
On foot*

·  If you can it’s always good to walk with someone else. Always walk in well-lit areas and don't take short cuts such as alleyways or wooded areas.

·  Always let someone else know where you are going and inform them when you arrive.

·  Think about safe places on your route such as a friend's house, or a shop or public building where you can go to ask for help. At night, look for a house with lights on, with signs of young people living there such as bikes or scooters in the front garden.

·  If you feel uneasy about someone who is walking ahead of you cross the road to avoid them.

·  Walk in the centre of the pavement towards oncoming traffic.

·  Never accept a lift from ANYONE, unless you have previously agreed it with your parents, carer or guardian.

·  Stay alert! Leave your personal stereos off - they stop you being aware of what’s going on around you.

·  Avoid parked cars with their engines running and people sitting in them - you could be dragged into the car.

·  If a car pulls up alongside you, turn around and walk in the other direction - you can turn around much faster than a car.

·  Have your keys ready so you can get into your home quickly.

·  If you are worried, frightened or think you may be in danger, call 999.

Safety on public transport*

·  Choose an open carriage where there are several other passengers.

·  Travel downstairs on buses, particularly if you are alone.

·  Take an aisle seat and sit as near to the driver as possible.

·  If someone sits by you and makes you feel uneasy then get up and move.

·  Try not to use lonely bus stops.

·  Be aware that pickpockets and robbers operate on buses, trains and tubes, keep your personal property out of sight.

General Travel Tips

·  Always let someone know where you are going and when you will be back.

·  Carry a mobile phone or a phone card, so if you get stranded you can phone home – and remember that you can always make a phone call by reversing the charges.

·  If you lose your fare money or ticket, speak to the driver/guard/ticket officer and explain. Give your name and address and say that the company can write to your home for payment. Carry some identification to prove that you are genuine.

·  Never be tempted to walk home alone, especially if its dark or you are unsure of the area.

·  Never hitch a lift.

·  If you have no other safe way of getting home, call 999 and ask the police to help you.

If you are worried, frightened or in danger, call 999.