19th June 2014
Minutes of the meeting of Pershore Town Council, held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, Commencing at 7.30pm.
Present:- Cllr A Rowley (Mayor)
Cllr D Annis
Cllr P Colloby
Cllr R Gillmor
Cllr R Grantham
Cllr J Palfrey
Cllr C Parsons MBE
Cllr R Speight
Cllr C Tucker
Cllr D Watt
Cllr M Winfield
Cllr V Wood
943. Apologies
Cllr Amphlett Hawkins’ and Cllr J Grantham’s apologies were accepted as they were unwell and Cllr Price’s apologies were accepted as he was working away.
944. Declarations of Interest
There were none.
945. Mayor’s Announcements
Cllr Rowley reminded members of the Civic Service to be held on 29th June and advised them of a coffee morning in air of the Guide Dogs for the Blind being held on 28th June at the Town Hall which he asked members to support if at all possible.
946. Items brought to members attention by the Town Clerk
The Clerk advised members that the Plum Fair were submitting a road closure order for Plum Fair day with the same details as the previous year and members agreed they did not need to be consulted formally on this submission.
947. Minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Palfrey seconded by Cllr Watt and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meetings 15th and 27th May together with the Town and Annual meetings held 8th May 2014 be signed as true and accurate records of the proceedings with the addition of Cllr Palfrey name to those present at the Town Meeting.
948. Matters of Report from the minutes
a. The Clerk advised that she had now been advised that the District Council
Remuneration Panel would be meeting in the next few months.
b. Members were advised that the Clerk has discussed the possibility of Abbey Park for the labyrinth with both the Vicar and Parks Officer and had not yet had a firm response. It was agreed to defer this matter to the Amenities and Environment Committee
c. Members were advised that the Clerk had submitted the land management plan for the Holloway Land and was waiting for the condition on the planning approval to be discharged.
d. The Clerk advised members that a finger post for the Catholic Church was not possible within the current budget and the request would be held on file for the future.
e. The Clerk advised members that the Annual Return had been forwarded to the External Auditor
f. The Clerk had written in support of the lottery bid by the Traditional Orchard Project and responded to the polling station consultation as agreed.
949. Finance
a. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED that the budget comparison to the end of May be accepted.
b. The valuation of the Council’s investments to 5th June 2014 was accepted.
c. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that the payment list for the month of June be accepted.
Vchr. / Cheque / Cde. / Name / Description / Amount151 / 176 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 32869448 / 132.00
152 / 176 / 83 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500007544 / 59.00
153 / 176 / 80 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500152996 / 495.00
154 / 176 / 294 / Wychavon D C / Rates 500244199 / 1,771.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 176 / 2,457.00
155 / 177 / 85 / Mrs A Dobbins / Health and Safety Poster / 13.20
156 / 178 / 83 / Budget Skips / Skip Hire / 199.00
157 / 179 / 85 / Lift and Engineering Services Ltd / Lift repair / 88.70
158 / 180 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 40.77
159 / 182 / 86 / BHGS Ltd / Weed killer / 50.40
160 / 183 / 80 / British Gas Business / Town Hall Gas / 529.34
161 / 184 / 281 / Citizens Advice Bureau / Grant to CAB / 2,000.00
162 / 185 / 61 / Talk Talk Business / Telephone / 50.24
163 / 185 / 83 / Talk Talk Business / Telephone / 31.20
164 / 185 / 90 / Talk Talk Business / Telephone / 21.52
Subtotal Cheque No. / 185 / 102.96
165 / 186 / 100 / Mrs T Gresham / Youth Council / 25.33
166 / 187 / 83 / Clist and Chandler / Architects fees Cemetery Lodge / 201.60
167 / 188 / 84 / County Security Ltd / Town Hall Locking Up / 152.40
