March Topics Grade 1
Literacy TopicsWriting Workshop:
- Opinion Writing: Writing Reviews
- To create informed opinions that revolve around detailed reason
- To write authentic reviews
- To elaborate using various writing strategies
Unit of Study- Readers Have Big Jobs To Do
Anchor Texts: A Fine, Fine School,The Recess Queen
- Identify who is telling the story at various points in the text.
- Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
- Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
Math Topics
Unit 7-Number and Operations in Base Ten- Compare Numbers (CC.1.NBT)
- Model and compare two-digit numbers to determine which is greater or less
- Use symbols for less than, greater than, and equal to
- Solve problems using the strategy make a model
- Draw a model to add and subtract tens
- Use concrete models to add ones or tens to a two-digit number
- Solve and explain two-digit addition word problems using the strategy Draw a picture
Science Topics
UNIT: How are animals alike and different?
Identify describe and compare the physical structures of animals: mammals, birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles
Virtual Vocabulary
Compare Characteristics
Identify Physical Characteristics
Describe Life Cycles
Observe How Animals Grow and Change in Predictable Ways
Social Studies Topics
UNIT: What is a Community?
Community Jobs
People in communities have different jobs (teacher, truck driver, doctor, government leaders, etc.)
Meeting Community Needs
Families have needs
Communities meet people’s needs
People work to earn money to provide for their needs
Governments provide assistance to families and communities
Problems arise when people want more than the community can provide
People use tools –science, technology- to meet needs
Conserve resources (recycle) / Just Say Hi!
TP: The Power of Language: How can words be used to make people feel good or bad?
- kind words vs. unkind words
- making connections with others
- self-worth
- getting to know the characteristics of others
Revised 2/18