not as important as making sure that everything runs error-free and on schedule. They are good at coordinating people, places or events, tend to have lots of friends, and socialize a great deal at school or around the community. Organizers often enjoy playing group games with others and can remember names, places, dates and trivia.

ORGANIZERS career possibilities: file clerk, school administrator, shipping clerk, air traffic controller, mail carrier, city manager, stock clerk, nursing administrator, department manager, urban planner, farm manager, treasurer, buyer, personnel manager, social director, hostess, librarian.

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