*Permission Form DEADLINE is Monday, September 26, 2016 at 2:45PM*
Parade line up will begin at 1:30 PM on Friday, September 30, 2016.
Line up begins at the dirt road running parallel to the high school little gym.
- Everyone must enter from the dirt road beside the band room.
- Attendants should meet in the paved student parking lot.
- All community and grade floats and vehicles will line up behind the gymnasium (do NOT block the driveway).
The PARADE will START promptly at 2:00.
No person is allowed to participate in the parade without a school release/permission form filled out and turned into their principal, coach, or teacher (listed below).
Coaches, band director, and cheer sponsors, please collect and hold all permission forms for your files. These do not get turned in to Mrs. Adams.
No students are allowed to operate any type of vehicle during the parade, ADULTS ONLY!!!
ALL students participating shall follow the Geneva County Code of Conduct Handbook.
All cheerleaders, football players, and band members must participate with your group or team. (Unless you are part of the homecoming court or a beauty queen.)
No person shall get off or on any float(s) or car(s) for any reason once the parade starts.
No person is allowed to ride on any hood or tailgate of any vehicle. *T-Tops, convertibles, sunroofs, and pick-up trucks are permitted.* No four wheelers/golf cart-type vehicles are allowed in the parade.
CANDY ONLY (Provide your own)! No spray or objects shall be thrown or used anytime during the parade.
The traditional parade will be followed through town. Upon completion, the parade will end at the log house museum.
Limit of one float entry per grade with a maximum of 8 people per float.
It is the responsibility of all teachers and class sponsors observing the parade to monitor and correct student behavior and any discipline problems they witness thereof.
Whom do I turn my parade permission form in to?
Football players (School and Rec League)- to your COACHES
Cheerleaders (School and Rec League)- to your SPONSORS
Band members- Band Director
Grade level attendants (K-12), Community Beauty Queens, alumni floats, grade level floats, community vehicles and floats not listed above- to Mrs. Adams at the high school
Homecoming Parade Participant Information:
Name ______
Grade (if in school)______
Teacher (if in elem. school) ______
How will you be riding in the parade? ______
(ex: Miss Samson, Homecoming attendant, alumni float, Rec Cheer/ ball, football, community vehicle/float, etc.)
*ALL coaches, band director, and ALL cheer sponsors, please collect and hold all permission forms for your files. These do not get turned in to Mrs. Adams. Students who do not turn in a completed permission form will not be allowed to participate in the parade.
I ______,agree to follow all rules in the Geneva County Code of
(Participant’s Printed Name)
Conduct Book and the above-mentioned parade rules of Samson Elementary, Middle and High Schools
and release the schools of any liability from any incidents which may occur during the parade.
Parent(s) Signature ______Date: ______
Student’s Signature ______Date: ______