


7th May 2013

Minutes of the meeting of the held at Pershore Baptist Church, Broad Street, Pershore, on Tuesday 7th May 2013Commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr D Watt (Chairman)

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr M Payne

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield (non member)

There were no members of the public present

287. Apologies

There were none

288. Declarations of Interest

There were none

289. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Grantham, seconded by Cllr Speight and RESOLVED that the minutes

of the meeting held 11th April 2013 be signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings

288. Matters of Report from the minutes

There were none

289. Planning Applications


46, Furlongs Road, Pershore

Dropped kerb and create hard standing

Decision: No Objection although the Clerk advised members that this application had already been approved.


Land at Allesborough Farm, Allesborough Hill, Pershore

Decision:- Objection.

·  Concerns over maintenance of proposed buffer zone and embankment area –

members noted that ownership of this land is unclear and would prefer properties

to extend to the boundary

·  Layout of road and housing is unimaginative with design of housing poor and out of keeping with the area in this prominent location and unique character of the site

·  Insufficient number of affordable housing as this site is outside the development area as

·  outlined in the Local Plan

·  Affordable housing should be integrated into the site as a whole

·  One entrance to the site should be designed as opposed to the proposed two entrances

·  Concerns over additional traffic using Holloway – already used by traffic entering Pershore

to avoid queues on Allesborough Hill

·  Concerns over drainage from the site


1, Minson Drive, Pershore

Remove 1525 mm of garden wall and relocate garden gate to extend width of garage by 1525 mm and provide personal access door and window to side of garage

Decision:- No objection


79, Farleigh Road, Pershore

Extending garden and driveway area. Erection of 2m high fence and low fence

Decision:- Objection. The incorporation of this open space changes the character of the street scene and the estate as a whole.


Four Acres Farm, Pershore Road, Great Comberton

Change of use of existing building to farm shop and café

Decision:- No objection. Members commented they were pleased to support appropriate rural enterprise and economic development.

290. Paper copies of plans

The Clerk advised that the District Council had now decided that the provision of paper copies of plans to parish and town councils would cease in September as would the advance notification of planning applications received. It would be the responsibility of the councils to proactively find plans submitted on the web site and use these plans only to make comments.

There was little advice as to how this could be achieved in a committee environment without internet access and it was generally felt that the work required to download plans to a memory stick or print off the appropriate plans was considerable. Additionally the existing council chamber has no internet access, nor does the Town Council own a laptop computer or projector.

Members recalled that the committee had trialled the proposal and it had been extremely difficult to use and it was felt that if the District Council wished to proceed down this route they should provide the equipment to enable appropriate consultation to be achieved.

It was also noted that despite the District Council’s best endeavours, not all paper plans were uploaded to the web site and viewing plans for large estates was extremely difficult without

large paper plans.

It was agreed the Clerk write to the Head of Planning expressing their concerns.

291. Recent Approvals and Refusals

The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals

292. Items for future agenda

There were none

293. Items for information

a. The Clerk advised that an enforcement notice had been served on 133 High Street regarding a breach of a condition relating to the closure of the access onto the High Street. A report is to go to the Planning Committee of the District Council in May.

b. The Clerk advised that an appeal had been lodged against the decision to refuse the erection of a single bungalow at 8 Pensham Hill. As members had no objection to this application it was agreed no comment to the Planning Inspector was required.

c. The Clerk advised that she had received a letter outlining plans for a housing development at Tempwood off Defford Road. The developers were offering to meet with the Town Council although she had been unable to contact them to arrange such a meeting. Members agreed they would wish the Town Council to meet the developers under their usual policy and the Clerk will continue to endeavour to find a suitable date.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.28pm

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..
