Stewards Team Application 2016
Admin onlyArea
Ref no
Please print all information and return to:
The Stewards Administrator, 1177 Manchester Rd, Castleton,
Rochdale OL11 2XZ
or as an attachment to
Your detailsTitle
First Name
Permanent address
County / Postcode
Contact number (home)
Contact number (mobile)
Date of birth
(You need to be 16 or over) / I will be under 18 on 24th August 2016 / Yes / No
Date of application
Have you been to Greenbelt festival before?: Yes / No If so, in which team(s)?:
Have you volunteered at Greenbelt before?: Yes / No
Please let us know of any skills / experience / qualifications which are relevant to this role:
Please tell us why you are applying for this volunteer role at Greenbelt:
Please indicate your preferred choice of stewarding areas – in priority order from 1 – 4.
Please indicate if you are also wishing to be considered for the pre and post festival team.
Camp Site Steward / Front Desk / Night Steward
Pre/post festival steward team / Site Steward / Support Steward
Stage Steward / Venue Steward
If there’s someone you’d like to volunteer for the same area or hours as, please let us know here.
When do you expect to arrive for the 2016 festival? / Weds / Thurs / Fri
Pre- Festival Team (only) / Please delete when not available / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Post - Festival / Tues (am)
Reference Request [YOU MUST GIVE REFEREES]
Please give the contact details of two people you have known for some time and who are willing to act as a referee. Your referees should not be related to you. Greenbelt will be asking your referees about your character and your suitability for the role you are applying for
Name / Name
Post Code / Address
Post Code
Email address / Email address
Telephone Number / Telephone Number
How is this person known to you? / How is this person known to you?
Equal Opportunities
Greenbelt welcomes volunteer applications from all sections of the community and aims to treat everyone equally.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment, learning disability, medical or mental health condition which may affect the kind of volunteering role you are able to apply for?: / Yes / No
If yes, please give details:
Please let us know of any particular support needs that you have (e.g. needing large print material, wheelchair access):
Please remember to let us know if there are any changes to your condition between the time of your application and the festival.
Rehabilitation of Offenders
Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974) ex-offenders are requested to declare any unspent or pending convictions when applying for voluntary roles. Having a criminal record will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering. Greenbelt will take into account only unspent and pending convictions which are relevant to this role when assessing your suitability.
Do you have unspent or pending criminal convictions that you wish to declare? / Yes / No
If yes, please supply details of offences to the Festival Administrator giving your name and the role you have applied for All information will be treated in confidence.
By post: Confidential:
Peter King, Festival Administrator,
Greenbelt Festival, 1B Snow Hill Court, London EC1A 2EJ
Phone: 020 7329 0038 (extension 202)
Data protection
The details you supply on this form will be held securely and confidentially by Greenbelt and only used in relation to your application or to contact you about matters relating to Greenbelt festival or other events with which Greenbelt is associated.
Your details will be forwarded to the volunteer who leads the team you wish to join and they will be in touch with you with further details of your volunteering role. If the role you have applied for involves frequent contact with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults we may need to request a criminal records check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
We comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and take all reasonable care to prevent any unauthorised access to your personal data.
Finally, please enter your full name and date of application to confirm that the information you have provided is complete and correct. If information is found to be untrue or misleading Greenbelt may withdraw any voluntary post offered.
Signature Date
Greenbelt stewarding application form 2016