168 / 188 / 83 / County Security Ltd / Cemetery Locking Up / 352.80
169 / 188 / 89 / County Security Ltd / Allotment Locking Up / 74.40
Subtotal Cheque No. / 188 / 579.60
170 / 189 / 86 / Cox's Cars Ltd / Fuel / 97.53
171 / 190 / 84 / MER Industries Ltd / Security Alarm contract / 102.00
172 / 191 / 294 / Best Vending Ltd / Vending machine at Library / 75.40
173 / 192 / 80 / EcW Ltd / Town Hall Cleaning / 319.43
174 / 192 / 294 / EcW Ltd / Library cleaning / 482.39
Subtotal Cheque No. / 192 / 801.82
175 / 193 / 92 / National Express Limited / National Express / 108.73
176 / 194 / 294 / Cotswold Drainage Ltd / Blocked drain at Library / 114.00
177 / 195 / 84 / Mercia Radiotelephones Ltd / Shopwatch Radio / 72.00
178 / 196 / 83 / OHMS Ltd / Machinery repair / 126.80
179 / 197 / 60 / Paperstation Limited / Stationery / 59.89
180 / 198 / 111 / Midsummer Brass / Grant as agreed / 400.00
181 / 199 / 86 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 201.60
182 / 199 / 83 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 2,880.00
183 / 199 / 87 / Continental Landscapes Ltd / Mowing Contract / 228.00
Subtotal Cheque No. / 199 / 3,309.60
184 / 200 / 279 / Worcestershire County Council / Payment in error / 150.00
185 / 201 / 60 / West Mercia Supplies / Stationery / 15.59
186 / 202 / 85 / W L Brown / Town Hall Maintenance / 56.46
187 / 203 / 87 / CPC / Refuse sacks / 87.89
188 / 203 / 85 / CPC / Pressure Washer / 57.54
Subtotal Cheque No. / 203 / 145.43
189 / 204 / 288 / Alan Cook / Library quantity surveyor fees / 2,400.00
190 / 205 / 85 / Protech Direct / PPE / 36.08
191 / 206 / 87 / Wychavon D C / Refuse collection KGF / 190.44
192 / 207 / 83 / Appliances Direct / Dehumidifier for chapel / 144.92
193 / 208 / 85 / Screwfix / Town Hall Maintenance / 39.98
203 / 209 / 1 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 839.96
204 / 209 / 2 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 7.20
205 / 209 / 3 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 173.20
206 / 209 / 4 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 2.80
207 / 209 / 6 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 51.63
208 / 209 / 7 / H M Revenue and Customs / Tax and NIC / 183.76
209 / 209 / 9 / H M Revenue and Customs / Employers NIC / 497.09
Subtotal Cheque No. / 209 / 1,755.64
210 / 210 / 6 / Worcestershire County Council / Superannuation / 55.55
211 / 210 / 10 / Worcestershire County Council / Employers Pension Conts / 217.41
Subtotal Cheque No. / 210 / 272.96
213 / 211 / 83 / British Gas Business / Cemetery Electricty / 44.89
214 / 212 / 80 / British Gas Business / Town Hall Electricity / 875.05
215 / 213 / 83 / British Gas Business / Cemetery Electricty / 861.09
216 / 214 / 83 / Budget Skips / Cemetery Skip / 199.00
217 / 215 / 288 / G W Oakley Ltd / Library Refurbishment / 16,096.36
212 / DD / 82 / Salary 1 / Salary / 600.00
194 / DD / 1 / Salary 1 / Salary / 1,955.12
195 / DD / 2 / Salary 2 / Salary / 715.05
196 / DD / 82 / Salary 3 / Salary / 693.05
197 / DD / 4 / Salary 4 / Salary / 543.95
198 / DD / 5 / Salary 5 / Salary / 561.60
199 / DD / 6 / Salary 6 / Salary / 850.56
201 / DD / 82 / Salary 8 / Salary / 374.40
202 / DD / 82 / Salary 7 / Salary / 906.42
Subtotal Cheque No. / DD / 7,200.15
TOTAL / 42,039.71
d. Members considered the proposal for the Town Council to renew their 3 year contract with their current insurance provider giving a saving for 2014/15 of £994.49. It was proposed by Cllr Gillmor seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the 3 year agreement be renewed and the Clerk will advise the insurance company accordingly.
e. It was proposed by Cllr Watt, seconded by Cllr Gillmor and RESOLVED that Cllrs Gillmor and Rowley be added to the list of authorized signatories on the Town Council bank account. The Clerk will arrange for the necessary paperwork to be completed.
950. Pershore Cemetery
a. Cllr Parsons advised members that the level of the ground around the chapel was now to be reduced with work starting the following week. The soil would be placed in the cemetery field and any good quality top soil would be retained for use within the cemetery.
