SPHS Curriculum Map

Course: ART 7

Date Revised: Summer 2013

Month / Units/Content / Objectives/Outcomes/Assessments / Standards / Instructional Methods/Materials
October- November
March -April
April – May
May / 1. Value Scale
2. Value
3. Actual Texture: Clay
4. Space, Visual Texture, Collage, Color
5. Stamps and Presentation
6. Impressionism/ Art History
7. 2D Space/
Art History: MC Escher
8. Crayon Resist and Watercolor Values
Art History/ Georgia O’Keefe
9. Pop Art Sculpture and Paper Mache
10. Plaster Masks
11. Line and Watercolor Wash / Outcome 1.1 – Students will learn about value.
1.1.2 – Students will draw the contour of something that interests them.
1.1.3 – Students will use the value scale to finish the artwork.
1.1.4 - Assignment will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 2.1 – Students will learn more about value and how to render value.
2.1.2 – Students will create a geometric design using cones, circles, or cylinders.
2.1.3 – Students will demonstrate how to render value.
2.1.4 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 3.1 – Students will make one pinch pot, and one animal effigy cup, and one ceramic bead.
3.1.2 – Student will learn about the clay process while making a pinch pot.
3.1.3 – Students will use clay tools to create animal effigy cup.
3.1.4 – Students will glaze animal effigy cup, bead, and pinch pot
3.1.5 – Assignment will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 4.1 – Students will learn about space, visual texture, color, and collage while creating a box for their ceramic bead.
4.1.2 – Students will bring in a small box.
4.1.3 – Students will choose a color scheme to use with tissue paper and gloss to decorate.
4.1.4 – Students need to include one word on this box.
4.1.5 – Students will be graded with a rubric
Outcome 5.1 – Students will create stamps to decorate the wrapping materials to be placed inside of the box from lesson 4.1.
5.1.2 – Students will learn about presentation and its importance.
5.1.3 – Students will use the stamps on tissue paper.
5.1.4 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 6.1 – Students will learn about impressionism
6.1.2 – Students will paint with an impressionist style.
6.1.3 – Students will first draw and image then paint.
6.1.4 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 7.1 – Students will learn about 2D space
7.1.2 – Students will draw their dream house
7.1.3 – Students will use water based paint to finish the artwork.
7.1.4 – Assignment will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 8.1 – Students will learn about the technique crayon resist, how to make values with watercolors, and artist Georgia O’Keefe.
8.1.2 – Students will use an artwork of O’Keefe to create a crayon resist.
8.1.3 – Students will use watercolors to render value.
8.1.4 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 9.1 – Students will design and create a candy bar that represents themselves.
9.1.2 – Students will sketch out a candy bar design
9.1.3 – Students will paper mache a video tape container
9.1.4 – Students will draw and paint their design using acrylic paint.
9.1.5 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 10.1 – Students will learn about the meaning of masks and plaster.
10.1.2 – Students will use partners to plaster each others faces.
10.1.3 – Students will create a design on the mask.
10.1.4 – Students will paint the masks with acrylic paint.
10.1.5 – Students will accessories the masks.
10.1.6 – Students will be graded with a rubric.
Outcome 11.1 – Students will create a line design on a watercolor wash.
11.1.2 – Students will use warm or cool colors to create a watercolor wash.
11.1.3 – Students will use only lines to create a design on top of the watercolor wash.
11.1.4 – Students will be graded using a rubric. / VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V7.1
VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V7.1
VPA K12.V5.1
VPA K12.V7.1
VPA K12.V2.2
VPA K12.V7.1
VPA K12.V2.2
VPA K12.V5.4
VPA K12.V5.1 / Lecture
Visual Examples
Create artwork using hands pencil
Visual Examples
Create artwork using paper, and colored pencils
Create artwork using clay, tools, glaze
Lecture and handout on color schemes
Hands on project using tissue paper, gloss, and cut out word
Hands on project with chuck board, glue, paint, and tissue paper
Visual Images
Hands on project with paint
Hands on projects with paper, rulers, and water based paint.
Hands on Project with crayon and watercolor
Hands on project, with paper mache and paint
Hands on project using plaster and acrylic paint.
Hands on project using watercolor and marker.

Additional Learning Activities:

Weekly Sketch Assignments - Continuous practice drawing outside of class assignments