Personalised Learning – A Practical Guide
DCSF 00844-2008DOM –EN
The pedagogy of personalisation is based on the notion that all children should be supported to fulfil their early promise and latent potential. Thus planning for progression and differentiation is essential. Setting high expectations of positive progress is relevant for children of all levels of attainment. Teaching should be characterised by ambitious objectives, challenging targets, rigorous assessment and swift intervention to keep children on track to achieve their very best.
Each of the 9 aspects is considered in turn. Each chapter of the practical guide is organised into four sections:-
- rationale and key features
- case studies of how truly effective schools have implemented this aspect
- checklist to guide self-evaluation
- sources of further information; web sites, publications etc
For example –
Aspect Three – Target Setting and Tracking p. 14
Teachers need a clear understanding of the attainment of each pupil and the progress they are making. Precise target setting and regular tracking of progress towards these targets is essential. Ambitious long term numerical target setting is crucial, as is short term/on-going curricular or next step target setting which guides the children along the improvement route.
(1 strong feature of current practice – 4 an aspect needing significant development)
- translating numerical targets into curricular targets
- using progress data to identify individuals/groups who are off trajectory
- adjusting teaching/ intervention programmes in the light of tracking information
- providing constructive feedback to pupils
- keeping parents informed
Aspect Four – Focused Assessment p. 19
Teachers need secure knowledge of each pupil’s current progress, so that they can use this information to plan next steps with precision. The effective application of the following linked aspects of assessment will lead to genuine personalisation:-
Day to Day / Learning objectives are made explicit and shared with pupilsPeer and self-assessment in use
Pupils engaged in learning and given immediate feedback
Periodic / Broader view of progress across subject for teacher and pupil (APP)
Awareness of national standards
Impact upon medium term planning
Transitional / Formal recognition of achievement
Reported to parents/carers and next teacher
Includes external tests/tasks
(1 strong feature of current practice – 4 an aspect needing significant development)
- incorporating learning objectives, learning outcomes and success criteria into day to day practice
- supporting pupils in assessing and evaluating their learning through peer and self assessment
- using APP as a central part of periodic assessment