Cllr Parsons also advised members that the press had visited the cemetery and an article had appeared stating how well the cemetery was being kept in comparison to some neighbouring ones.
b. The Clerk advised members that the 24 year old ride on mower was now beyond economic repair and a second hand one, 7 years old and with 3 months warranty had been sourced for £1,000. Funds could be found partly from the sale of the van and trailer (£350) the allotment reserve (£500) and the cemetery budget (£150). It was proposed by Cllr Wood seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the Clerk be authorize to purchase the machine and ascertain whether there was any value in the old machine for spares.
951. Items from the Finance and Property Committee
a. Members noted the committee’s decision to award a grant of £400 to Midsummer Brass
b. It was proposed by Cllr Speight, seconded by Cllr Wood and RESOLVED to ratify the recommendation of the Finance and Property Committee relating to Christmas Lights that:-
- a three year contract be entered into with the existing supplier
- the necessary infrastructure be installed in the lighting columns in St Andrews Gardens
- sponsorship be sought for two additional garlands for Bridge Street
4. the possibility of increasing the Christmas Lights budget be considered for the 2015/16 budget
952. Working Men’s Club
Members noted the report of the Management Group’s meeting with the Working Men’s Club and the fact that the Market Town Partnership were working with the organization. It was noted the Town Council’s assistance was not required at this stage but may be in the future when the matter would be redebated by members.
953. Mayoral Regalia
a.It was proposed by Cllr Gillmor, seconded by Cllr Speight and RESOLVED that new Past Mayor and Mayoress badges be sourced at a cost of £400 to two die and a maximum cost of £250 per item. The Clerk will obtain prices for 5 and 10 items as it was likely the unit cost would then be lower. It was also agreed to Clerk would ascertain the ownership of the die.
b.Members considered the possibility of replacing the existing jewel on the Mayor’s Chain of Office with the Rural District Council jewel and changing the wording to Pershore Town Council, with the old jewel forming the basis of a chain of office for the Youth Mayor.
Cllr Tucker believed that the old Rural District jewel had some historical merit and should
be retained with a new jewel, possibly designed by a local school, being created for the Mayor’s Chain of Office. It was noted that this was a far more expensive option and it was agreed that the Clerk obtain costs for this and the item be considered at the next meeting of the Council.
It was proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Rowley and RESOLVED that the Clerk ask the Youth Council if they wished to have a chain of office and if so that the same badge agreed to the past Mayor and Mayoress be used with the words Youth Mayor on the ribbon.
954. Tour of Britain
Members noted the report of the Tour of Britain working group and it was noted that the route had now been announced and the race would come through Broad Street and High Street. Some bunting was available but additional lengths would be required for Broad Street and it was agreed a further report with costs be considered at the next meeting.
955. Railway Station Car Park
a. The Clerk advised that at a recent meeting with Network Rail chaired by the Deputy Managing Director of Wychavon D C it had become apparent that the first step in securing the extension to the Railway Station car park was for the land swap to be completed so providing an additional 32 spaces. Network Rail had advised the meeting that as the funding for the project had lapsed there were now no funds to pay for the legal fees for the land swap and the suggestion had been made that the various interested groups contribute to a fund to pay for these so that this could proceed.
Cllr Palfrey advised members that a further meeting was to take place on 23rd June and discussions had reached a critical stage. Whilst it was felt that such contributions should not be made it was agreed that there was little choice if the project was to move ahead. Cllr E Tucker had agreed to use £1,000 of her community fund, Market Town Partnership had agreed £1,000 and Wychavon D C were contributing £1,500. It was anticipated the Cotswold Line Promotion Group would contribute up to £2,000 and the County Council £5,000. The Town Council were therefore being asked to contribute £2,000 to the fund which would be help by Wychavon and any surplus paid back to the organisations. It was proposed by Cllr Palfrey seconded by Cllr Watt and RESOLVED that £2,000 be allocated to the fund and the Clerk will advise the District Council accordingly.
b. Cllr Palfrey presented a draft letter to First Great Western in response to a consultation document relating to changes to the train service. Members agreed the letter be sent.
956. Membership of Committees
Members agreed that Cllr Winfield be the second representative on Worcestershire CALC and Cllr Annis serve on the Finance and Property Committee.