


15th May 2014

Minutes of the meeting of the held at the Town Hall, 34 High Street, Pershore, on Thursday 15th May 2014 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr D Watt (Chairman)

Cllr D Annis

Cllr R Grantham

Cllr C Parsons MBE

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr R Speight

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield

412. Election of Chairman

Cllr Watt was nominated by Cllr Rowley and seconded by Cllr Speight as Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year. There being no further nominations Cllr Watt was duly elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

413. Vice Chairman

Cllr Parsons was nominated by Cllr Rowley and seconded by Cllr Grantham as Vice Chairman of the Committee. There being no further nominations, Cllr Parsons was duly elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

414. Apologies

There were none

415. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Parsons declared a disclosable interest in the Planning Application for land at Allesborough Farm.

416. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Grantham, seconded by Cllr Parsons and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 6th May 2014 be accepted as true records of the proceedings.

417. Matters of Report from the minutes

There were none

418. Planning Applications

W/14/00601/LB and W/14/00772/AA

66, High Street, Pershore

Erect hanging bracket for hanging sign; add lettering to shop fascia; remove canopy and paint outside woodwork

Decision:- No objection


58, Three Springs Road, Pershore

Creation of new access driveway to 58, Three Springs Road

Decision:- No objection but would request a condition be placed on any approval that the existing driveway is extinguished in line with the drawing submitted with the planning application.


45, High Street, Pershore

Remove all existing signage to be replaced with new vinyl signage

Decision:- No objection


1 Deerhurst Terrace, Walcot Lane, Pinvin, Pershore

Demolition of garage and erection of one detached house on garden land adjoining 1 Deerhurst Terrace and alterations to access.

Decision:- Objection. Proposed detached property is out of keeping with the area and neighbouring row of terraced cottages. The proposal is cramped development of the site and concerns that the proposed access may impinge on the works access to the factory opposite.


Land at Allesborough Farm, Allesborough Hill, Pershore

45 dwellings including affordable housing and open space as approved under planning permission W/11/00752/OU but without compliance with condition 16 (surface water drainage)

Amended application:- site plan boundary amended to correspond to approved outline application


All drainage discharge from the site should comply with the original conditions imposed by the Inspector following the appeal against the refusal of outline planning permission.

Furthermore, the details now proposed for foul and surface water sewers through the curtilage of 1 Willow Close are unacceptable in that it is believed that the existing sewage system on the Allesborough Farm Estate is totally unsuitable to receive the additional discharge from the new development. These sewers have experienced several blockages in the past and are known to be in a poor condition, this was shown on recent excavations for new cable installation. There are also concerns that there would appear to be no survey or modelling of these sewers by Severn Trent to demonstrate the effects of an additional 50% loading, particularly as it is understood that

Severn Trent do not have full records of the existing sewers.

Members believe that the foul and surface water sewers should be directed along to the B4084 as provided for in the original Water Management Statement. This is a viable alternative and was originally planned. This route has to be excavated, as per the planning approval, for the

provision of a footpath and to connect to other services and it would be sensible for the

sewer connection to be made through this excavation at the same time.

Members are also concerned that the total easement possible when the garage of 1 Willow Close is demolished is only 3.6 metre (i.e. considerably less than 1.8 mere each side of the proposed pipes as it is assumed that they would be laid side by side with a gap between) which is well below the normally required width of 6 metres.

Additionally the easement will only be 2.3 metres from the neighbouring property, even less from the foundations of that property. Should this application be approved this will prevent the neighbouring property from adding the small extension (en suite bathroom) that the resident has considered.

It is also understood that the pipes would be 2 metres below ground . There are therefore concerns that this will compromise the integrity of the foundations of the bungalow (which will not be that deep, probably 650mm) and also the stability of the neighbouring ground and property as the easement comes right up to his boundary

419. Traffic issues at Station Road junction

Members considered the detrimental impact on the Station Road junction once the new houses on the north of the town were occupied. It was agreed to include this junction in the remit of the Northern Linkl working group who were asked to try to ensure that a Preserved Route was allowed so that a new road could be built in the future from Wyre Road to the other side of Allesborough Hill.

420. Refusals and Approvals

The Chairman reported on recent approvals and refusals

421. Items for information

There were none

422. Items for future agenda

Section 106 allocations

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.28pm.

Signed…………………………………………….. Date…………………………………………..
