Back-to-School Workshop Schedule

August 2016

New Teachers to the District Only- August 2-4

Tuesday, August 2 Perryville Elementary School Library, 605 Schindler Rd., Perryville, MO

8:00 am-3:00 pmNew Teacher Orientation*

Wednesday, August 3 Perry County School District, Professional Development Lab

8:00 am-3:00 pmNew Teacher Orientation*

Thursday, August 4 Perry County School District, Professional Development Lab

8:00 am-3:00 pmNew Teacher Orientation*

All PCSD Faculty and Staff- August 9-11

Certified Staff

Tuesday, August 9Building Designated Room(s)

8:00-11:00 amBuilding Schedules: PLC, Handbook, BYOD/GAFE Practices, Smarter Adults Safer Children Video

11:00 am-12:00 pmLunch on your own

12:00-3:00 pmFaculty Meetings

Certified Staff

Wednesday, August 10Building Designated Room(s)

8:00-11:00 amTalent Ed Evaluations, SLO Work

11:00 am-12:00 pmLunch on your own

12:00-3:00 pmTeacher Work Afternoon

12:00-1:00 pmCoaches’ Meeting-PHS Library

12:30-3:00 pmSPED Teachers’ Meeting-PCMS Library

Certified and Classified Staff

Thursday, August 11PHS Gym

8:00 am-12:00 pmA.L.I.C.E Training*

12:00-1:00 pmLunch on your own

1:00-3:00 pmTeacher Work Afternoon-Certified Staff

1:00-3:00 pmSmarter Adults, Safer Children Video-Classified Staff-HS Cafeteria

2:00-3:00 pmConfidentiality/protocols-Paraprofessionals, Teacher’s Aides only-HS Cafeteria- all other classified staff work in buildings as instructed by building admin

All PCSD Faculty and Staff and County Schools’ Staffs

Monday, August 15Perry Park Center Gym, 800 City Park Drive, Perryville, MO

7:15 amServing begins for a hot breakfast

8:00 amWelcome – Mr. Andy Comstock, Superintendent of Schools

8:15-8:30 amPep Rally

8:30-10:00 amKeynote: Debbie SilverDeliberate Optimism: Reclaiming the Joy at School*

Description: Dr. Debbie Silver’s belief is that, “If all the grown-ups at school would sticktogether, we could win!!” She talks about building positive relationships among faculty, staff, and administrators as well as negating the influence of those whoare not so positive. Filled with both heart and humor this session offers insightsand practical solutions for learning to “listen with more than your ears.” Come prepared to laugh, to think, and to feel good about the important job you do.

10:00-10:30 amBreak-Be sure to check out the vendors!

10:30-11:30 amDr. Angela Speck,Professor of Astrophysics and Director of Astronomy at University of Missouri – Columbia: Eclipse 2017*

Description: In August 2017, the view of the sun from the USA will change. For a few minutes, the moon will block out the sun and we will be plunged into darkness. Total Solar Eclipses happen quite often, but can only be seen from a very small section of the earth’s surface, this time, Perryville will be center stage. Find out what this historic event means for your community, and for your students.

11:30 am - 1:00 pmLunch on your own

Afternoon Sessions Choices for all Certified Staff.

Classified Staff may attend as assigned by building admin



1:00-1:45 pmDebbie SilverFall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8*

Description: In the globalized, digital, common core world of the 21st Century, learners will berequired to be more self-reliant and more self-motivated than at perhaps anyother time. Dr. Debbie Silver explores what teachers and parents must do toensure that students become the independent, resilient learners they need to be. Based on her new book, Fall Down 7 Times, Get Up 8: Teaching Kids to Succeed, Dr. Debbie Silver offers surprising breakthrough research to both inform andchallenge audiences. Participants leave with a better understanding of internalmotivation along with a myriad of ideas for helping students to becomesuccessful lifelong learners.


PHS Library (If no AC, moved to HS Cafeteria)

1:00-1:45 pmDr. Angela Speck Eclipse 2017*

Description: This session is especially designed for Science Teachers. This session will help you prepare your students to experience the “All American Eclipse” on Aug. 21, 2017. Dr. Speck will provide you with resources and ideas for hands-on, inquiry-based activities on many fascinating aspects of solar astronomy.



2:00-2:45 pmDebbie Silver Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers – Giving Every Student a Reasonable Chance at Success*

Description: Based on her best-selling book, Drumming to the Beat of Different Marchers – Finding the Rhythm for Differentiating Learning, Debbie Silver offers her wisdom and humor to answer the question, “How do we engage students who march to the beat of a different drummer? Debbie discusses how to give students multiple opportunities to internalize information and to show what they understand. She demonstrates how to use some components of differentiated learning, technology, and common core curriculum to maximize instruction for 21st century learners.


PHS Library (If no AC, moved to HS Cafeteria)

2:00-2:45 pmDr. Angela Speck Eclipse 2017*

Description: This session will provide teachers with great ways to prepare their students for viewing the eclipse, and provide time for teachers to ask Dr. Speck questions about Eclipse 2017.

* Counts towards the 15 hours of Professional Development as required by DESE.

Wednesday, August 17