Personal Strengths and Challenges

Graduate school requires a set of personal, professional and academic skills in order to succeed. Below are a series of questions to allow you reflect on your strengths and weaknesses that will help you think about what you need to do to prepare for graduate school.

This questionnaire will not be collected or graded. These ratings are for your own self-awareness. Everyone has some areas of strength and some challenges.

Rate these items based on the your most recent semester in college or the last six months.

Self/Personal Management Skills

Strongly AgreeNeitherDisagree Strongly


I am good at organizing. ______

I am good at time management.______

I keep a calendar to remember to do things. ______

I plan out tasks with a “to do list” or other

management strategy______

I am willing to put in extra time and effort to

succeed in a class or to understand a topic.______

I rarely put off studying until the last day

before a test.______

I rarely stay up all night writing a paper or

completing a semester project.______

I am ready to turn in final projects

a day before they are due.______

I make a plan for how to complete a big

semester project. ______

I have overcome difficult life experiences.______

I have the ability to adapt to change and

new experiences. ______

I am able to maintain good balance between

personal and school/work life. ______

Strongly AgreeNeitherDisagree Strongly


Ethical Behavior

I don’t cheat on school work. ______

My peers and others would describe me as an

ethical person. ______

Teaching/Interpersonal Skills

I respect people who are different in ethnicity,

race, gender, class, and/or sexual orientation. ______

I feel comfortable in social situations.______

In a group or a team I am comfortable taking a

leadership role. ______

I am always willing to give class presentations. ______

I have had considerable experience doing public

speaking or performing in front of people. ______

I like tutoring/assisting other students

who are having difficulties.______

Academic/Study Skills

There are important topics or problems that I am

passionate about. ______

I can identify at least one intellectual issue or

social problem that I want to find out more about

regardless of whether it is a class assignment.______

I enjoy reading.______

I read all the material assigned for a course. ______

I have never missed class except for illness

or other good reason. ______

Strongly AgreeNeitherDisagree Strongly


When I don’t understand a topic or problem

in class or in an assignment, or reading,

I keep trying to figure out what I don’t


I study or research topics/ideas even if there is

no test or requirement to do so.______

When a professor or supervisor gives me critical

feedback I use this to improve my performance.______

I enjoy writing.______

I could easily write a 20-page paper.______

I look forward to classes. ______

I have taken more or harder courses than required. ______

I can usually figure out how to prepare for a test.______

Professional Orientation

I have joined a professional organization.______

I have attended a professional conference. ______

Research/Scientific Skills

I have developed good skills in using library/

reference materials. ______

I have mastered the use of PsychInfo, ERIC or

other reference software.______

I can find scientific articles using Google


I regularly use reference software such as

RefWorks, EndNotes. ______

I like math/statistics.______

Strongly AgreeNeitherDisagree Strongly


I have taken advanced statistical/math courses.______

I have the ability to carefully follow procedures

and attend to detailed instructions. ______

I like challenging intellectual problems.______

I am familiar with statistical software

such as SPSS, SAS, STRATA, etc. ______

Helping Skills/Interests

I enjoy helping people.______

My most favorite class has been when we work

directly with children, families or adults.______

I know the limits of my abilities to help

other people. ______

I have participated in a lot of volunteer

activities to help people. ______

I have taken specialized courses to learn skills

for working with people (this may include training

through the counseling center, volunteer

experiences, student housing, etc.)______

Computer Skills

I have good Office software skills –





I have good technology skills—solve computer

problems, avoid viruses, etc. ______

Strongly AgreeNeitherDisagree Strongly


I have good skills for using the internet, web,

email, and search.______

I can always find a file that I have saved on my


I regularly update my computer’s software. ______

I keep my email organized so I can find

important messages.______


Reflection Questions

  1. What are your greatest strengths?
  1. What skill area is the most challenging for you? What can you do to continue to develop your skills in this area?

Final Note: You do not have to check “strongly agree” on all of these items to succeed in graduate school. You will continue to develop these skills in graduate school, on the job and throughout life.