


5th May 2015

Minutes of the meeting of the held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, on Tuesday 5th April 2015 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr D Watt (Chairman)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr M Winfield

591. Apologies

There were none

592. Declarations of Interest

There were none

593. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Speight, seconded by Cllr Annis and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2015 be accepted as a true record of the proceedings.

594. Matters of Report from the minutes

Cllr Parsons advised that he had met with Building Control who had visited the properties affected by the newly installed staircase at 52a High Street. The officer understood the situation and was looking at what could be done to resolve the situation. He would report back to the Clerk in due course.

595. Planning applications


7, Paddock Close, Pershore

Single storey rear extension

Decision:- No objection


63, Farleigh Road, Pershore

Detached two bedroom house

Decision:- Objection. Overdevelopment of the site and proposed dwelling is out of keeping with the street scene in that area.


63, Farleigh Road, Pershore

First floor extension and subdivision of property to provide 2 residential units

Decision:- No objection


4, Mayville Close, Pershore

Formation of habitable rooms in roof space with front dormers

Decision:- No objection


Land adjacent to Wyre Road, Pershore

To create landscaping bunds around new business park

Decision:- No objection


3, High Street, Pershore (W L Brown)

The expansion and development of existing retail business to provide integral garden centre within the rear walled area and to erect a timber canopy structure along part of that wall.

Decision:- No objection in principle but concerns over access for delivery and collections to the extended retail garden centre.

596. Refusals and Approvals

There were none

597. Items for future agendas

The Clerk was asked to report some issues relating to Hayloft Plants and Cllr Rowley will advise the Clerk via email of the problem.

598. Items for information

a. The Clerk advised that following Cllr Parsons concerns over signage at Oasis dental practice she had been advised that a listed building application had now been requested from the company by the Local Planning Authority.

b. The Clerk advised that the Abbotswood planning application had been withdrawn.

c. The Clerk reminded members of the meeting with Churchill Housing the following week.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 19:25pm.

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..
